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Everything posted by zulu

  1. Well I knew this was going to happen sooner or later due to the vast number of macross toys I have collected over the years...A FRACKING MISSING PART!!!!! I know I probably shouldn't bitch but come on- when you spend $200 on a toy it should be pretty darn perfect IMO. Do you guys think I should contact NY to see if I can get a spare tire or should I check with the local hobby shops.
  2. I couldn't agree more with ya. The skulls on the fins would look 100% better!!
  3. I've purchased a few things from NY and by default I have it set up for U.S dollars instead of yen, however whenever I purchase something and it directs me to pay via PayPal it converts back to yen. Does anybody know why this is happening on the PayPal website and how do I switch it to U.S currency? Sorry don't mean to change the subject but I was lucky enough to get a VF25F from NY and it happened again on the PayPal website. Thanks for any help.
  4. Who did you order it from?
  5. Jack pot!!!! Just pre-ordered 2 from NY for only $183 a piece
  6. This seems promising http://www.comingsoon.net/news/movienews.php?id=99333
  7. I just got mine from NY and this is the most beautiful bird out of my entire collection. Excellent work Yamato!
  8. EMS (express).
  9. I bought mine from NY and I'm still waiting here in Florida. Can anybody decipher what this means: Date Status Details Post office Prefecture ZIP code Dec 29 20:28 Posting/Collection MATSUYAMANISHI Ehime prefecture 791-8799 Dec 30 7:18 Arrival at outward office of exchange OSAKA INTERNATIONAL Osaka prefecture 549-8799 Dec 30 17:46 Dispatch from outward office of exchange OSAKA INTERNATIONAL Osaka prefecture 549-8799 Man I hope my valk didn't get lost
  10. The pre-order button is still grayed out
  11. Just out of curiosity...are there any micro missiles in that armor pack?
  12. I had pre-purchased mine through NY and I'm still waiting for an email asking me to pay the remaining balance. Has anybody here gotten such an email from NY?
  13. zulu

    DX Chogokin Super VF-27

    Regarding the hip issue...is there a chance Bandai didn't use the old mold and that perhaps whoever transformed the 27 for the convention didn't do so properly?
  14. The link is coming up as a private video... Can't view it http://youtu.be/ApwFDxc9PzI?t=5s
  15. zulu

    DX VF-25G

    I just received my 2 valks today from NY and I was pretty happy with the overall experience of ordering with them. I will gladly place another order from them for the super packs and hopefully the RVF. Thanks Nippon!
  16. zulu

    DX VF-25G

    Has anybody gotten a response from NY that their order has been shipped out yet? I'm still waiting to her back from them.
  17. zulu

    DX VF-25G

    The message was these were going out in September, so when are they going to show us some fast packs!
  18. Can somebody post when this will be offered online to purchase? Will this be offered at HLJ, Amiami, etc?
  19. zulu

    DX VF-25G

    Does anybody know or have seen any mention of Bandai coming out with new fast packs for the VF-25G?
  20. Graham, since there was a lot of confusion about the mechanics of the hands could you show some detail pics on how they work? I'm still debating if I still want this valk....thanks.
  21. I hate to say it but from what I've seen with Bandai and their first batch of Frontier series I'm going to wait for v2. I got a funny feeling Bandai is going to hear all the complaints about the hands and find an acceptable way later on down the road to include them in all modes.
  22. zulu

    DX VF-25G

    Wow!!! Just noticed that the total amount due for this pre-order has already been sent via Paypal to Nippon ><. I thought Nippon only charged a small amount up front and then the final balance about 2 weeks before delivery. This is my first time using Nippon- can somebody verify this? God I hope I don't get screwed again on the exchange rates if they are not able to deliver on my product.
  23. Did anybody notice on the last pic (battleroid backside) there is a hinge on the leg armor. Could this be a hatch that opens to display mini missiles? Sorry if this has already been discussed at length in a previous thread. Does anybody have pics with this open?
  24. zulu

    DX VF-25G

    Wow...this didn't last long! http://www.hlj.com/product/BAN976275
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