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Solid Liquid Fox

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About Solid Liquid Fox

  • Birthday 05/01/1977

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    Solid Liquid Fox
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    Solid Liquid Fox
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    Fort Lauderdale, FL

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Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. Look closely at the pics for the 2 new stands. There is a strike version on it.
  2. Thanks UN Spacy...if he gets the Stealth I'll be placing a mega order with him!
  3. any coupons out there for them?
  4. Now, where is the Max and Millia re-issue????????
  5. I agree a new TV Roy would be great but seems unlikely in the near future with the 3rd re-issue of Roy coming out shortly.
  6. Yes they did. Right now I think everyone is on a stand-by mode hoping for the best when it comes to Yamato and their handling of Zero and Plus. Even though hope is slim I have this naggin feeling that when we least expect it we will be blown away with something from those series along the lines of the 1/48. We are still here Yamato...we are still here.
  7. I like the TV series more than the movie. I also wish they would focus more on making the valks more universal so we can modify them to look like the TV series. What do you guys think are the chances of them re-issuing Max and Millia again? I want to pick those up at a reasonable price.
  8. looks familiar I think that we overestimate the amunt of people that are paying $100-$150 for a transformable toy. Those who are able to usually pick one up and open it up for display/play. Not many are into Macross as they are into other series like Gundam outside of this forum. I think in 20 years we would be surprised to find many 1/48's on ebay mint in box.
  9. There'll probably be a Deluxe Edition right before the 3rd movie. Then you'll get a trilogy set that will be worthless when the 4th movie comes out.
  10. What can i say? Last Exile rocks!
  11. We gotta be the most undecisive and anal bunch in the world. Those last 3 designs are very good and whatever variation of them would be accepted. Kuddos to all the people that have worked on them.
  12. Mikimoto #014 received today. boo-yah!
  13. I think you should keep the blue Macross logo instead of the red one. Is a better composition overall. I think that's the cover to one of the soundtracks. I like the images chosen so far. The top image should be the logo but in blue or in that chrome color. The red doesn't work for me. The airplane hand is a must for one of the sides. A collage of characters would go great on the other side. The back side of the box being the smallest one could use either that Sharon "eye" thing, a small pic of the vf-19 in battroid or a picture of the Sharon hologram in front of the SDF Macross. Whatever the picture in the spine it should say "Macross Plus".
  14. I placed an order for both. Nice idea and a nice project to support. Only 26 orders? Come on guys!
  15. I agree. The Takara is great and so far it is the definitive Prime toy. Hasbro owners who are not as picky should be proud as well. It is essentially the same toy.
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