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Everything posted by Aegis!

  1. I couldn't agree more mate The really good stuff never gets into the mainstream (and I thank God for that ) ; I'm personally open to all kinds of music , I have my prefferences of course like (real) Metal , Ska , etc , but I can tolerate most styles of music out there , with the big exceptions that are american pop music,mainstream dance music and Britpop (Jesus , why does everyone have to listen to the same crap ? God knows how much I hate that Pop-idol crap -sorry for those who like it , I just can't tolerate it-.). I don't like R&B or modern hip-hop (whatever happened to the old days of hip-hop ) but I as I said before , I can tolerate them without disliking them. I happen to have this deep hatred for groupies as well so I don't often talk about my musical prefferences with other people as the majority of those persons who I end up talking with about music tend to have a collection of Britney's CDs or the latest boy-band single I never got into the trendy stuff , maybe because popular music tends to lack depth and definition to appeal to the greater audiences
  2. Aegis!

    1:60 GBP-1 !?

    Why is it that I have this feeling that the GBP will have poor sales ? 1/48 fever maybe ? <_< Seriously , I really love the 1/60 and I acknowledge the 1/48s as the best toy overall at the same time but from the number of people that have already commented on skipping the 1/60 GBP for the 1/48 version , which if anyone has noticed hasn't even been anounced as a possibility , I gather that the GBP won't see a very warm welcome, don't get me wrong , as I say I love the 1/60 but as time goes by the 1/48 fever grows stronger and up until now people were pretty much expecting the 1/60 line to die in favor of the more expensive 1/48 line... I just hope this doesn't happen but as I see it now , I don't know how many people would invest their money in something they don't care anymore I wonder if Yamato will scrap their plans for a 1/72 line if people start to prioritize the 1/48 line over anything else. I'm even starting to wonder if it is worth having another line I know this could easily be seen as a rant against the 1/48 line , something which I've done in the past, but I'm seriously worring that we'll be stuck with just one line of products at the end , I know we would be getting the nicest toys afterall but I don't really know if turning the 1/48 line into the mass production line is very smart in the long term sorry for that
  3. Aegis!

    1:60 GBP-1 !?

    Man , am I happy that Yamato is finally releasing a GBP for the 1/60 Knowing Yamato past strategies I would bet they're releasing the GBP alone (more profit ) as well as a bundle with a 1J , if they released the GBP soely as a bundle they would have to reduce the price of the armour a bit so it doesn't get too overpriced together with the VF-1J , but they'll proably release a VF-1J with the GBP so to get even more profits from the people that didn't get the Hikaru 1J. this is just hopeful thinking though , but the chances of people who already own the Super 1J to buy the VF-1J+GBP bundle is pretty slim so I think Yamato will realise that they can get more profit from selling the GBP as sepparate set as well. Just a question for Graham : Do you think (just your opinion) they release the GBP with Roy's 1S as well in the future ?
  4. Aegis!

    1:60 GBP-1 !?

    mmmm....Graham seems to have fallen asleep or something , I can't hear anything from him I'd be pretty pissed off if they release the GBP armour only as a bundle with the VF-1J (i.e. VF-1J+GBP) , I love the 1J but mi absolute rule is that I won't buy a the same variant twice .
  5. Aegis!

    1:60 GBP-1 !?

    Jesus , you 1/48-people can't allow yourselves to think that Yamato would release something in 1/60 <_< look at the 1/48 VF-1J at the left side of the pciture and you'll notice that the GBP is certainly not 1/48 : I have no doubt that we'll eventually see a 1/48 GBP armour but not so soon. I really hope Yamato is thinking of releasing a GBP for the 1/60s , that would certainly be awesome. BTW , aren't the pilots from the new PS2 game supposed to wear purple helmets ?
  6. I have to say , the non-transformable ones look nicer everytime I see a new pic of them. Kaiyodo is releasing two different lines of VF-1 capsule toys , there're transformable Vf-1s (the ones with crappy nosecones ) with limited articulation and non-transformable Vf-1s with lots of articulation. Damn , HLJ is selling them as randomly packed toys , i.e. you won't know what toy you're getting until you open the box... If only Kevin could sell them non-randomly Edit: I was wondering , if you order one of these 10pcs boxes , would you get transformable VF-1s as well as non-transformable VF-1s or will they sell them as separate items (i.e. one box with transformable VF-1s and other with non-transformable VF-1s) ?
  7. Yeah , the N-Gage will pretty much suck. I'm keeping my GBA whatever advanced handheld is released in the coming years , just for the sake of playing good quality 2D games , but I'll certainly wait to see what Sony comes up with for the PSP which sounds interesting , not that I'll buy one just because it's Sony (in the contrary , I'd much rahter avoid Sony stuff ) as I'll also wait for Nintendo's next Handheld , but so far the PSP has more potential for good games , I just hope they design a good control layout for the PSP...It would be nice to play Macross Plus: Game edition on a handheld system and it also has the advantage that I'd be able to connect my MD to it ...nice The only bad issue with Nintendo handhelds is the ammount of kiddy games that are released for their systems (yeah I know there're a lot more good games out there ) , not that it makes a difference in my playing experience but it surely makes a difference in the way people percieve handhelds consoles , so if Sony enters the market I hope they at least achieve to change Nintendo's (or developers) perspective of their consumer market.
  8. Wow , they look nicer than the last time I saw them , If only theses toys had been released 10 years ago , they would've been the perfect toy , but hey , what the hell , we know many of us will end up getting some of these little buggers It seems Kaiyodo will release two different series , a non-trnasformable hyper-articulated line and a badly-sculpted transformable line , I personally will try to collect the non-transformable figures , they seems quite solid and have a nice sculpt , it's not like I would be missing something if I don't pick up the trnasformable ones since we have Banpresto anyway. I'm drooling already , 10s of regults and Q-Raus vs a few VF-1 squadrons , these figures will be perfect for making a lot of custom colour schemes without spending too much money. I wonder when Kevin will have them ready for sale
  9. And yet with all these evidence at hand people still argue that the VF-0 is an old VF-1 prototype used for transformation tests ( )...
  10. I kinda doubt Bandai's license would last more than couple of years more , they released their M7 toys a long time ago and such licenses don't last that long unless you renew them , which is not something that's up to Bandai to aprove but to BW , and since Yamato is making the most profit for BW from toy production I'd assume BW will eventually give Yamato authorisation to make M7 toys. In the other hand , even if Bandai's license for M7 toys ended tomorrow I doubt Yamato would start making M7 toys any time soon because of their seemingly endless over-explotation of their VF-1 molds. If Yamato really wanted to make new toys like the VA-14 or the VF-5000 they could just go and make them under their Macross Plus licenses which hasn't ended yet as we're still waiting for their YF-19FP. What I think Yamato is doing with their M+ license is the same as their SDF license , in other words , they are currently trying to get the most revenue out of their old 1/72 molds before they start making something new - saving some money first before investing in new molds for new toys -. So , it'll be at least 3 to 4 years before we start seeing some new valks from Yamato....unless they alternatively release some VF-X2 valks in paralel to their M0 line...
  11. If only Yamato would make some neat 1/72 or 1/60 VF-X2 vallks I suppose Bandai license will have to end soon , and it won't be long for BW to realise that Yamato is making far more money for them than Bandai is and they'll hopefully give Yamato the M7 license. What I'm wondering though is whether Yamato can ask BW to give them a M7 license , I mean , Bandai and Hasegawa both have licenses for SDF Macross and I don't see anyone complaining , why wouldn't BW give Yamato a M7 license if they know Yamato is making more money from macross toys ? I would be enourmously happy if Yamato eventually makes this valks : - VF-5000G - Gamlin and Millia's VF-22s - VF-19S and Kai - VA-14 - VF-11D jamming bird variant and © FA variant What bothers my most is that from that list Yamato could easily produce a VF-5000B and a VA-14 from their M+ license (the Va-14 is shortly seen in the Movie version when Isamu throws his helmet to Yang Newman , although SK hasn't confirmed this to be a VA-14 but I would like to think it is ). Even if Yamato gets the M7 license It'll be a long time before we see any of these toys as Yamato is quite busy with the over-exploited VF-1 and then the YF-19FP and hopefully the M0 toys...
  12. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! Why God , Why ? Though , he might just be a fan of the actress herslef rather than that f***ing little w***ing wizard aka Harry Potter...
  13. Now where are you getting that info from ? I haven't seen that info in either the OVAs nor the Compendium ...It's OK to speculate , which is mostly what everyone is doing , but to invent such nonsense is just ridiculous. My argument is drawn directly from all the material available whereas your :-''VF-0 was used to test overtechnology that is currently in the VF-1.''- argument can in no way be backed up by anything in the OVAs or the Chronology. The VF-1 is 20 years old and the design specifications have been available for quite a long time , so I really doubt Kawamori will suddenly say that the VF-1 has an energy converting armour such as the SW-AG armour the VF-0 features solely so that the VF-1 can be reffered as one of the ''future variable fighters'' the compendium is talking about (i.e. YF-19 & 21 pin-point barrier system , which is the only energy protective system present in a valkyrie apart from the VF-0 <_< ) It's fairly possible that Kawamori will take advantage of void that there's within the continuity before SW1 and even modify some details from it but I highly doubt he'll waste his time trying to fully esxplain the origins of the VF-0. If the Anti-UN had a new variable fighter then why would the UN deploy an old rusty VF-1 prototype that was supposedly used more than 6 years ago (based on your argument ) ? What role did the VF-0 play in the VF-1 development if they used the VF-X and VF-X-1 for tesing the VF-1's airframe (which is quite smaller than the VF-0 so it would be stupid to test the VF-0's airframe instead of the VF-1's particular airframe) and transformation mechanism ? What about all the other VF-1A prototypes which were already testing the thermonuclear engines before the VF-0 was ever deployed ? in other words , what's the point of producing 24+ VF-1 prototypes with conventional engines if the VF-1 was always designed for thermonuclear engines and all acknowledged VF-1 prototypes used thermonuclear engines ? Ok , let's assume the VF-1 is one of these ''future variable fighters'' that feature energy converting armour, where are all the other systems that the VF-0 was testing at the same time the VF-1 was being finished in the factories ? See my point ? where's the logic in bulding 24+ aircraft solely for testing overtechnology for another aircraft that is about to be released from the factories ? specially when none of these systems were ever integrated into the VF-1 design ... Would the fact that the Anti-UN was also developing VFs not be enough to motivate the UN to start developing new fighters apart from the VF-1 which, if we remember well , was unavailable for deployment ? And let me point out another thing everyone seems to have ignored up until now: Gerwalk mode was supposed to have been discovered by accident during a VTOL test using the second VF-1A model , so how come the VF-0 pilots be so familiar with Gerwalk mode ? more over , how do you explain the VF-0 to have Gerwalk mode incorporated into the transformation modes ? If it indeed was a pre-VF-1 protoype then it would only have Battroid and Fighter modes. Furthermore , the VF-0 features Omnidirectional HUD display which is only seen in future variable fighters like the YF-19 ; now , isn't this good enough proof that the reffered future variable fighters in the Compendium are indeed the SuperNova prototypes instead of the VF-1 ? Face the facts , the VF-0 is not a VF-1 prototype.
  14. Pretty much the lack of variety (for crying out loud , how many more VF-1s are they gonna produce before their molds burn from excesive use ? )
  15. You keep repeating that to yourself , you might even believe it someday explain this to me , how the heck are they supposed to integrate this overtechnology the VF-0 is testing into the VF-1 if the VF-1 has already been been tested and fully developed and is one step away from being released from the factories ? yeah , keep ignoring all I've said but that still doesn't explain the fact that the VF-0 follows no logical criteria to be concidered a prototype of the VF-1.
  16. It is not strange to have 24+ testebeds when the VF-0 is reffered as a trial production fighter , and secondly the VF-1 is mentioned to barely have around 5 prototypes , all of which were developed and tested (using thermonuclear engines) long before the VF-0 was deployed , so where's the need to produce 24+ prototypes which use conventional engines ? Problem is , the VF design had already been tested and proved to be feasible by the VF-X and VF-X-1 prototypes , moreover , the design was further developed with the VF-1A prototype that is mentioned to have flown in November 29th of 2006 , two years before the ''proof of concept'' VF-0 was first deployed. If we're to quote the Compendium then : If the VF-1 has no SW-AG energy converting armour then what ''Future Variable Fighters'' might they be reffering to ? If I recall well , the only future variable fighters that use some kind of energy converting armour are the to AVF developed in the SuperNova project (i.e. YF-19 & 21). So , no , the VF-1 cannot possibly be categorized under the ''future variable fighters'' category ; specially when the VF-1 has (as said in the OVA itslef)already passed the developmental stages and is already in the factories. I would like to think it comes from common sense
  17. Now , that would be freaking sweet
  18. mmmm...interesting , although to a certain point I'm not sure how good it is for Vol.4 to be out so soon (production time-wise) , I hope this is true. The sooner Ep.5 is released , the sooner we'll see a Set with all 5 episdoes being released - officially or otherwise -.
  19. If they are indeed VF-1 prototypes them why are there more than 24 VF-0s and just about a handful of VF-1A prototypes ? Do you really think that number of VFs were neccesary to test the VF-1 design ? particullarly when the two designs vary so much because of the engine's dimensions ? Why would they do tests for the VF-1 using the VF-0 if the design is , although aesthetically similar , quite different ? Furthermore , why would they be doing tests for the VF-1 in 2008 if the VF-1s were one step away from being released from the factories (i.e. the engines ) ? Isn't it more feasible for the UN to deploy the VF-0 from this paralel testbed proggrame than waste high-budget Vf-1s from the factories ?
  20. Was there any doubt about that ? What I've been wondering about for months is this two questions : - When did the UN decided to develop the VF-0 ? And - Why specificly ? It would be fairly obvious that any VF developed right after the VF-1 would be at the very least quite similar in design to the VF-1 since they didn't haven any other design to base newer VFs on. If those peope that say the VF-0 is nothing more than a VF-1 prototype are right then why did the UN develop the VF-0 in the fisrt place if the VF-1 had already been developed and the first functional VF-1A had already been tested long before the VF-0 appeared on scene ? why would they be making tests for the development of the VF-1 with the VF-0 if VF-1 was already tested and in their way out of the factories ? why would they deploy the VF-0 to Mayan unless they were on a hurry and the only functional VFs that they had were the testbed VF-0s ? If the only functional VFs in existence during the Sharon Apple incident were the two SuperNova YFs (i'm not at all saying they were , is just a theory) , wouldn't it be smarter to deploy those two instead of waiting months for some other VF to come out ? If the VF-0 was the only thing they had at the moment because they were making test for post-VF-1 variable fighters , then why wouldn't they fit some conventional engines in the VF-0 so it could be deployed faster ? Yes , they could've deployed VF-1s but there's a difference in altering the design of mass production VF that is being manufactured and altering the design of a test fighter that is open to many alterations during its development.
  21. yep , they pretty much die with the other 90% of the population , unless they somehow get to the Macross before SW1. At least we can be sure that Edgar dies
  22. So from what I gather the VF-1A was already fully developed and under testing long before Macross Zero ( by 2009 they were mainly having trouble with the engines , just as it is said in M0 ...so much for lack of continuity ), meaning that either the VF-0 is an enhanced VF-1 altered for conventional engines and OT tests or is a totally new model that had to be designed for conventional engines so to test newly discovered OT (i.e. the cyclops radar was relatively new by the time of M0 , just see Ep.1). I see it this way , by the time of the Mayan conflict the UN was still doing test in the new Thermonuclear engines , hence the VF-0 couldn't have used them , mean that the UN couldn't delay more the deployment of the new VF-0 hence it was altered for the use of conventional engines (they could do this with the VF-1 since it was solely developed for Thermonuclear engines while the VF-0 was a test fighter ). At least that's what I've concluded after seeing this.
  23. Actually , they only own the animation.
  24. AMEN BROTHER , AMEN PS: I doubt that the new PS2 game will be released outside Japan thought but then again , we could finally see M+:GE if this goes well
  25. Let me get this straight : - Studio Nue owns the rights to every single design featured Macross. Right ? So...if HG only recieved their rights from Tatsunoko (i.e. HG hasn't got any more rights than what Tatsunoko has today ) which now is said to have rights solely to the animation part of SDF Macross... Could this mean that the Destroid Monster Featured in M+ , Millia's VF-1 from M7 , or for that matter the UN symbol itself which appears in all Macross series (included M0) would not be legal property of HG for them to claim that BW is unable to distribute Macross sequels or prequels internationally (I'm not sure if HG (Tatsunoko) has international rights to the animation or just for the US ) ??? ! And since the VF-X1 Plus featured in PSOne game VF-X2 is based in DYRL , would this mean that they could eventually release it outside Japan , as well as M+:GE !? I'm not at all exited about this but if it's clear that Studio Nue owns the designs and concepts of Macross then it means that HG cannot possibly claim to have more than what their recieved from Tatsunoko which only has the rights to the animetion alone
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