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Everything posted by Aegis!

  1. Well , at last I have some time to post my comments on the VF-0 First of all , I´m impressed with the level of detail they´ve already achieved in the early crapy prototype , if the current sculpt is anything better than that then I´m really pleased. Secondly , as we all know and feel , it´s a real shame they decided to go with 1/100 when they could perfectly have gone with 1/72 but I suppose they´ll save that option for the higher quality version (or 1/60 which would be perfect but alas it´s been ruled out by G already so ) but seeing this opens a new market for Macross toys (more affordable instead of expensive collection pieces nobody cares to spend so much money into - talking about casual fans or non fans -) I´m hopeful this will serve Yamato for new projects in the future. On the bright side , IT AIN¨T ANOTHER FREAKING VF-1 !!!. I´m not overly excited by this new line , it may be cheaper on one hand but on the other it´s not perfect and if I´m gona invest on M0 I prefer to have the real thing instead of something which doesn´t do justice to the mechs. I´m may buy a OCTOS and VF-0D but that would be it
  2. Phoenix? Wrong thread? nope , he´s right. The VF-0 is called VF-0 Phoenix , it was named that way since M0 was first announced.
  3. WTF!indeed ! How on Earth can HG do this ? this goes against all previous assumptions from every single person that knows about all the license debate thingy This gotta produce some sort of reaction from BW and SN , if not say goodbye to any chance we thought we had of seeing any macross product outside japan. Next thing we´ll see : Robotech Plus I feel terribly unconfortable as I look at this sh$t and realise I can´t do anything to understand WTF is happening. Seeing as they´re un-rightfully using DYRL material. To my knowledge Tatsunoko has not a single freaking thing to do with DYRL or it´s material , or are they gonna say they can just use it cause it´s based on the TV series ? you gotta be kidding me. HG has definitively crossed the line here and has entered unauthorised soil , I think we´re experiencing the beggining of the end here , either in favour of Macross or HG , but that time when the two sides will collide head to head is finally arriving IMO.
  4. Is it really possible to get tired of such awesome customs ? IMO , no. Of course , other custom schemes are welcome as well , just keep it up
  5. Aegis!


    Mate that´s just wicked. How did they take the initiative of asking for consumer suggestions. Here´s my suggestions: 1.- 1/48 LOW VIS , if they can get them then that´s gonna be awesome 2.- 1/48 VF-1S Hikaru 3.- 1/48 VF-1J M&Ms 4.- 1/48 VF-1J Hikaru 5.- 1/60 Q-rau 6.- 1/60 GBP and most importantly : 1/100 M0 toys Seeing M0 stuff in the UK would simply rule , it would really be awesome.
  6. I was about to post that I would consider buying Millia´s 1J but then I came across the news about Sony new Hi-MD units and then I immediately retracted that thought , specially so when I realised the 1Js are only bundled with the Super armor. If they came alone I could consider buying one but right now I have much more important priorities.
  7. WTF !!!??? Shawn said we should SAND OUR BALLS , man I´ve seen some weird suggestions on these boards but mate isn´t that gonna hurt a little bit ? Wouldn´t wax work better instead of sandpaper ? that´s kinda sadist. Oh yeah , I forgot , please quit posting more threads about the M0 toys , I think 1 is enough.
  8. Fanboy checklist /ON/ : -Mecha Series : yes -long TV series format : yes -loads of action : yes -Froating head in charge: yes -Macross: no At last the mystery is revealed , shame it wasn´t macross but still , it´s coming from the froating head so it should be good. Just hope is not filled with environmentalist propaganda like arjuna. Seems we won´t get a new Macross TV series soon.
  9. I posted a thread about this very same topic on the old boards but I didn´t get any reply If I remember well so I did a bit of research and found the same links posted here. I guess it was the wrong question and the wrong moment. A very cool looking mecha indeed , shame it isn´t canon.
  10. Although I normaly vote against 1/48 non-VF-1 valks I have to say a VF-11 and a Ghost would be small enough to be just like the current VF-1 1/48 toys so that wouldn´t be too bad at all. But the YFs...yeah right..I love them to death but they´re just too big for 1/48 IMO (no news there though). Thanks for making that small confirmation. I think we should´ve just listened more carefully when YAmato said the 1/48 line was for collectors and limited ti the Vf-1.
  11. Is that Yamato´s new 1/48 project ? well , you know, if it ain´t 1/48 then that gun is not worth a penny.
  12. Good luck waiting for M0 mate. Don´t want to get into a debate or anything but I´m sure HG has it locked in their radars from a long time ago and they´re just waiting for it to come a bit closer so they can shoot it down as they´ve done with all previous macross series (except for M+). As for your suggestions I recomemend you wathc Rahxephon , Cowboy Bepop and FLCL. I would like to reccomend Yukikaze but I honestly thought it was lacking a lot so is not really worth except if your just looking for nice dogfights.
  13. I suck at modeling but I would still definetively buy a VF-5000 kit so put another vote on that beauty for me. second vote goes to the VF-14 then the VF-19S and fourth the Neo-Glaug. i.e. 1.-VF-5000 (1/72 or bigger) 2.- VF-14 (Max or Millia´s variant) 3.- VF-19S 4.- Neo-Glaug
  14. AWESOME !!! man that VF-19 Kai looks amazing , wonderful weathering and bullet effects , it seems Basara is getting his ass handed to him pretty badly. You make the Kai look like a real war machine HAve you got anymore pics ? Sorry I forgot , I also love the Blazer valkyrie , I think it´s even cooler than the YF-19 to be honest.
  15. I know many people has been demotivated by some opinions on this OST , I know this cause I was one of them , I firstly thought M0 was the only macross show laking that ¨originality¨ on its OST but after I bought it for curiosity I was simply amazed. Damn this disc is addictive , I´ve been playing it for 2 days now and it simply rocks , I´m telling you , once you hear it without the amaziing CGI running in front of your eyes you won´t put it down for at least a good time. short words: worthy of being Macross without a doubt.
  16. Oh jesus lord ! All we needed was a Star Wars/StarTrek/LOTR fanboys debate in Macross world <_< Man , please , don´t EVER compare things (i was gonna use another term but for the sake of politeness I´ll keep it to myself ) like SW or ST to Macross it´s like poeple can´t get american Sci-Fi series out of their heads BTW , If Kawamori hasn´t redesigned the VF-1 after 20 damn years of sequels and games (M+ , M7 , VF-X , VF-X2 , M3 , etc...) then I don´t think it´s that probable he´ll redesign it entirely now with M0. Og course he will have to touch it up a bit for it to look nice in CG but just as seen in the 20th anniversary DVD you can have an idea of how it will look like in Zero more or less. At best he´ll streamline a the outline a little bit (chest-plate + wing´s area , head unit details , etc...). BTW , when was the last time we saw a VF-1 being made with current animation standards (traditionally drawn not CG ) ? we haven´t seen any modern (as in post 2001) VF-1 rendition as far as I can remeber , please correct me if I´ve missed something.
  17. Rabidweezil YOU ARE DA MAN !!! My heart stoped like 6 times before I could ever laugh , those pics are great , awesome porpaganda.
  18. The reason I didn't like it is I guess I like anime/movies in general that are more realistic. Again, I really wanted to like this movie, but when you have parts of the storyline that include someone that can stop fighting by singing a song....it just seemed extremely cheesy to me. Again, when the Zentraedi were analyzing the captured humans and the dialogue was about hugging, kissing....cheesy (in my viewpoint). Also, they're in the middle of a war where the extermination of humans is in the balance...and Hikaru is off taking joyrides through the galaxy, etc. Doesn't seem like the actions of someone who is in the military. Other things seemed outta balance. The zentraedi destroy everything on the earth so quickly but yet they can't destroy the Macross which is significantly smaller than earth/size of their own Zen fleet. The Zen seem so formidable at some points, and laughably incompetant at others. There are other "inconsistencies" that bothered me, but these are the main ones. I know this is a story and not suppossed to be real life, but I thought that they could've done a much better job of making it realistic. Perhaps I would like the series more as I'm sure it's fleshed out more. Honestly though, is the TV series fairly similar to DYRL? If it is, I don't think it's my cup of tea.... Also, how is Macross Plus compared to DYRL/Zero? Does it have a lot of singing/cheesy stuff in it or is it more adult similar to what Zero is like? I'm interested to know as I did enjoy Macross Zero and I would like to watch Plus if it's like Zero. Interesting to read your comments so far and BTW, it's nice to know there are some of you out there that didn't think DYRL was that great. Trust me , Macross Plus is quite mature in its plot and action sequences , it does have a lot of music but it´s taken in a different way than in DYRL? or the TV series. And if you liked Macross Zero just by watching Episode 1 then I reccomend you watch the other 2 cause they simply kick major ass compared to episode 1 (i.e. they get even better) , particlarly Episode 2 features some hints at the main characters past (Roy and Aries , Shin´s parents death , etc...) , Episode 3 has A LOT of awesome action sequences while alos featuring some flshback scenes and yet more AFOS stuff....oh yeah I forgot , thereñre a lot of new mechas in EP.3 as well. Back to M. Plus , there´s definetively no cheesyness in the OVAs or the Movie , I hope you like them.
  19. mmm..I don´t think you strictly have to love drama/love triangles/soap operas to love Macross , that´s more in the line of Sailot Moon I would say. I hate soap operas and cheesy drama as well as the cliche love triangles yet I love every Macross to date (except MII of course).
  20. BTW , shouldn´t this be on the TV and Movies section ? I don´t see how , looking at the things discussed here , this thread should be on the toys section. Also it seems that some people start to realise how REALLY big the VF-0 is , but I´m sure there´ll be people who´ll totally dismiss that pic because of their fanatism anyway ...
  21. One thing strikes me as strange in the comparison picture. It seems as if that VF-0 pilot would have to wedge himself into the VF-1 cockpit with a crowbar. Maybe it's just me. That might be because of the persperctive and becausr the VF-1 copkit is less bulbous than the VF-0´s. anyway , if you take the whole size of the VF-0 as a refference you can see clearly that the VF-0 pilot would easily fit in the VF-1 copkit .
  22. I´m more curious about the 1S and 1A reissue reviews and the Hikaru 1S as well as the VF-1Js. We haven´t seen a review since the Low-viz.
  23. Aegis!

    Larger Scale VF-0

    hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha Mate , this threads are so friking funny I want to play the game too ! look at me : I want everything in 1/48 damnit !!!
  24. You know what , all this ¨I want 1/48 - insert valk here-¨ is becoming more of a lame trend than a real argument. If you all say to be satisfied with the VF-1 1/48 size then why are you so eagerly hoping for 1/48 VF-0s if those ain´t gonna be any better that the VF-1s , they´ll just be bigger and a friking lot more expensive just because you want them big. I´m getting tired of listening to the same excuse : Oh ! if they´re making a 1/60 monster then there are no limits ! Now how many of you will buy it ? I assume you´ll also get the 1/1 helmet now don´t ya ? and most important , where´s your precious 1/60 Monster ? Giving that excuse is just a poor exposition of mindless fanatism. just because the label says 1/48 it´s gonna be great isn´t it. I bet everytime someone mentions a possible 1/60 M0 line you all get the image of the lame 1/60 VF-1s , same size , same detail , same crapyness....But oh ,wait , I just remembered something , isn´t the VF-0 the same size as the M+ valks ? Aren´t the 1/72 M+ toys bigger than the 1/60 VF-1s ? wouldn´t 1/60 M+ toys be larger than the 1/48 VF-1s too ? then why should the M0 toys be made unreasonable large and expensive if they can be just as detailed , big and great as the 1/48 VF-1s in 1/60 ? Dont take this as a whine or anything ,I know we´ve discussed this over and over but I´m juts tryng to point out the fact that having 1/48 M0 toys just because a few want them to have a 1/48 label in them is just ridiculous while we could have the same stuff with the same quality and price in a not much smaller scale. 1/48 will just make them big and unreasonably expensive , not great. Saying they should make them in 1/48 because they are making ludicrously expensive toys like the 1/1 helmet and 1/60 Monster that absolutelly NO ONE WILL BUY is a lame excuse and a bit selfish concidering most of the consumers don´t have that budget and will just be left with the 1/100 toys , when having 1/60 would be just as with the 1/48 VF-1s , same collectability , price and detail. 1/48 would make them prohibitive not only for the poor fans but also for those that were fine with the 1/48 VF-1´s price.
  25. What enemies? I used to dislike reading Graham's "I know something you don't know" but I NEVER considered him an enemy... how does that work? I defy you to find one of my posts that is intended to insult another Macrossworlder... I have only quoted other's posts, or find an excessive number of posts that are NOT in response to another post directed exclusively at me, From now on I will PM, but this post is for everyone who cares: I stated an opinion. I defended my opinion against numerous attacks. I learned my lesson. I'll go back to lurking and being generally ignored... sorry to have wasted a couple of minutes of your day. <_< Here we go again...no one is attaking you mate , chill out. You seemed so upset at other people´s post in regards to your disregard to Graham´s situation that it looked like you were personally taking offense from those post , specially with all the sarcasm and ¨i´m a victim¨ act , thus making those people your enemies at whom to throw all the frustration at. Let me tell you something : We´re all frustrated like you that we ain´t getting any info in advance like it use to happen. But you have to realise that letting those news out doesn´t depend on Graham or anyone else (is there really anyone else that could have as much info as G anyway ?) in this site , It´s just Yamato´s paranoid marketing strategy that´s causing this to happen , they just don´t want us to know anything about their toys and that´s it. Get used to the fact that Graham will from now on be unable to unveil anything un advance , just because Yamato doesn´t want him to speak out for fear of ¨something¨ to happen (Bandai , consumers hype , who knows..). Just please stop acting as if everyone was against you and was trying to belittle you and your ego and let get on with the speculation.
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