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Everything posted by arrow

  1. Looks like Arcadia is trying to sell all they can. More vf repaints!
  2. i'm glad this doesn't come with tinted cockpits. I'm not a fan of those.
  3. going back to the ugly stand. I use the stand on all my frontier since I don't have anything else. But changing it from black to clear would make it look twice as cool.
  4. I wouldn't mind if they do more bare vf. And the separate parts release. The fact that after market prices for vf are high means there is more demand.
  5. I already have the armor. I just need a reasonably priced J or S. because the armor looks off with the small head of my 4 x VF-1A.
  6. Oh. Wonderfest is next week. Fun.
  7. Saburo- your photos are one of the best. I'd like to get the tornado pack but i'm scared for the durability of my 25.
  8. I like how they show us the prototype photos. These thing take forever to get to the final production toy. They should have several works in progress VF so that we don't get impatient.
  9. They should just do the re-issues like their v1 25 gift set that comes with the fast packs.
  10. Seems like bandai is making everything under the sun for Mac frontier vehicles anyway. So no need for competition.
  11. I like the rvf-171 look but after struggling to transform my vf-171 from B to fighter. I'd rather get something else.
  12. I can't wait for this to come out more than the YF30
  13. when is the guesstimate for it to come out?
  14. speaking of mac 7 and plus, great if they release 2 different macross shows at almost the same time.
  15. I never realized how bad the vf25 looks bad from the back because of the flimsy shoulders.
  16. more repaints of different VF at a faster pace. I could never figure out all the hatred for aoshima for releasing multiple repaints of their getter molds.
  17. looks like it will be a fun kit to build. I just have to worry about painting it, I don't see why they couldn't have put in colored translucent pieces for the lenses instead of clear.
  18. I was thinking of getting the no paint kit of the yamato vf-1 with option parts. And, I couldn't find the answers for this one while searching. Does this come with the correct pins so as not to break the shoulder? Will regular plastic cement work here? Are the decals water slide and will it be durable enough? thanks
  19. I'm on vacation in Japan. Went to Nakano Mandarake and picked up a RVF-25. Good day.
  20. Great roundup. The lone yf-19 feels lonely without other non-frontier planes. Lol
  21. people who come over don't mention anything about it & I don't bother explaining when they look.
  22. I got a VF-25A and VF-171 Alto from Mandarake. Been scared to transform the 171 even if its not the CF.
  23. Darn, I thought I got mine at a steal at Y10k
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