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Everything posted by arrow

  1. Thanks, but I was looking for screenshots from the tv and dyrl movie to compare to the toy. I can't decide which looks more cool between the 2.
  2. With all the different color schemes in the yamato line of toys I can't decide which to get next. Is there a site where I can look at the different screenshots of vf-1(tv and dyrl version).
  3. It sucks that they are so tight lipped about their upcoming products. I'm not really interested in buying everything that they are producing, not that I can afford all their stuff. But, it would be cool to simply know whats in the pipeline.
  4. How many months does yamato take on average between each new product?
  5. I've just bought my first 1/48 and have not gone very far with transforming it. is there anywhere in the net where they have the translated instruction manual for the 1/48 vf-1? I have tried the search function and could not find it. I've downloaded the transformation vid but it would be easier to follow a non-video guide.
  6. arrow

    1/48 fast pack

    is there any site with a review of the fast pack for the 1/48? How does it attach/ does it firmly attach? And, what is that extra odd piece of plastic that comes with the fast pack? Thanks
  7. arrow

    hong kong

    Thanks everyone for the hk info. I was finally able to get a 1/48 (max 1a) on a weekend trip at a reasonable price.
  8. Which is better- the macross plus movie or the 4 part series?
  9. i've been checking around the net and can hardly find any dyrl video. Where can I find a non bootleg dyrl dvd that plays region 1 or 3 w English subs?
  10. Now that you've mentioned that it is 30min longer, I have to get it then. Thanks.
  11. Is there any anime series like macross(cool transforming mecha and an operatic story with no wacky comic relief characters) that anyone can recommend?
  12. Is it worth getting the dyrl video is i already have 'battle of the bionoids?' Yeah, i know that it's horribly dubbed, but i bought it several years ago when i did not know anything about sdf macross. Are there compelling differences between the 2 shows?
  13. when are the last 2 episodes scheduled to come out anyway? i'm waiting for the show to finish till i watch it.
  14. can anyone show pictures of the1/48 tv style and dyrl armor on the fast pack? I never realized that there was a difference
  15. arrow

    hong kong

  16. arrow

    hong kong

    i'm planning on taking a trip to hk. where can I get yammie stuff there?
  17. arrow

    vf-1s roy fair price

    thanks for the info. what is the price difference between the 1st edition and 2nd though?
  18. Help you guys. Someone I know is selling me his unopened vf-1s roy, 1st edition, and is negotiable about the price. what is the fair value of that vf?
  19. arrow

    1/48 lineup

    would anyone care to post a picture of their different 1/48s in one frame? it would be nice to see the different variants in one photo
  20. thanks. I was thinking of ordering the vf-1s but if the 1a max is much cheaper, i may just consider that. Does the 1a max have the improvements over the the 1st production 1a hikaru?
  21. i've decided on getting my first 1/48. i've had my local hobby store check on the price from their supplier since they sold out on theirs. the hobby store has not gotten feedback from their distributor yet regarding the final price but mentioned that some models in the 1/48 line are cheaper then other. can anyone tell me which models are more popular and which aren't?
  22. arrow

    vf-1 1/48 in manila

    does anyone know where to get the best deal on a vf-1 1/48 in manila? there are a few shops that have it but the prices are varied.
  23. imo ewww he doesn even look like garfield
  24. I'm debating on getting my first 1/48 vf-1a hikaru. how can i tell from the box if it is a second production run? how much do they go for?
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