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Everything posted by arrow

  1. They should have kept a squadron. What's the rush? With all the F-14s they have retired, they can keep cannibalizing for spares. Besides, the F-14 is a great fighter.
  2. Just out of curiousity, what other notable anime did director anno do?
  3. but what does the 'end of evangelion' movie have? is it an alternate ending? supplemental ending?
  4. I just watched the whole 26 episode tv arc. What a sucky ending. Is it worth getting the 'end of evangelion' movie?
  5. when will today's pc mature enough to play lock on: modern air combat with all details on. A year? Any news on the team developing falcon V? I've been craving for a jet flight sim with a dynamic battlefield.
  6. any news on the osprey? It's been in the test phase for such a long time.
  7. Cool. I'll check those out. How about modern jet sims? I guess i'll pass on LOMAC bec of the high system requirements, anything else worth considering? Anything in the works?
  8. I've always been hooked on flight sims(like falcon 4) for the pc but have used the xbox exclusively(because of the hassle & cost of upgrading the pc to play new games) for gaming. I've been considering buying a new pc rig. I need your help for recommendations on the best flight sims.
  9. can anyone recommend any anime series on dvd. I know that this is a recurring topic. I'm more interested in epic sci-fi shows that end. similar to sdf macross, neon genesis evangelion or area 88, nothing with comic relief characters or overly comedic scenes.
  10. Someone told me that there was a live action movie of the anime series 'GTO'. When was that released & is it any good?
  11. Thanks for the info. How much do the SOCs go for? Are they all 6 of them valued the same or are some more collectible?
  12. i've been getting hooked on the show. where can I find reviews for the toys?
  13. They are both RPG games. A new twist for an X-men game. I was wondering if it lives up to the hype.
  14. Is it cool? is it better than baldur's gate alliance? how is the graphics? does the cell shading make it cartoonish?
  15. I'm onsidering getting serial experiments lain, any feedback on the show? recommendations? non-recommendations? I'm a little concerned that it might get a little slow like sci-fi harry(wherein it gets dragging in the middle).
  16. thanks for the info. But, what's up with the director's cut & the platinum edition? waste of money?
  17. what's the best way to watch the series? just the 8 episodes? part of the 8 episodes & then the death&rebirth then the end of? Or any combination?
  18. hilarious.. i was just listening to the songs of lin min mei. my wife thinks im a wuz for listening to it yea yeah but at least i aint afraid to admit i find her songs cute anyone share this sentiment?
  19. Besides, with interest rates rising. and another 25 basis points predicted in the next three months. There will be less people willing to get a loan to buy houses to fuel the property boom. Any other investment ideas from anyone?
  20. It's hard to keep interested when the original tv show isn't supplemented by a continuing series(something like macross zero, but lengthier) that is more adult oriented. We are all getting old. As for the investments, try investing in asian sovereign bonds. Their yield spread over us treasury notes and bonds are wider. Coupon (interest) is about 8% onwards.
  21. It would be great if they could do another low-viz in a J or S with a color scheme of a us navy squadron. And, extra missiles that look like actual us navy loadouts.
  22. arrow


    The issue here is Y's secrecy. What's the big deal, they practically have no competitors. Giving fans more info won't give the other toy manufacturers a competitive advantage. After buying my 1st 1/48, i'm not excited for the line anymore since there is no info forthcoming.
  23. arrow


    Yamato had better watch it. People who spend for their products will loose their enthusiasm sooner or later. THis info blackout sucks.
  24. is the stand the only thing yamato has in the way of new products this quarter? aside from the gbp. that's sad.
  25. They will probably re-offer the 1s and 1a hikaru with the fast pack in a different colored packaging, just to kill the confusion with the 1st edition & the 2nd edition.
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