I really like the streamlined form as compared to the sharp contours of the vf-1. Even if it is the precursor of the vf-1.
They should spruce up the line.
I feel bad for the people who are considering buying the vf-0 but aren't aware of the shoulder problem. what a rip.
yamato should just release a new vf-0 line/with fixes in a distinctive box and give free fixed arm to dealers with the old vf-0 in stock.
get the yf-21 since it has no problems. & if you need to complete a series. at least the only other thing to get is the yf-19.
I've been wanting the vf-0 as well but I will pass on the zero line until they fix the vf-0.
they are probably waiting for the store stocks of vf-0's to dwindle before they start re-issuing. i'm not sure if stores will want a new shipment if their old stocks are around and on the other hand- no one will buy it if it is not a reissue. chicken and egg.
Just wondering. We all know the retail price of the valks from the yamato site and we know the prices from online retailers.
But, how much are they selling for retail in the hobby stores in Japan and Hong Kong? Are they close or far-off?
they should just have 2 sets of figures ( the other one with flight suits) instead of the usual missiles. I'm getting tired of seeing those same pieces from the original 1/60 to the 1/48 then back to the v2 1/60.
thanks for the striking photos.
the vf-1 looks out of place somehow. anyway, looking at the complete macross lineup makes me want to get the other 1/60s that I don't have.