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Everything posted by arrow

  1. I have both. I prefer the clean lines of the GNU. the revoltechs always have limbs at an odd angle since that is the look they were made with.
  2. it's hard to get excited for something we've seen in the 1/48.
  3. It wouldn't be cool to have an sv-51 without a vf-0.
  4. my VF-1A Max 1/48
  5. they are more of less the same toy with the same accessories(missiles & gun). just get the mac zero or mac plus line instead.
  6. the question is more- what's taking them so long with all the other mac products. It's not like they would saturate the market. Since you can count with one hand, the yamato mac products in any toy store.
  7. I voted for the VF-1a. it's in both the TV & DYRL. You can't get more icon-ic than that.
  8. watching - viper's creed. good one.
  9. I don't mind that they milk the mold. The added bonus is that we have more paint variety. But, with the money they are making from the repaint- can't they make more new items.
  10. just saw eps 1 -4. good show with none of those kooky looking characers.
  11. Get the VF-11.
  12. An F-14, A-10 or F-22.
  13. Do they make perfect transformation military jet toys? what I ment by PT is that the landing gear retract without having to swap parts? And, panels that swing open would be great too.
  14. i wasn't so hot about the head being visible in fighter mode but it looks cool to me now. I still can't stand the brown color of the original though.
  15. I guess they were pleased with the mac plus gnu to be continuing with the vf-1.
  16. It looks good except for the cartoon hands.
  17. just read a review here- http://www.collectiondx.com/review/action_...re/danguard_ace
  18. I love the tv series for having a long and drawn out story.
  19. yamato should just do current military jet colors since the vf-0 look closer to F-14 than the vf-1.
  20. what a tease.
  21. it's odd that some retailers still have the 1.0 at non-discounted prices. waiting for someone who doesn't know any better I guess.
  22. after the VF-11B- they should just make an announcement for what's next. This waiting and speculating is killing the fanbase.
  23. yawn, more transforming toys please.
  24. is yamato done with the Mac Zero line? they have the vf-1 2.0 and the repaints of the Mac Plus jets, what about mac zero?
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