what the heck is this... raine just down the latest version of mame which chan be found direct link here http://mirrors.xmission.com/mame/main/mame072b.zip
after installing(extratcing) it and then place the macross arcade game which is located in the raine/roms directory the game is macross2.zip place the full zip file in the same folder as mame.exe and when you want to play it go to the folder and drag macross2.zip over mame.exe and drop it the program will automatically run with that file and you should see it list a bunch off files then after a few secounds go full screen showing a message about cocktail mode not being supported just type in ok(you dont need a text box for it just press o,k) then it will show the games information hit any key and the game will start up
the defualt controls are the arrow keys move the valk the control key fires and the space bar uses the mega bomb, keys 5 and 6 add coins to the slots and keys 1and2 start the respective player to change the controls and so forth hit tab and find it in the menu
dipswitches in the menu will give you a bunch of options like howmany coins equal howmany lives i think for this game turning the coin slot one value all the way in one direction will desplay freeplay as the value either that or its itsown dip switch, freeplay mode disables the insert coin part of the game so all you have to do is his 1 to start or continue the game
raine is a frontend for an emulater, frontends though advertised as eaiser then runing mame straght out of the .exe file, are vary confuseing to run the first few times but once you figure it out it will let you select the game from a menu insted of draging the game onto the .exe file
note:that game is macross 2 arcade game, theres macross dyrl, macross plus and macross 2 arcade games