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Everything posted by evirus

  1. does anyone have any good macross based wallpaper/background they wouldnt mind posting for me?
  2. yah battletech has a lot of copyed stuff in it, put it is a prety good game, if i where still playing mechwarrior two(just a note, people where playing that game like 5 years after realise) i would want one too, i did see autocad file types in there a while ago so you might need that. autocad isnt the eaisest program too use for work in 3d
  3. not too mention the fact that this moron left his e-mail address
  4. i dont want to judge your meaning but i think you missed the colored strip across the top of the max and milia valks other then that good job from what i can see currently
  5. i could use a link to the macrossp.zip for mame i cant get to it with the filters on this network
  6. thats only for x-box live i think, that and it only detects it if its on most mod chips now come with on/off switches that can be attached to the front if its off its not detectable by the program. mod chips are like hijackers, they hijack electrons going to the original bios storage device so it rerouits to the bios stored on the modchip
  7. how do i delete control settings compleatly when i try too change it it just sets it to [w or up]
  8. that depends on the devlopement team and the way the program works it would be possable to make the fire bomber valk play a song as a sound effect while its moveing or fighting
  9. actually the dyrl team is going to work on a macross 7 mod for homeworld two
  10. there are ways to hack the ships easealy into the single player mode but i will not discuss that here, its in relic's forums though
  11. not that much caping you could build like 28 carriers
  12. the gunship is a type of corvett theres the fighters which are scout intercepter bomber theres the corvetts which are gunship pulsar gunship theres the frigets which are flak friget(anti fighter class) torpedo friget(anti corvett/friget) ion friget(anti capital ship/friget) theres platforms which are gun platform ion cannon platform the platforms funtcion like probes with weapons they can only move once and after that they can only attack some ships in the final release will only be built in the ship yard wich is a massive capital class ship that is hyperpaced in to the battle after purchased and crunstructed more info at this link http://well-of-souls.com/homeworld/hws/hw2/index.html this site shows all ships that have been seen in vidoes demos and screenshots to determine there role in the ship discription the guy will state weather it has been taken out of the game,changed,or what not theres tons of screenshots and info in the offical forms at http://forums.relicnews.com/ under homeworld 2
  13. http://forums.relicnews.com/showthread.php...69&pagenumber=1 thats where to get badges, theres a ton of them with a few screen shots there is also a macross logo download link on one of the pages
  14. click on the player name to have the color selector come up in there theres a select badge icon, badges need to be in Homeworld2 Demo\Bin\Profiles\Badges
  15. i know i just figured HW2 would download the badge before the game
  16. from what i gater i think only the people who have the same tga file can see the same badge online, i had a united nations logo i tryed online but they couldnt see it so it revirts to the homeworld wings logo on theres note: http://forums.relicnews.com/showthread.php...&threadid=15092 heres the homeworld2 badge tuteral(i know i cant spell) for photoshop
  17. this calls for one thing right now... MACROSS LOGOS
  18. dangit the guys waiting for the demo crashed the relic forms
  19. hmmm after viewing an ftp link posted in a fourm i noticed a teaser file which was obviously not the demo but when i went back to check a secound ago premission has just been shut off the server is still on its just the directory for homeworld 2 that they cut off
  20. one-klump has been around hes one of the homeworld\dyrl guys there was a press release that there was not going to be a demo, wheres your source its not in the news section
  21. actually yep there was one http://www.strategyplanet.com/homeworld/macross/ bye the way theres a seqeul for homeworld comming out vary soon with in the next month there is already preorder boxes at bestbuy
  22. what the heck is this... raine just down the latest version of mame which chan be found direct link here http://mirrors.xmission.com/mame/main/mame072b.zip after installing(extratcing) it and then place the macross arcade game which is located in the raine/roms directory the game is macross2.zip place the full zip file in the same folder as mame.exe and when you want to play it go to the folder and drag macross2.zip over mame.exe and drop it the program will automatically run with that file and you should see it list a bunch off files then after a few secounds go full screen showing a message about cocktail mode not being supported just type in ok(you dont need a text box for it just press o,k) then it will show the games information hit any key and the game will start up the defualt controls are the arrow keys move the valk the control key fires and the space bar uses the mega bomb, keys 5 and 6 add coins to the slots and keys 1and2 start the respective player to change the controls and so forth hit tab and find it in the menu dipswitches in the menu will give you a bunch of options like howmany coins equal howmany lives i think for this game turning the coin slot one value all the way in one direction will desplay freeplay as the value either that or its itsown dip switch, freeplay mode disables the insert coin part of the game so all you have to do is his 1 to start or continue the game raine is a frontend for an emulater, frontends though advertised as eaiser then runing mame straght out of the .exe file, are vary confuseing to run the first few times but once you figure it out it will let you select the game from a menu insted of draging the game onto the .exe file note:that game is macross 2 arcade game, theres macross dyrl, macross plus and macross 2 arcade games
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