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Everything posted by evirus
now what we need is a walk through, stage 14 is ticking me off
arg, even after the patch the game keeps crashing when im in the orgnization/dock window, also when i try to start a skirmish
Hi boinger I hate to be a pain, but I couldn't find the .torrent on your ftp site. Could you please double check it is in that directory? I found an image (437Mb) for VO but couldn't find the 2Gb download. If it is there and I just can't see it, I apologise for the bother. Cheers! 373318[/snapback] the image (.img) is all you need. its a disc image file, a 1/1 copy of the macross VO disc. search google for deamon tools, this program allows you to load images as if they where actualy put into a cd drive, pretty nifty, on the image is allso the latest patch... along with the .img file you will need the .ccd and the .sub file... when you run deamon tools, mount the .ccd file and it will point to the .img file... if you need better instructions let me know, it would be best to reply on this forum not on PM, better to have everything put on record so i dont have a bunch of people asking me the same question anyways heres the link for the image files you need http://www.frozen-layer.net/bittorrent/archivo.php?id=17185 (you need bittorrent, if you dont have it google it) if the link above dosnt work use this one and click the link under information http://www.frozen-layer.net/bittorrent/?details=1&id=17185
dang..... if i had like at most $500 worth of legos i can make a valk but that would take like........ i year of designing properly, wouldnt wanna drop it and be back to square one hahaha
theres a bittorrent link that google links too when you search for "macross vo torrent" it includes the cd image files(youll need deamon tools, a disc emulation program, to run it though, but the program is free ) on the disc is also the latest patch, so all you need to download after that is the english patch in a link further up in this thread. ill post the link to the torrent in a few hours, i got class right now...
i got the ordinary VO over bittorrent, search google for macross vo bittorrent, you should find it now i need the patch
I don't work in maya. I work in 3dsmax. And those of us that do I believe are hardly up to the skill level required to aid you. Sorry. 371537[/snapback] i mean i was asking about how you did a transforming ship in homeworld 2, or the transformation is not going to be controlled? 371653[/snapback] well.... in HW1 they had it set as the attack animation
I don't work in maya. I work in 3dsmax. And those of us that do I believe are hardly up to the skill level required to aid you. Sorry. 371537[/snapback] speaking of which, how are the valk transformations going to be handeled in this one? if they are not hard coded i would say either special action or tactics based isnt there like a defense field frigate in the game, if you need to put something in for that on the UNSPACY side you can probably put in the ships from macross 2, basicly they project a hologram of minmay singing and brodcast one of her songs, distracting the enemy obviously.... i could get some screen shots if you need
looks good..... as far as the web comic idea, go for it, if your good at 3d modeling, render some images and use them in your comic if need be... it will make your comic all the more unique
i havent seen the real macross series, dang RT, if theres an episode where its just the characters sitting around recounting the past episodes.... that will be the one, I HATE IT WHEN SHOWS DO THAT
i think we should pool all of our "goods" into bittorrent at this point, it would seem like the most effective way to host the files, dang i want VO but my harddrive crashed
well.... i added to the games forum at any case.....
(sorry for the double post, but edits dont desplay as new stuff to read on the topic list) i found some of the macross: dyrl back ground music mp3s on my computer if you need them, seeing as how imacross is down
after loading up the new version of mame ive come the the realization that..... macross 1 actualy has sound in the rom.... just figured id mention it
Actually, Ancient Angel did work on the original Macross DYRL HW mod with us. I cannot remember exactly from memory which models are his, but I think some of them were the Zjentohlauedy ships, possibly the gunboat. As to Evirus's question, I believe the Cmdr already answered by stating that the hyperspace graphics are hardcoded in HW2, so there is not much we can do about them. 368924[/snapback] by the way i managed to find my HW2 disc if you would like me to check out your stuff in extended play circumstances.... hahaha
oh..... bittorrent..... you can use bittorrent.... google it, its pretty good for sending files, the more people downloading, the faster the download is
looking good, from what you know any hope of my previous idea that i proposed on the HW1 mod about hyperspace graphic: basicly what is seen in the first few episodes as SDF1 folds, a sphere of energy or light extends from the ship engulfing everything around, then the spehere shrinks to nothingness
i got a friend that can make geocities quality websites.... ill ask him when he logs into yahoo.... im not promising anything though
what? flight gear? im not sure let me check........... looks like .ac
yah i tried x-plane before, actualy i think the demo came with the yf-19 but it flew strange, it would always lurch left then right abruptly which reminds me, have you ever played a game called sim guild? it used to be a multiplayer combat flight simulator, old school WW1 planes and such, there was like over 100 players per server, the company went under like a month after they announced they where going to start billing(it was orignally free) now that would be a cool macross game
though i lack any programming or 3d graphics skills the best bet would be either battlefield 1942(that engine supports jets and helacopters pretty well based on the desert combat mod) or battlefield 2
its an open source flight simulator, in laymans terms a free program like microsoft's flight simulator. it has the ability to put custom made planes in to the program
i might be converting this over to the free flight simulator i earlier metnioned on the fan creations forum named flight gear.... all thats needed is redoing the flight physics from scratch .AIR files arnt used by flight gear EDIT: screw that, turns out the documentation was bad on the site and the thing dosnt support importing anymore
prehaps some modelers would like to know about this http://www.flightgear.org/index.shtml there are also ways to import planes from microsoft's flight simulator but the physics definations must be rewritten from scratch, theres information on how to do that in a link on the main site
well i suppose that all depends on how the game is played... there once was a game... simguild... hundreds of players in one game... old ww1 air combat sim pretty basic but pretty fun... MMO dosnt have to mean MMORPG