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Everything posted by evirus

  1. if seen that poster a long long time ago, fake i think
  2. im more of a player then a collecter, though i must admit now that im older im a little more "generous" with action figures, but still, i wonder how durable the zero is interms of "playability" i hope the jonts dont wear out from normal use at any case anything is better then the gundam wing toys, i swear if the plastic was a few degrees lower quality wise it would match the properties of rubber!
  3. why must you tempt me i hope i get that job this summer, i swear the first thing im buying is a yamato, not sure which yet
  4. i know that there where zentran writing "stamps" released in japan, there a commercial for them that was posted on www.youtube.com its likely that theres a japanese to zentran sheet or something that comes with it
  5. i didnt realy like the discount anime dvd version because it has that friggen ad in the subtitles
  6. all images are static except for the explosion and sheild ones, those are animated(i think using a sprite method) and as stated on the site pure black(0,0,0,) is translated as transparent
  7. i dont know now the valk looks a little too smooth compared to everything elese in the picture
  8. You can probably use any of the models in the DYRL TC for HW2, if you contact the rest of the team. I can at least vouch for the SDF-1, but it's the DYRL version. Let me know if it's useful. 387541[/snapback] how aboud the vf-1? im wondering if we could get the modes to work in orbiter,if anything there should be a way to jettison the fast packs
  9. this should go under games
  10. your gonna use the subsystem build menu to but the deadelous promethius and ARMD's on there arnt you?
  11. evirus

    Gta:sa Mods

    he says its a paraody of the vf-4 due to the limitations of the game, so far he is only able to get teh gerwalk and fighter mode
  12. Are you bloody kidding me! that’s one of the best intros for a macross game that I have ever seen the models look wicked. Do you still have the Nousjadeul-ger model you could definitely use that in the game after a bit of poly reduction. I’m loving this mod already and I haven’t even played it yet! 386737[/snapback] SKyDancer, the model looks sweet. You definately have another two or even three hundred polys to spare to put some more detail into that backpack. Well done. Go ahead and make some basic textures, or even if you could just UVWUnwrap it that would be good. Then Chthonic or I can work on the texture and get it on par with the rest of the mod, that is, if that won't offend you. I'll upgrade your account on the mod forums. We can definately use someone like you who knows how to poly budget. 386745[/snapback] Hey the only way you could possibly offend me is by not fixing something that needs to be fixed. I really think we need to work together and fix each others mistakes or enhance previous efforts in order for this mod to be the best that it can be. When you finally get hold of my models and you find something that needs to be changed please do! I will take no offence I have worked in design teams before and I know how hard it is to work around a so called “artistâ€. There you go you have my permission first hand to change any of my work as much as you want. To tell you the truth I’m not the world foremost authority on Macross either, in fact living in Australia meant I only herd about it through Harmony Gold’s Roboshlock which was on after Voltron (every body else in the country was too busy playing with He-Man or Transformers) and I haven’t even seen the DYRL? movie yet because it has never been retailed or aired in this country. I have however played the DYRL? game on an emulator, have all the 48/1 Yamato toys (nearly sent me broke), gotten hold of the original subbed version of SDF Macross and the internet has helped clue me into what is authentic, alternate, Bandai and fan made etc. 386784[/snapback] prehaps thats a regional thing, but dosn't 48/1 scale mean its 48 times bigger then the orignal? that would set you broke (i know you probably mean 1/48) i just hope theres no docking bugs like there was in the HW1 version (where the units would fly back and forth near the ship you told it to dock on)
  13. evirus

    Gta:sa Mods

    heres some simple replacement mods for grand theft auto: san andreas, for the pc don't ask me how to get the stuff to work though(i only have the PS2 version) --AV8-F-- (gerwalk/fighter transformation) LINK: http://www.gtaforums.com/index.php?showtopic=239008&st=0 DLOAD: http://www.tjbp.net/upload/StrikeBomber%20BETA.zip --YF-19--(no transformation yet) LINK: http://www.gtaforums.com/index.php?showtopic=237325&st=0 DLOAD: http://nikt.zog.net.au/yf19.rar
  14. Already been working on it for a few years now in my spare time: http://valkyrie.sourceforge.net Go to Source code on the left, then follow download. The current download is a raw VF-1 with a control system that still needs work (new version coming in the next few months I hope!). So if ya fly it, it's not hard to flip yourself around entirely. It's not much yet, but orbital will eventually happen. Orbital is actually a lot easier than atmospheric flight, lol. And sorry, no it doesn't transform yet, have to get fighter working, then come Gerwalk, then the one that'll cause real problems, battloid . BTW, if there are any pilots out there who wanna play test pilot, email me on the site. I work on flight simulators for a living, but I only have but so much time to practicing flying there, hehe. 383815[/snapback] Holy crap, thats still alive? 383831[/snapback] lol, yes, it'll never die. I started the project, and I will never let it die, even if I'm the only one working on it ....which is pretty much the case right now, lol. 384025[/snapback]
  15. evirus

    Lego Anyone?

    i remember the lego catalogs having sections for just parts, i bought from there once, before i saw macross though
  16. Oh, bless you, bless you! I've been resistent to getting any sort of bittorrent programs or anything like that, so this offers a nice alternative. Sure the d'load times are s--t, but I won't complain. All I can say is GOOD LAWD! Too bad I can't save it to h'drive in this format....godd--ned Macromedia Flash... 382773[/snapback] with mozilla(another internet browser) its possable but it saves as an .flv file.... havent found anything that can convert it but there are .flv players
  17. hmmm interesting, cant wait to see wneh someone makes valk with and without a fast pack
  18. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...topic=7019&st=0 this one is for 2002 i think
  19. what all youve seen is the first one? you do know that www.youtube.com has the episodes right? i got my avatar pic from the last episode
  20. I've had a few people ask for wallpaper resolution render of the SDF-1, so here is one at 1600X1200. However, for some reason I can't seem to upload any images wider than 1000 pixels, so I had to cut it up into 4 pieces. So anyone who wants it has to use photoshop or some other images edito to re-assemble the 4 corners. Sorry for the hassle, but it's the only way I could find to upload such a hi-res image. If anyone knows how to upload a high-res image, please let me know. Hope you enjoy it! 382404[/snapback] photobucket should be able to handel it i think
  21. the most logical "fast pack" for the 19 would be the fold engine that isamu jetisons near the end of Mac+
  22. with a lot of time and some insanely over priced software
  23. -REMOVED- oh crap...... no critisims...... sorry
  24. concept art thread? wheres that at?
  25. that looks pretty good. just goes to show that with the right filters you can do anything. i guess i should advertise the free photoshop program GIMP, google it ill post mine in a little bit, i have a few things to do this morning
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