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Everything posted by evirus

  1. if they can make a six hour movie about a ship that sinks they can make a six hour movie about space war one! granted a number of scenes from DYRL would fit, but i wouldn't say they should be restricted to just those.
  2. first of all, opinions on anime to live action aside, (assuming good quality in other words) what would you like to see in a live action retelling of the macross storyline, what would you include even if its not directly seen in the series(something you might want to add, like references to the blue angels for example)?
  3. Is it just me or do the arms seem to seperate from the shoulders after attaching them to the legs correctly?
  4. oh it won't fall onto my desk it will hit the computer, and slam into the ground. how does one tell what edition it is, box says nothing about it
  5. Three Pics fighter mode different angles: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v207/evirus/200546.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v207/evirus/200555.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v207/evirus/200604.jpg
  6. At first I got excited seeing this in a nearby comic book store, a Macross toy that was a fair size and not over $50. After buying it I realized the error of my emotions. First, the box's construction is solid. When I was a kid I remember practically having to tare the plastic, action figure containing, bubble off a thick sheet of cardboard paper, more often than not ruining much of the artwork on the box, it was encouraging to see an easy to open box for once. Taking out the toy inside proved to be a different matter entirely. Making sure not to overly bend the box as I attempt to stick my figures in I realize that the tray which contains the toy's many parts doesn’t have a good ledge to get my figure tips around and pull, leaving me to attempt pulling an a small thin sheet of cardboard that would seemingly tare if I was too forceful, but never did (a design theme more or less repeated as you soon shall see). Not only is the parts tray made up of two interlocking pieces, its also taped, not twice but four times, Occam's Razor comes to mind at this point, the tape is a little thicker than necessary and the tray snaps down hard making the separation of top and bottom half's a real hassle if your looking to keep the trays from bending. The way the toy's limbs quiver bares a testament as to how it was constructed verses how it's marketed. Polycaps abound the thing I just spent my money on is a pre-constructed model made of rigid plastic that feels like in order to snap anything into place requires 90% of the force needed to snap the pieces themselves in half! Transformation without the book seems confusing, luckily I noticed the back slides up off what I will call a Z joint, instead of being snapped into place, extend the wing's get the folded tail out of the way. Open the little flap to let the head through. Problem, the laser cannon on the battleoid's head has absolutely no clearance in any conceivable angle, unless I start pulling on it and twisting it. Attach the chest plate to the canopy section completely. Problem, the way it snaps into place is perpendicular to the surface, in other words instead of the snapping in part coming in from the left if you were to look at it side ways, it comes in from the top. I wonder how many transformations it will take before the tab itself snaps off. Again the force needed to snap in seems to barely differ from that needed to break. The chest plate to tail snap in seems to be a little more forgiving, but as I have set the model down to type this out I notice that the joints are too weak to support the entire figure at four points and slowly but noticeably slides down to rest on the uneven surface of the part tray's top half. I notice that this model has a slide bar which I have heard several things about, but my personal opinion is that execution always trumps design, and in this case the slide bar is inadequate. Again it looks like it would break easily due to its thin plastic construction and again, the tremble as I hold the torso securely. Remove the fists, why not have them slide back into the forearm? Oh right pre-constructed model…. never mind. Folding the arms around so they make up the planes undercarriage takes some work again the devil is realizing each arm has two joints that rotate it, in the same direction but at different centers. Attaching the arms to each other, and the arms to the legs was a little tricky, the arms came off twice, again revealing the inadequate design choice made with this "toy". One thing to mention, the notches in the legs that connect to the tabs in the arms, totally painted black and hard to notice. Actually attaching legs to arms requires some maneuvering in a micro scale to get the notches and tabs to line up, and again the concern for breaking something off of the model becomes ever clearer. Close the feet, wow a solid construction that feels rather durable, stark contrast to the rest of the model. What's next? Oh fully open the tail and wings. 'snap snap' I hear as I rotate the tale into position, stopping mid breath to see what was the cause of the noise, another snap in to place peace, what a shocker. Fully transformed, not sure it will make it the other way though. lets see some of these parts shall we? landing gears essentially pegs with wheels on one end, begging to snap off when attempting to remove(the panels on the leg which swing around to reveal the slots for both back wheels seem to stick when passing a specific angle, not using a screw driver would be nice. Missiles a little minimalist and takes some force to attach (peg in slot style, go figure) several stand parts, meh. An assortment of hands, no individual spots on the tray for the pre attached pair, normal canopy, hard to attach and remove. and gunpod with extendable rear and attachable(!) handle\trigger, why not do away with the extending rear and have the trigger fold up into the gun, or better yet, use that as a means to attach it to the fighter(the normal means is via some plastic part that serves no visual purpose other than holding the gunpod in place. putting it back in the box, big hassle, if the pocket for the actual model wasn't so accurate to how its originally displayed I wouldn't have to maneuver the arms and legs into an optimal position just to secure the top of the tray. I grew up with toys made of thick plastic and costing under $10, not even a single hint of being a pre-constructed model either. The toys looked and felt like they could take the weight of a person without breaking. The joints were solid, loose or tight depending on the toy but they were solid in construction, I even remember toys with screws going through the joints, and welcomed them proudly, now those toys can be played with. What about this toy here? is there any hope for my inner child, influenced by the cool anime shows I've discovered in my teens? If this "toy" is any indication, the answer is no. (if you want pictures request them)
  7. actualy i think Roy's voice in that old dub sounded better then the one from hikuro's previews, sounded like some scratchy voice talking through a megahone
  8. yah, i only mentioned it though, didn't post any pictures for obvious reasons
  9. now they need to review macross zero
  10. yah i posted about it a long time ago, but it was locked out of fear of what "the children" would do wanting to know what a "slit" was as i put it in the post, it would seem that "pitching a tent" isn't as contraversial for some reason.
  11. i got something better, in macross 2 when the singer waves to the crowed and gets in to the metal siren you can see under her skirt, most notably a red line
  12. i think that battroid are only capable of "falling with style" as buzlightyear would put it.
  13. looks like the history channel has a special episode of "Modern Marvels" involving the retireing of the F-14 tomcat, inspiration for the VF-1 series from macross. its on right now but i dont know when the replays are
  14. emuloader is just a front end, i noticed a while ago that sometimes the sounds from the game are realy low, try turning up the valume
  15. the scale on some of the parts seem a little off, the hands seem a bit big for example
  16. like i said a while ago, i wish some of the toy companies that i grew up on made anime content, those where pretty sturdy compared to the rubbery-plastic gundam wing "action figures" i got a few years ago. and im serious the consistency of the plastic was like realy hard rubber, it bends like a twist tie!(i might be exagerating a bit on that)
  17. thats MSN-03 Jagd Doga http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MSN-03_Jagd_Doga seen in chars counterattack(in different paint schemes)
  18. Also Vsim, as a personal request, can you design the cockpit of the VF-1 as an add on to the realism of your flight sim and do you have a chase view of the VF-1 in the works so we can toggle back in forward between cockpit and chase views? 395656[/snapback] i dont think he(i speak in generalities) even has a model for the VF-1 from what i remember. what i would realy like to see is the return of simguild. Simguild was a multiplayer combat flight simulator using bi/tri-planes... it was vary fun and the servers could hold well over 100 players. im wondering if a multiplayer version of this could be made in the same fashion, simguild wasn't all that complicated, even in its final version the terrain consisted of a small number of features, something like 6 airfields(brown boxes) with hangers(gray cubes with a hole going through it where the planes spawned) maybe some trees and houses
  19. terri was abused by the media and republican politicians. she was made a national issue, if she where able to talk to us now im sure she would have been absoultly apalled about what was made of her accident, i just dont think its right to think of such a thing as "witty" 395269[/snapback] Ahh, at least now i have a name to google on. Its purely American news thus below the radar for me i guess. Thanks for making that clear. 395410[/snapback] offtopic: dont bother, the basics of the thing is that terri was in a presistant vegitative state for years, her husband wanted to take her off life support, her parents wanted to keep her alive. she ended up being taken off life support and was "layed to rest" around 14 days later. on topic: id stick to amv.org or one of the movie hosting sites, bittorrent's tend to be slow unless your stuff is super popular. also could you tell me where the dvddecrypter.exe file is on that gordonknot program, didnt come with it it seems
  20. i ment like inexpensive ones, god i remember going to the toy stores and seeing the most expensive thing at $50, whats the world comming too?
  21. You expected anything less?? I can't stand HG just as much as the next person, but what they do is no different from any company promoting their product. They will boast their position, while (conviently) omitting anything they believe will be detrimental to them. Oh for the record, I like how they left out the fact that it was HG who started the whole mess in the first place; Toycom Mac+ incident anyone? 395452[/snapback] yah i hate how he talks about profits and junk, i dont remember a dollar sign infront of my social security number, do you?
  22. grillled? i didnt hear him pressured once during the whole thing...... all i got out of that was a headache
  23. terri was abused by the media and republican politicians. she was made a national issue, if she where able to talk to us now im sure she would have been absoultly apalled about what was made of her accident, i just dont think its right to think of such a thing as "witty"
  24. actually i find it to be rather witty which program are you reffering to in that second line? 395252[/snapback] the one about dvddecrypter.exe? im talking about that Gordian Knot program southcross mentioned it asks for where the file is but it is not on my computer
  25. im not useually one to get in a gripe about avatars and stuff like that.... but dont you find yours...... sick and disturbing? ontopic: "special effects are for noobs" they end up wreking the mood of the movie, they almost never fit in, and are too flashy when compared to the videos your using. i already have vegas video or something like that on my other computer oh and... lovely program, never have i been so ticked off to shake my moniter back in forth in sheer frustration at the stupidity of devlopers... now tell me where dvddecrypter.exe is
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