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Everything posted by evirus

  1. i don't know whats worse, the sheer arrogance of who ever at gg Fansubs made the "sex with ranka" comment or the fact that they can't even manage to get the subtitles to stop overlapping.
  2. looks like Red Alert 3 has a number of transforming mechs when it comes to the Japanese side http://www.gametrailers.com/game/6194.html
  3. evirus

    DYRL notes

    Nevermind, i got a new phone that i can actually upload files too, snagged the audio off of the DVD for anyone interested heres the file dyrl.mp3
  4. evirus

    DYRL notes

    ok then again im just looking for the notes like "ABC"
  5. evirus

    DYRL notes

    i don't know what it is by name, its just the melody of DYRL not the lyrics or anything, remember in the movie when it shows the memory plate and a few notes are played, thats what I'm talking about
  6. evirus

    DYRL notes

    i recently got an old cellphone(hand-me-down) which you can only put custom ringtones in by actually typing in the notes by letter(like "ABGE...") any suggestions on a sequence that sounds like the melody from DYRL?
  7. the plot device is called love triangle, not love polygon.
  8. i started rewatching macross zero today, and while thinking about whats going on in frontier i'm thinking
  9. Two scree grabs of alto and his gun: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v207/evi...nap-1155599.png http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v207/evi...nap-1156292.png
  10. from my subtitles it mentions scene 47, in which shin gets kissed by what's her face underwater.
  11. well the farther away something is the more you have to adjust your aim, in order to actually hit the target, at a certain point your only hope of hitting a moving target is if it stays on coarse, a basic no no for pilots in combat. and even then he's a sniper, generally snipers are supposed to stay hidden and only reveal them self by a kill shot. those reasons are why he didn't fire until the target got closer.
  12. My one hope is that this series dosn't have any "recalling the past" episodes, where most of it is just clips from previous episodes.
  13. higher quality picture: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v207/evi...snap-903722.png
  14. Some screen grabs for yall, if you want me to take a specific one just reply to this message with what you want(episode number and at what point the image appears) i have episodes 6-9 http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v207/evi...snap-544427.png http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v207/evi...snap-545031.png http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v207/evi...snap-545547.png http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v207/evi...snap-549589.png http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v207/evi...snap-550213.png
  15. i think i get your point now.... it looks like the polycaps connecting shoulder to bicep are cracked halfway in on one side on both arms.
  16. heck if that 1/1 ill ware it shouldn't the visor be inside the helmet though?
  17. yah I'm hoping thats just the rough concept model. also hoping LEGO markets that in America... probably not(might just be a DIY thing the guy did).
  18. Figured some would find this interesting
  19. done, im not posting the fighter ones because theres no substance other than "interesting angles"
  20. stupidity /stupidity its nice to know how many people bother to read the first post before making comments!
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