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Everything posted by Tage

  1. yeah thats wicked! i really like it! *cough* please color it too*cough cough*
  2. i had a semi manga night of 2 films, DYRL didnt go down to well but i think thats cause i didnt realy explain it too well. then Patlabor 1 went down really well, so yeah i'd say any patlabor Princess monoeke *soz spelling yeah any Gibli film really FLCL if you can download it and get every1 to croud round ya computer hehe oh yeah while on the subject on downloading how about a few of the Ghost in the Shell: Stand alone complex eps? if every have seen ghost in the shell n liked it i reckon they'd like the series erm............... yeah every1 elses choices r kool too, try having a massive selection of films and say to ya guests a quick plot of each and let em decide i spose heh -Tage
  3. heh, yeah soz i was typing it out and then at the end i realised just how bad the stuff is heh soz
  4. hey, i use this stuff called plastic padding, it's got a yellow package, it is basically same stuff as everything else, comes in 2 parts, the cementy/mankstuff and then the hardener, u mix em up at about er... 5 parts cement to 1 part hardener, or somthing like that, depends how quick you want it to dry up heh. then before it hardens, whack it on ya model, then after about 15 mins ish or when ever u sand and smooth it out it's okish for cracks, exept sometimes the edges turn up if it hasnt gotten onto the model enough and flakes off when you are smoothing out. also it's not the best for scribing either heh, thinking about it actually i might stop using it and find something else hehe -Tage
  5. Tage


    Hi What i'd like to see would be any small troubles bits and bobs on kits that people have expienced and the way they got round them. eg. with this VF-19S bandi kit i'm fixing up at the min there are one or 2 small things that i gotta fiqure out that r just 'unique problems' i spose you could call them to that kit. also like with my old VT-1 there was an inside bit that i didnt paint that you could see from the out side so that could be some thing for other people to look out for when making that model. oh yeah and things like wm chengs pointer about the vf-1 legs and painting the insides, look at Gunner X's VF-1J, the top of page 2 (lookin kool man, cant wait to see it all painted up) er.. what else... yeah those hasegawa vf-1 battlroid (robot mode (soz i cant spell and i'm too tired to look it up properly)) how to's would be really nice to see any rareish models some one is making up, like Less than Super ostrich's VF-4 he's makin up at the moment (lookin good, cant wait to see the next step) with customing i'd really like to see people's ideas about paint scheme's either ideas or implemented onto a model (soz if i spelt that wrong) any guys who know how to use photoshop well could even take a picture of a model that some1 has made up and tamper about with the colors and things to make up a new idea or even some one elses color sceme that they were thinking off but wasn't too sure how it would look on the actual model? if u get what i mean er.. what else... alternitive materials that people use would be kool too and yeah just people bouncing ideas of how to do things would be really kool! er.. if i think any more i'll post later heh, but yeah what do u guys reckon? -Tage edit: eep, soz for the long post but i have been away for a while and this is my first post on these new forums so nuh
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