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Everything posted by Mechleader

  1. Just a bit Lol! Trying to brak away from the 1/6th figures...
  2. Dee said that all the ship shut off and on at the same time. It was intentional. As for the 4 of them...I still don't know. The final 5 remind me of the light beings from the ship of lights. Other than that.....WHY 2008!!!!!!!!!!
  3. How much is this one???
  4. I still have mine ffrom Fed Models. Still trying to figure out IF I want it with the cockpit open or not.
  5. I haven't seen a pic of the final model
  6. I used Acryllic paint from Tamayia. Heres a pic of mine...but I take lousy pics..
  7. I have it and painted it. It's a nice kit. Cleani it first. Soak it in dish washing detergent for a day or so and then paint away.
  8. I know most of us are NOT sweating or Doubting your abilities. I'm just glad soemone as talented as you are doing these models!!!! Now if I can just pull myself away from the 1/6 resin figures to build my Macross stuff I'd be happy.....
  9. I made my own. I couldn't wait. Came out fine but I'd rather have Hase come out with it.
  10. Again..wouldn't Hase make it anyway...espically after the Macross Zero one?
  11. Won't hase make one though???
  12. read about it here.... http://www.hobbyfan.com/product_info.php?c...roducts_id=4800
  13. If anyone is looking for some of these. PM me I have some I'll get rid of.
  14. New pics at HLJ http://www.hlj.com/showreports/ths06/sci/
  15. Yes I bought from them recently. No problems. They take about a couple of weeks to get to your home but well worth it. Here is a reg version on pre order from hobbyfan which is another good company. http://www.hobbyfan.com/product_info.php?p...+Regult+Soldier
  16. Theres one on E2046. Not a bad price.
  17. heres mine finally finished... now onto Macross.....
  18. Hey can anyone make me a vac formed canopy. I'll pay. Thanks.
  19. Those are cool! Hope that make 1/6 resin figs out of them
  20. She's Cute! Congratulations!!! Your life has changed...forever!!!!
  21. Don't know yet. I do have a Macross base from modelbaseguy. I might put it on that or a clear base.
  22. Anyone on the fence about this kit should look into getting one. I got mine off ebay and it was cheaper. Got it from Scale Solution. Can't wait to work on it. After this I will work on the Yellow Sub SDF Crusier...
  23. And...part of it next to a hase for scale...19 inches long...
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