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Everything posted by Mechleader

  1. This show SUCKS! But I keep watching...hoping....it will get better. it seems NO ONE in Hollywood watched Battlestar.
  2. Right after my 1/72 Legioss/Tread thats on the bench now.
  3. I'll get one!!! But I still have to build my 1/20th Starbuck version!
  4. Love the box art!!!
  5. 1/32 same scale as the Revell ones.
  6. Nice Viper!!! As for the NEW BG Viper kits there are only resin ones. BUT fear not!!! Moebius Models has the license for the new BG and it is coming out with a new plastic Viper Mark II... http://www.culttvmanshop.com/Battlestar-Ga...TION_p_592.html
  7. AWSOME!!!!
  8. Great job Maverick!!! neptunesurvey Thanks for the info on the Garfish..I am SO getting one!!!! Now I want to work on my 1/72 Alpha/Tread!
  9. Nice! And a decent price for what you get. Whats the size? Can you place it to a 1/72 hase valk to judge its size?
  10. OK Saving $$$ NOW!!!!
  11. Should I start saving??
  12. Dude neptunesurvey that ROCKS!!! You have to recast that!!!!
  13. Whats the going price? I may sell mine!
  14. But it will be the best damn looking elevator ever!
  15. There are quite a few resin models out there. In 1/72 1/48 and 1/24th. I have the 1/72, and 1/24th Applo version resin MK II I mave the Mini G an dthe Peggy in same scale. The Valk is out there and Blackbird. Look for some of them at Fantastic Plastic or starship modlers. Now there WILL be a traditional MK II and Raptor coming out at the end of the year. It will be in scale with the TOS Viper which is 1/32 scale. Don't know about the raptor. No toys but statues. the MK II and the MK VII, Cylon Fighter and teh Razor Fighter all scuplted from Gentle Giant. The same co that does the SW mini Busts. And the 2nd Cylon Mini Bust.
  16. mmmmm... Could they now be venturing into 1/48th scale??
  17. Nice job on the extras!!!!!
  18. The show is 4 minutes longer than normal. So set your DVR's!
  19. BG and Cap sneak peak http://scifiwire.com/index.php
  20. All Macross...for a nice change. Macross 0 bat and Yellow Sub Macross.
  21. NICE!!!
  22. Hi finally done with the 1/24th Landspeeder. I am not totally happy with the kit. There are some discrepancies with the kit and both the filimg minature and the life sized prop. Added both the steering wheele and the wiring which helped. Base is made with spakle and sand. Tan line on windsheild is from the camera. Thanks.
  23. Just got word that they are/were recently filming in Northern NJ. By Mount Olive. Close to NY STATE/Penn boarders. No word on what they were shooting but they have a 45 people crew working.
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