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Everything posted by Mechleader

  1. Very Cool!
  2. Damn that looks good!!!
  3. Great Job!!!!!
  4. NICE! All final five cylons will be at Wizard world con in Chicago.
  5. Done with my 1/48th Snowspeeder!
  6. NICE!!! Keep posting! Wanna see more! Oh and welcome!!!
  7. It IS bad! I SAW THIS! In the movies!!!!! Horrible! DinoShark look like Avatar!
  8. Fine Molds 1/48 Snowspeeder and Turrent. Models are finished. Now have to work on the base.
  9. Worst of all time! "Solarbabies"...look it up!
  10. Thanks! The front of the kit is the resin legioss. Everything past the first set of wings was scratch built.
  11. Here is an Alpha..Gamma? Its the 1/72 resin Alpha/Leigoss. I decided to scratch build more of a body to it.
  12. "Look at the size of that thing!"
  13. Finally a nice, decent scale kit of Komilia Maria Fallyna Jenius! I want one now!!!!
  14. Nice! Just finished my Colonial 1 (I'll post pics soon) Now trying to finish Republic Cruiser. Then...who knows. I want to build the 1/24th Raider! I am waiting for MM to do a Raptor. Although the 1/72 one is SWEET!
  15. Nice! I was doing this with my daughter!
  16. Nice!!!
  17. Alpha/Beta almost done. Thanks to neptunesurvey for the influence!!!
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