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Everything posted by Mechleader

  1. This was take from a site that says there was another Star Wars Christmas special! From 1982!!!! It seems that little Christmas is more important to the Empire than you would think. An evil Jedi-type named Darth Tyrannus (Christopher Lee!) shows up and, with the help of his toady Mopee, kidnaps the young Wampa. Mopee is some kind of shape-shifter (we think Tyrannus describes Mopee as a "Clawdite," though that term is nowhere on the official Star Wars site) but don't expect any great morphing effects from a movie of this vintage. After a video generated flash of light, Mopee appears in his new form through the magic of editing. Tyrannus and Mopee take Christmas with them to Coruscant, the seat of the Empire. Here is the link. http://www.stomptokyo.com/movies/v/very-st...-wars-xmas.html
  2. VERY NICE!!!!I like the panel lines on the underside! Great job!
  3. I agree with you on that Noyhauser... It's just that I think that alot of the average young kids getting into modeling might be missing. Both on a great hobby and what they themselves can do.
  4. Nothing against you Prons just a comment on the modiling hobby today. It's getting to the point where people want a model but they don't want or know how to build one. The modiling industry is making it so that you put together a toy. This is not modeling! Modeling is glueing and painting and such. Sorry about this mini rant but it's upsetting. I'm not the best modeler, as a matter of fact I suck at some of it but I have learned from people around here and other places. Learning new techniques, painting glueing all this stuff is what makes the hobby so worthwhile. When your finished and place the model down and you can say, "I built and painted that! I MADE IT!". Not I put it together. Know the difference? Anyway get one of the regular VF A,J or S. Build it. Get a feel for it and then try branching out. Glue on the fingers! THATS MODELING!!!!! Try it you may supprise yourself. The Hase model is fine if all you do is glue and minor paint. Believe me it's a great kit!!!! Just try one of those and see what you would have to do to make a gerwalk mode. I'm going to try one at some point, I don't think it's that hard. You can see a pic of some Hase grewalks in my "Need a pic" Thread. Again NOTHING against you Prons. Keep modeling!!!!!! Any questions and I'll try to answer them as best I could. It's just that I see more models and modeling supplies at the Rag shop than I do at Toy's R Us and it pisses me off that these Gundam toys are being called "Models".
  5. Damn that looks great!!! Good job! I ordered the 4ft rod plus the 5 inch circle base! Thanks for the tip!!!
  6. Now that most of the work on the house is done and my basement is almost complete, I want to do this paint scheme. Trying to figure out which to work on first though???? So many models...so little time.
  7. 007-vf1 Thats it!!!! Thanks!!!!! asianLove: I like that one as well! Thanks!
  8. Just build your own!!! You have the models! Then you can feel better knowing that YOU built it! Then when they are trying to get rid of them for $19.99, pick one up!
  9. LOVE the P-40! I have to get a model of that to go along with they 1942 Corsair that I ordered! As far as the film goes this is what George Lucas is reffering to when talking about serial type films from the 30's on. Batman was once in this realm. I like it. I'll see it just for the effects. I like Jude Law but the rest of the cast I can do without. Looks good and considering that they haven't done this type of film yet I'll go see it, and the Village from M. Night.
  10. Okay, anyone have the VF grey and white color scheme????
  11. Married 4 years. Been together....toooooo long....and have a beautiful baby boy thats 2 1/2.
  12. Mechleader

    Need pic

    Hi, I'm looking for a pic of a gray Hasegawa VF in Gerwalk mode. I think it was lit as well. If anyone knows where I find it please post the link or post it here. Thanks!
  13. I know! It's not the final mix though so I'm sure the music will change. That movie looks to be awsome! I can't wait!!!
  14. LOOKS COOL!!! http://www.apple.com/trailers/paramount/sk...orldoftomorrow/
  15. Thanks for the link!!!!! That is some build up!!!!!
  16. WOW!!! Where did you find these pics? Any more???
  17. Truly a work of art!!!! Great job!!!!
  18. I dig it. Looks good. Have any other models to show?
  19. Yes that is...(I think) Anyway congrats to ALL who participated and congrats to wmchange!!! CW Hope to see more of these types of things in 2004. When I'm done with the new house I'll be able hopefully enter. Thanks again CW!!!
  20. YES!!!!! Has will make a low vis model!!!! Can't wait!!!
  21. Alpha's are smaller mechs that the VF's.
  22. THE WORST!!!! Solarbabies!!!!! Stupid film about kids on rollarskates and a ball of light.
  23. Shawn is the one that found the link (Thanks Shawn!). I don't think it's too weathered. I have to go with the way the pics are taken. I agree that the VF-1A fighter is a little over done but you can't take anything from this guys skills.
  24. Hey NERV I read that artical on the Legioss already. That is some kit!!! I agree on the color but stilll nice detail.
  25. Doesn't matter. Just look at the work of the models. Now that is a work of art! Thanks Shawn for the link to this site!
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