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Everything posted by Mechleader

  1. and
  2. This is most of my collection in boxes. They are all filled with models except the one in the back which is all org SW toys and figs.
  3. Custome Hase VF-1A paint job. Was going to do a night viz but paint came out too green.
  4. forgot pic....
  5. 1/72 POD and Hase with custon 1/100 valk cutting through the water.
  6. the workbench...spray booth just a card board box for now. Working on Hase Strike.
  7. and
  8. and sideways...I have the White, Yellow and Red Kotobukiya Clone Troopers. The blue is tooo much money right now. Sorry that the pic is sideways.
  9. and
  10. Hi, I just finished most of my house and I finally have my own room!!!! The wife and kid have the rest of the house and the basement is mine!!!!! Anyway wanted to share some pics. ALOT of the models I did years ago when I was a teenager (please be kind). Some have broken due to the move and others I have to finish. Anyway here is the fist.
  11. Can't see too much of it except in the middle of the nose and the back fins.
  12. Hi, wm cheng. No sunlight. Infact it was in a plastic box in a cool enviorment for six months. I let the oil dry for a couple of hours. Yes I used low order varsol. I never applied the future though. I'm going to try that with this new one I'm doing.
  13. Great work!!!!!
  14. Sorry. Didn't mean to hijack your thread. Sure why not? Lets see if Wong could do it. I'd trust him more than anyone else. Lets get a list of wants. Then we present it to them andtake it from there.
  15. Yes due to the 1/48th Falcon that was planned. Code 3 got upset becasues they were releasing a Falcon of their own. Funny thing is both scales never matched. So one would NOT compete with the other. But they ran to Lucas's laywers and next thing is the C&D. Lucas's people and ILM knew about SMT for a while but never said anything. When Code 3 got pissy then they HAD to do something. Word is even ILM'ers have bought SW stuff from SMT.
  16. You can thank Code 3 for the C&D to SMT.
  17. Can't wait for this to come out! It's gonna ROCK!!!!
  18. Yes. before and after.
  19. Hi, I sealed with Semi Gloss. I did't use the future THEN the oil wash. How do you thin the future?
  20. Hi, Yes the yellow is stonger where the wash is. I did a prime of black the used Tamiya water based acrylic for two coats of white. Then sealed it with Semi-gloss. The wash is visible where it should be...i.e. Pannel lines. Not exposed to direct sunlight. Pic coming soon. Waiting for friends camera.
  21. Hi there! I have a problem with the oil wash. I built a hase VF and gave it an oil wash as per WM Change's technique. It worked with no problems. Six months later I noticed that parts of the model are now yellowing where I did the oil wash. I sealed it with the gloss before the wahs and whiped it away with mineral spirits afterwords. The model was fine when I was done with the kit. Now...yellow. . What did I do wrong with the oil wash???? Any help would be greatful. Thanks.
  22. Dixieart.com free shipping for over $40.00 Iwata!!! Check it out. Got my Smart Jet from them.
  23. I've been waiting a long time for this!!!! I can't wait!!!!
  24. I saw it. Totally dug it....except the ending. But great animation!!!!
  25. Opps! It's a joke. Sorry!!!
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