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Everything posted by Mechleader

  1. Didn't we just do this????
  2. Great job!!!! Inspiration from the master!!! Damn you make it look so easy!
  3. That looks sweet! Thanks for the pics!
  4. Sorry about the link. I say they are real. Why go through all that trouble????
  5. http://jedidefender.com/newspro/fullnews.c...077744570,39717, Pics include... Anakin Skywalker: Head Close Up AT-ST Jr Separatist Compound 1 Separatist Compound 2 Separatist Compound 3 Republic Speeder Separatist War Room Separatist Throne 1 Separatist Throne 2 Separatist Vehicle Wookiee Boat
  6. Yes black as a base and then airbrush. Paints try Tamiya or other water based paints. You can get a cheap aircan to use with an airbrush but be careful. The cans tend to get very cold and ice up. Plus don't breath in if you take off the cap. I did and man I my throat and lungs closed! And the cans run out quick. Try it first then if you want to get a a airbrush or compressor try Dixiart.com They are very good and free shipping over fourty dollars.
  7. Yes I have heard of this. I bought a book, (from Badger I think) on model painting and it tells you to do this. BUT it says that the black first to bring out detail. You will still need an air brush to paint it. NOT the spray cans for the final coat. I even bought the model that they show how to use. It worked to a degree. Still need a wash and etc. Hope this helps.
  8. Found one already done. Not mine. http://batman2001.cool.ne.jp/gallery/OTHER...0S/pages/p1.htm
  9. Yea why so few people?????? This is our chance to finally get what we want and NO ONE is responding?????? I figured there would be A LOT more people behind this.
  10. Hey Grayson72...Just one????
  11. Here's the pic.
  12. I Hate it when I do that.
  13. Just info from HLJ http://www.hlj.com/scripts/hljpage.cgi?HSG16
  14. OUT IN MARCH. SEE HERE: http://www.1999.co.jp/asp/KeyReference_rig...1&Typ=#10036816
  15. RECAST!!!!!
  16. Great work!!!!
  17. I know what your talking abount now. Just can't remember where I saw it on these boards.
  18. here... model graphix oct 2001. http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/magazines/mg_1020012.jpg can be found in mag section.
  19. 1. 1/72 Valkyrie Booster with launch vechicle (to fit Hasegawa) 2. Queadlunn Rau (in 1/72, pretty much like the Club-M kit) 3. 1/72 VF-2SS
  20. Hi, yes I hav ALOT os SW stuff. And I know that it's SW heavy. Most of my toys are SW. The org from 1970's. My Robotech figs and toys are still in the boxes. I do have ALOT of Macross models. I was going to pull them and take the pics but I didn't have the time. As for the G-1 from Gatchaman I think Bandai did it. I have the Godphenoix resin from Bandai as well. I'll get a close up of the gpb, desert camo soon. With more pics of my unbuilt macross models.
  21. I tell my son, he's 2 1/2 not to touch. Besides it's mostly open and big in the basement and he has his stuff to play with....then he comes in and bothers me. Lol. IThe arms fell off the durgram. Have to fix it. Thanks!!!!
  22. what I'm working on now....Hase Strike.
  23. almost done.
  24. more????
  25. more...
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