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Everything posted by Mechleader

  1. That VF-0D ROCKS!!!!!!! I can see the customs now!!!
  2. Ummm... ok...here ya go. http://www.wilenkin.com/transformers/Video...06_content.html http://i.flowgo.com/greetings/kungfu_bunny/kungfu_bunny.swf http://www.miniclip.com/dancingbush.htm
  3. Congrats!!!!! Your life as you know it is now over. Lol
  4. Just finished my 1/1 scale retaining wall. Lol. and my 1/72 Hase Batt. Made him a J. Now....wondering what to work on next.
  5. Mechleader


    NICE! Thanks for the pics. I might have t get some of these.
  6. Got a question. What do you do with your old models? The ones that you built a long time ago. The ones that didn't come out the way you wanted. I just finished my Hase Batt and I love it. But now it sits on the shelf with some older models. Ones I did when I was a teen. Some are good others aren't. I have to make room for the thousands, yes thousands of models I have yet to build. Sooooo....what to do with the old ones? I could put them in a container but... Thats what I want to know. What do you do with your old models.
  7. No other way to put it. This guy is selling his flat over in London. 1 million. Who's gonna buy this? http://community.webshots.com/user/aja24
  8. Man that is great!!!!! I hope you took pics to show us how you did it! Again great work!!!!
  9. Myersjessee is right. We will probably see the more of the Macross 0 line. But sometimes it's hard to tell with them just what they will release next.
  10. No nothing announced. I'm just hoping for a 1/72 Q-Rau and/or Armor kits.
  11. Mechleader


    Tomy released SW stuff and I wanted to know if they are the same scale. Not like I'm going for that. I just want a reference.
  12. Well I would like to think so. So far all past kits have sold well. I don't think they would stop now.
  13. We know that Hasegawa likes to copy Yamato. With that in mind do you think we will see 1/72 Q-Rau's or Armor Batts or a Macross 0 batt from them? I would like to see a Q-Rau from them BIG TIME.
  14. Mechleader


    Yes please. I would like to see them. Are they the same size as the Star Wars ones? Thanks.
  15. Mechleader


    Hi, does anyone know about these??? They look cool. I have the SWones and they have nice detail to them. But I never knew about these. http://www.jbox.com/SEARCH/MY271/1/ http://www.jbox.com/SEARCH/KB037/1/
  16. Anyone here of this??? Here is the trailer. http://www.d-war.com
  17. WOW...AWSOME...BEAUTIFUL...GREAT...WONDERFUL... are all underrated words to describe his work. Thank you is all I can say.
  18. Congrats!!! Nice toes!!!!
  19. edit
  20. Damn! I still havent gotten the VF-0 yet! How about some Battle pods!!!!!
  21. More than just a forum???? Sorry HAd to do it!
  22. Hey The6ftTallAZN your not the only Macross fan in NJ. I'm in NJ as well. Uesd to live in Rutherford just moved to Brick.
  23. Already on "Backorder" at HLJ.
  24. Hi, it's out with new pics! Anyone order it??? New pics. http://www.1999.co.jp/eng/plamo/index.html
  25. Yes I ordered the 1/7 Darth Vader when it first came out. Then I ordered the Hase photoetched parts. Good place. Responded to emails.
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