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Everything posted by Mechleader

  1. Tri-Fighter Droid....
  2. HERE HERE! I Agree! And good points!!!!!
  3. HWR MKII The Imp Shuttle is not for sale BUT I did get one cheap from SSM site. Sometimes in thetrading section people have them for cheap. Other than that...ebay. If I come across one I'll PM you. And thanks for the kind words. Grayson 72 I have more than one kit so that I can do different color schemes and the like. Plus down the road I may wanna redo a kit and I figure if I have it now no need to go searching down the road when they are no longer around.
  4. WOW Thats nice!
  5. NEW ONES... Alderaan
  6. I can't wait to see the pics!
  7. Found one more resin...1/72 Valk II Oh and 1 more Hase weapons and stand set. Lol...
  8. 1/72 Hasegawa Chrome VF-0S Posted in the auctions...not sure where to post it. Please delete the app. one. Thanks. Not mine but I know some of you are into the limited stuff http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...5948119028&rd=1
  9. LOL!!!! Yes here is the Star Destroyer. They are back in...maybe. I know the owner of the site moved to Florida and got hit with the hurricanes...twice. So Last I checked he was out... Here is the link: http://www.federationmodels.com/ Click models and look in Comet Connections. That is where I got the TIE as well. Great work and a good site.
  10. Yea the sad part is I don't think I have enough hase's. Lol Thats the 1/48 Ultimate Strike Valk. A thing of beauty.
  11. It's 1/48 from Federation Models. I think it's a little bigger than the 1/48th they say. I wanted to get the Star Destroyer they had but it's been out for a long time.
  12. Thats it for now. I do have a ton of Macross 1/100 and 1/72's but I had no time to pull them all out. So what should I do as my next model?
  13. and...some resin...not all of my resin but some.. 2 Legioss and Treads..The rest you can make out....1/48 Ult. Strike kit...THe brass photo etched parts and all are in another box...
  14. I opted to just show my Hase collection..
  15. I was going to take them all out but that would be alot of time so... I know someone wanted my SMT B-Wing.... Lol...
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