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Everything posted by technoblue

  1. Good points, sketchley. I was also impressed by how the new film used concepts from the original and then made those concepts its own in interesting ways. I felt that the movie wasn't just a straight reboot, but also an origin story and for me that helped with the pacing. The nice after-credit tease had me thinking even more about the whole origin story idea. Seeing the evolution of the equipment was also a very fun part of the new film. It was there in the 1984 film, but it was subtle and a lot of that evolution happened off screen or in a montage (and it might have been due to how movies were made then, or special effects limitations, or budget restrictions, but that's all speculation on my part). The criticism of the visual effects is a fair one, although I was only really bothered with how the CGI was done for Slimer's scenes and a couple of the battle scenes near the end. I also think the movie could have benefited from a couple extra spooky/scary ghost scenes to produce more tension, to balance the comedy with a little more action. The scenes it did have (the ones that weren't silly on purpose) were good, but I think it would have been nice to have more.
  2. Chibi RWBY is a fun distraction, although I do wonder what the plans are for the next regular season.
  3. Nope. That's not how I see it. The movie is an action/comedy and isn't attacking anyone. Saying this movie attacks secretaries would be like saying the original attacks government regulators (Peck) or successful bussiness women (Barrett), or lonely single men (Tully). At best it's being ironic. I'm sorry you can't see the humor in it, renegadeleader1 but that is your choice. At least you did one better than most and gave it a chance. I do respect that. Not everyone's likes are the same.
  4. You're right, and it makes no sense so I pay it no mind as I lurk over there. The G1 toys had no sense of scale, and I had to make an approximation of what I thought was right when I was a kid. I don't see how that wouldn't work today, chart or no chart. I like having Optimus and Megatron being similar heights. The carbots are good if they are smaller than the two leaders. And I'm good mixing and matching different bots from different toy companies if I think they look good together. I know that doesn't work for everyone, but I don't get why people debate/argue it. One of the mysteries of geekdom, I guess. <GT Jazz> From the preview there, it looks like he came out just fine. I'll have to watch the video to see what peaugh thinks of it.
  5. I still think people shouldn't write this one off based on what the "crowd" dictates. Or based on a knee-jerk reaction to a bad trailer or another person's ideals. I went to see it again today. The theater was half full, so I guess interest is fading but it is still reaching an audience. And people of all ages were there to enjoy it: older couples were there, young adults, families with pre-teens, teens. The parts that I found laugh-out-loud funny the first time still got me to laugh this second time. Anyway, it still feels like a Ghostbusters film to me. The surviving members of the original Ghostbusters team each had a cameo. Even Sigourney Weaver and Annie Potts had cameos, which added to the fun throughout. There were a couple scenes that were nice and spooky, even startling like the 1984 film. But beyond those comparisons and callback cameos, I think the new movie did do enough differently to give the property a new lease. I only wish more people would give the movie a chance. Oh well... The only downside that I forgot from my first viewing was Slimer. In this movie, Slimer is more like he is in Ghostbusters 2. But aside from that, I don't have any real criticism against the film.
  6. It's a good comparison to have I think, especially if you have decided to skew your collection toward larger combiners. The KO carbots that I've owned were frustrating as toys, but would have served well as comparison pieces. The upside (for me) is that MP carbots tend to be a good value in terms of price vs size and I don't mind getting the official ones. Takara also appears to be making its prices more competitive for the smaller bots. The larger MP bots are a different story--more hit and miss in my experience--and I completely understand someone being keen on avoiding them. To be blunt about it, I think I've only been truly impressed by MP-10 and MP-13. Ratchet and Ironhide fall into the okay category, even though they are controversial for some. I ended up selling/being disappointed by MP-11 (repaints/remolds included), MP-22 (not interested in the Delta repaint), MP-29 (lilac/periwinkle?). I had no connection to MP-24, but got caught up in the hype of a transformer with armor (should've been MP-22) and I sold MP-24 too when the hype effect wore off. Also, I don't collect any Masterpieces before MP-10 anymore. I tried that with MP-3 and MP-8. MP-3 was too fiddly and my copy of MP-8 was a royal dud. Thinking about it, for Transformers, I don't think I'll ever get as close to completing a collection as I have with my TF:Prime bots.
  7. The head looks like it was modified to look older. The unpainted prototype had a younger face sculpt, IIRC. I was in the group that liked the original face with MT going its own way and ignoring the criticism. I'm not too worried, though. There was talk about optional faces, so maybe this is one of two or three. Edit: Just caught up on the tfw thread. And so it is. Most of the new faces are good, IMO.
  8. Yeah. The trailers were horrendous. I think the movie deserved better in that regard. Sony seems to have forgotten how to market its properties well. As for the hyperbole from Feig's side? No, I'm not kidding. It's just a movie, no matter what anyone says. And even if I didn't like it, I have enough confidence in myself, enough of a thick skin if you will, to not care about what some random guy twits about because he can't stand the thought of the negative reviews. IMO, the controversy around it has nothing to do with me at all. I can say the same about the reviews that A7 posted to this thread. That isn't to say that they were useless. Far from it, and some of them were very entertaining, but in the end I wanted to see the movie for myself and make up my own mind. It would have been easier to rage and go with the flow and the crowd. But that also wouldn't have been fair. I mean, I liked Ghostbusters, and I even sat through Ghostbusters 2 and found some good scenes in that movie.
  9. Okay. Dynaman has an opposing viewpoint. So what? The beauty of being an adult is being able to disagree and still have a discussion. I don't think the movie was ruined by political correctness. That's a cop-out excuse, although I guess it would be easier for some to peg it all on Paul Feig and those who actually went to see the film. I don't buy it, though. There were more machinations leading up to this, IMO. We have a good comedy team of veteran male actors—a team that stalled for years because one member, Bill Murray, had cold feet and didn't want to revisit the property. We have a movie studio, Sony, which couldn't successfully drive a decent sequel with the original cast without messing things up. We have a new director who wanted to make a true reboot without having any connection to the previous films. I think that was fair. But then the first trailer for the film went live and made a blatant connection and riled everyone up. I'm not going to speak to the hyperbole. There was enough of that levied on both sides and it got ugly. I think Feig would have done better if he had just ignored it and let the movie stand on its own, but that type of quiet response seems to be less of how things get handled these days. I must be getting old.
  10. It's okay to want something different, but I don't think Star Trek has ever been consistently focused on a single starring actor. It has always been made up of an ensemble cast. That's how we got Kirk, Spock, and McCoy in the beginning and not just the Adventures of Captain Kirk. That, itself, evolved to include Uhura, Scottie, Sulu, Chekov, and even some minor characters that had recurring roles like Nurse Chapel and Yeoman Rand. Ignore the original series ensemble, and the others that came after it, and posing that Trek pushes single actors as stars seems odd to me.
  11. Nah. It was only doomed by hardcore fans who were expecting Feig to pander to them. He didn't. Too bad. That's the same kind of thinking that gets a Macross fan believing that every iteration of Macross is no good unless it ends up like SDF-TV. Those fans will end up constantly disappointed, because these things are always changing. For those interested in tracking how the new film is doing compared with the original (instead of arguing hyperbole), here are the latest numbers: http://www.the-numbers.com/movies/custom-comparisons/Ghostbusters-(2016)/Ghostbusters The only thing left to see is if the new movie has the same legs as the old (no pun intended).
  12. Define lead. I wouldn't be so quick to dismiss Robert Beltran's work on Voyager. I think he was as much of a lead as Kate Mulgrew.
  13. technoblue

    Hi-Metal R

    I took a long look at both prices, the ebay price and the anime-export price, and went with ebay myself. Now the waiting begins...
  14. technoblue

    Hi-Metal R

    Nice! I wasn't able to get away on my lunch break, but I plan to do the same after work.
  15. technoblue

    Hi-Metal R

    With the sales popping up, and the great pictures/reviews here that give me a better idea of how much space the monster really needs, I think I have finally talked myself into picking up one copy to add to my collection. It seems too unique/rare to pass up. And it looks very, very nice.
  16. If those were TV supers, they would have sold instantly. Since they are DYRL supers, they have some hang time.
  17. I like how DX9 solved Megatron's leg transformation problem by figuring out a neat way to compress the legs down to size when transforming them into the stocks/grip. It's just too bad that they were unable to avoid the same problem that XTB has with the grip being too wide in alt mode. I also agree with Ben when he discusses kibble. That will come down to a matter of preference, but DX9 has the kibble on the back and XTB has the kibble in the legs.
  18. Welcome to the forum, Boobytrap. That information was shared up thread by Kinzoku VF here: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=42438&p=1256834 It looks like you got a good copy of Silvie. Not everyone's copy worked that way out of the box.
  19. technoblue

    Hi-Metal R

    Thanks for taking the time to put that together, Roy. It may be a squeeze but it doesn't look too tight in there. I like it.
  20. technoblue

    Hi-Metal R

    Roy, in case you missed my question above, can you check to see if the Detolf will hold more than just the Monster on one shelf? For instance, can you have the Monster and one or two HM-R Valkyries displayed with it, or is there only enough room for the Monster? Thanks.
  21. technoblue

    Hi-Metal R

    Well I'm impressed. How much space do you have for other figures like Valkyries and such? Or has that shelf become its own Monster shrine?
  22. Hey, that's fine. I don't think anyone is trying to force you in any one direction. Me, the reason I'm being so hard on the VF-2SS is because it is a Valkyrie that I had high hopes for. I tried to live with the little disappointments, but I just couldn't. I then waited for news of the subsequent releases. Seeing the early photos of the improvements in this thread is not giving me much hope. I don't see any improvements that call me back to the design. I guess it's time for me to move on to the next thing. Luckily, I'm patient. As for the author of the twitter post, it doesn't really matter to me what his intentions are or if he is being devious. I was simply pointing out what he posted.
  23. It's fine if people like what ET has done. Don't get me wrong. But, I think there is room for something much better and I don't want to spend anymore money on this rendition as it is. As i was reminded recently by our very own ChaoticYeti, opinion can't really trump experience in these discussions. Some people will have bad experiences and get turned off to a toy and others like what they have in hand and want to see more of it. That's okay. But I really can't compare this to Toynami. My only experience with Toynami is the Masterpiece Shadow Fighter. It was loose, but not as loose and janky as my VF-2SS. I would rank the Shadow Fighter much higher.
  24. Um...A quick search for the images sh9000 posted will get you to the twitter feed source. The user got a defective copy. It was NOT an accident. Yeah, it can happen with any manufacturer (see Arcadia for recent evidence), but no one has to put up with it. https://twitter.com/MACROSS00000072/status/759678917842128896 For me, Silvie has gone on a journey to w4573.bin, never to return. This was one of the few toys that I was that disappointed with after receiving it in hand.
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