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Everything posted by technoblue

  1. I like how photos make MP-36 look good in both modes. The toon look doesn't bother me at all. I can definitely see how Takara has changed the aesthetic over time, but I also think that the releases are getting more and more interesting. At least, they are for me. And I do agree about Despo's proportions. He looks like the defensive end on an American football team--heavy duty muscle--and his alt mode looks like it was made for giants. Takara seems more on point with how Megatron actually looks in the show and the movie. That isn't to say that Despotron is bad. I think MT's style is charming, but it isn't really indicative of anything. It is simply the company's take on classic Megs.
  2. There's a bit of a peak-a-boo head behind the windshield, but that's me looking for nits to pick. I really do like that Jazz.
  3. technoblue

    Hi-Metal R

    I gave in and got the HMR Dougram a while ago. I picked up one Spartan at hlj...and that AE listing is two good to pass by...two it is.
  4. The advanced search is a link at the footer of each page. Look under Wholesale Info.
  5. I'm half-way through flip-flappers, which is a fun ride. And I binged all the way through the second season of Ajin. I must say that Sato makes for one twisted version of Hannibal from the A-Team (I love it when a plan comes together). I'm slowly finishing up other series like Iron Blooded Orphans and the last of Durarara. These had strong beginnings but then started to drag on. Izetta is next on my list of anime that I missed, and I'm also going to be following the Fate/Grand Order OVAs.
  6. Season 3 does take a turn. I binged the last of it the week Netflix released the new episodes. I'm looking forward to where the show goes next.
  7. I'm in no rush to upgrade to Kaby Lake, but I do like the out-of-the-box numbers from these initial reviews (especially the power numbers). I have to agree that those software benchmarks tell a completely different story, though, and Intel appears to be giving AMD an opportunity to play catch up. Man, it would be nice to build a solid AMD system again. I haven't had one in house since I put together a SFF Athlon64 system years ago. At the moment, I'm getting ready to upgrade my GPU so that I have better support for my ultra widescreen monitor and I'm finally going to test Windows 10 Pro (stubborn holdout, I am).
  8. Well I've only watched up to disc 05, which covers up to episode 15. Episodes 14 and 15 are what I am referencing with my massive fleet battles comment (those with the Macross Elysion and N.U.N.S. fleets). I'm waiting on the other discs to finish the show, and can't comment on the later episodes until those arrive (I simply haven't seen them). And where I agree that Macross does serve up its own unique mix of tropes to draw in an audience, I think the balance of those tropes has changed with each release. The balance of the idols, music, mecha, action, characters and story can change to help set each release of Macross apart from other anime releases as well as to set each release apart from other Macross releases. Anyway, I'm not surprised that there are fans who pick favorites among the Macross releases, but I find that I'm one of those fans who likes all of it. You're welcome! I do hope we get to see more subtitled releases of Macross down the line, old and new. :-)
  9. Despite the Penny Arcade satire and hyperbole, I think it is fair to continue to use spoiler tags for a show that had its final broadcast episode only a few months back in September. It would be one thing if this was about Frontier which was broadcast eight years ago and whose blu-ray/dvd discs similarly have been available for years. Only half of Delta's blu-ray/dvd discs are out in the wild, and I know there are more people like myself who vocalized that they were going to take Delta at a slower pace. Anyway, it doesn't take a lot of energy to respond to that choice with respect and kindness instead of snark, or telling other Delta slowpokes to stay away from the forum.
  10. I agree, Delta is less of the usual Macross show with sci-fi elements and an idol or two mixed in, and more of an idol show with some sci-fi elements mixed in. I liked AKB0048, and this seems like that with a very distinctive Macross theme. I was also getting a slight Legend of the Galactic Heroes vibe while watching disc 05. The political intrigue and the massive fleet battles, in particular. I do wish that Delta did more with the everyman soldier like LotGH did, showing them as something more than just cannon fodder. But that is my only criticism, and it is really just an acknowledgement that Macross uses recognizable over-the-top elements by design.
  11. I like Artfire's unconventional style. Hm. This is going to be hard to resist. I wonder how much of the detail shown on the legs and feet are Tampo or stickers?
  12. MMC teased the first prototype of their Nova Prime in 2012. I think it was intended to be a contemporary of Hexatron looking at the old promotional material. Hexetron was the better toy, though. Anyway, here is that thread: http://news.tfw2005.com/2013/08/08/mastermind-creations-seraph-prominion-nova-prime-178183 I think the Seraphicus core bot ended up having a gappy backpack like MP tracks. I guess it can be argued whether or not that was deliberate. I also wasn't fond of the head joint on Seraphicus. It was flimsy, and made the armored head look strange if it wasn't pulled up and away from the shoulder area. I agree with the cost criticism, but I don't know what Fans Toys has to do with Seraphicus. If you are talking about companies using teasers and pre-orders to get fans to buy into a toy early...yeah I'm not into that way of doing business. It reminds me of pre-orders for video games, and I've been burned on my fair share of those to know better. *Looks at pre-order list* LoL! I guess I'm learning slowly. Well I do try to keep my pre-orders to a minimum now, focusing on toys that I know I will keep. If I'm unsure about something, even a Macross toy release, I'd rather wait until release day or after a review is out and pay a little more for that peace of mind. For third-party Transformers, I have a number of the smaller Reformatted MMC bots and a couple Ocular Max releases, but definitely more from MMC than any other company. My Fans Toys focus is the X version dinobots, but I also have Hound and Reflector. Planet X gives me a set of cool smaller dinos to go with my MMC bots, I also like how PX is branching out to other game characters. For Maketoys, I have their Megatron, Hound (Toy colors) and their Reflector. I have DX9's Mightron and Rodimus (in black). I have BadCube's Sunstreaker and Warpath. Oh! I almost forgot the Master Made SD bots. That's everything 3P in my collection. The official Takara releases that I buy are similarly picky. I have sold all my headmasters (MT and FP), as these are not my cup of tea. I'm interested in the 3P minibots that we have seen announced, but I won't order any until I hear more about the retail versions.
  13. My impression has been a positive one so far. For me, Delta has high points like Frontier, but it is like we were given a new story in that same universe across the galaxy somewhere and it isn't breaking in a new mould for itself. In my opinion, a good past comparison to liken it to would be Macross Plus to Macross 7. And with that in mind, I think everyone should try it out on their own for an episode or three before committing to it. But I'm already hooked.
  14. For me, it wasn't that MMC's Seraphicus Prominon was disappointing so much as it took too long to get released. And this problem isn't limited to Seraphicus alone. It appears that MMC has a habit of teasing new toys well ahead of their release dates. I think Titanika was teased summer of 2014? Anyway, Seraphicus had the longest project tease-to-release schedule by far, and compared to his other contemporary MMC Reformatted releases, it shows in unfortunate ways. For instance, the power cradle could have used more work and a better "base" (or repair) mode transformation when the armor was on the figure. The skeleton rack is useless. Having the ability to turn the Cybertronian "truck" fluidly in alt mode would have been nice too. Granted, these are nitpicks but when other third party toys (even MMC's own toys) are doing it right it makes me scratch my head. Maketoys did a better packaging presentation by offering Hyper Novae in one box. Seraphicus being split in two boxes and at a premium price was odd. Articulation and design are both important to me when planning a purchase, MMC usually is okay in both categories, but Seraphicus felt dated once the new toy shine wore off.
  15. I must say that all the Infernos look good together in the Chosen Prime review. Third parties really are offering fans a choice for MP aesthetics, and choice is a very good thing. For Inferno, my favorite designs ended up being the official Takara release (after some hesitation, like with Ironhide) and Maketoys stylized release (that clever leg transformation).
  16. Hm. In your initial communication, did he give you an idea of his schedule and when you should expect your PS3 back in working condition? The best case is that you might have caught him during his busy season, and he is simply taking more time to do right by you. Fixing hardware, especially at this level (repairing CPU sockets), is not like upgrading a video card in a PC or even scanning a computer for a virus infection. It takes time. But I agree that the lack of extra communication is a concern, and I would continue to reach out to avoid a worst case situation. Be the squeaky wheel and try to get as many details about progress on the repair and/or where things stand right now. Remember to be polite, and even though you may be upset don't threaten the guy. Use eBay as a last resort if he doesn't get back to you at all. I can speculate, especially once the hardware repairs are complete, that he would run some kind of diagnostic to test the PS3 and ensure that the Yellow blinking light is fixed somehow. Diagnostics can also take a while, if he is the type who wants to be exact. But these are things that I would want to have explicit details on if I was in your shoes. At the very least, it will give you more data if you do need to go to eBay for arbitration.
  17. Let's not forget Snarl, who uses his tail as a backpack. Like MP-8, third-party MPs have transformations similar to the old G1 toys. To me, that seems intentional, and being able to hide dino kibble is just a benefit of modern-day engineering. I would rather have those voids filled in and given a purpose (as most 3P dinos do, large and small) than left hollow. And as much as I enjoyed my G1 Sludge and Swoop when I was young, I don't need to go back to those toys. The new ones are certainly better, IMO.
  18. Oh! Understood. In that case, azrael's suggestion might work out better for you. You can get a fan controller and place it in your spare 5.25" bay and connect the fan directly to that. I don't know how easy these parts are to source from brick&mortar type stores today, but you will find plenty of options available on-line. There are also adapters that you can use to plug your PWM fan directly into a spare power supply cable.
  19. Right, 4-pin PWM fans connected to 3-pin headers will be locked at full speed. If that ends up being too loud, you can add a resistor to manually slow the fan down too. You shouldn't have to adapt anything else unless your motherboard has unique requirements for its fan connections.
  20. I love how Gundog (2Y) tips its hat to the old G1 toy iteration of Hound while still being a sturdy, stylized Maketoys product. Also, I remember seeing a fix for 2Y's stiff shoulder out there, but I'm having difficulty finding it now with my Google-fu. I'll have to search around more later. Anyway, today I have Hound from both Maketoys and Fanstoys, and I find myself happy with the aesthetics of both. But I agree that Gundog is definitely easier to pick up and play with. Thanks for the review, Mike.
  21. But this is the future, she's gotta run on sustainable energy...like hot dogs.
  22. I'll see it. I'll probably come away with more questions than answers like I did with Innocence, but I'm looking forward to seeing the story told from another perspective.
  23. Ghost without Bassets or Fuchikomas (unless they plan to surprise manga fans). That leaves me with one question: Do androids dream of electric nipples?
  24. Dante is taking the bigger is better path, unchained. He has the longest ladder (nice), the biggest firetruck (I can live with that), and Dante is the same size as MP-10 (oops, out of scale for me). Those who like him have their reasons, though, so I hope X-Transbots gives Dante Andras-level good quality. For TT's official release, I think Inferno is also the first release where Takara has added in a "part" gimmick that we can switch out and leave in for transformation. I'm curious to see how well it works, even though it is supposed to be an easy thing (replacing the front bumper and grille), so much doesn't really get tested until MPs go retail. But it appears to be a go-to design choice now, since Megatron has a similar "part" gimmick for his fake chest.
  25. That image gives me hope! I was so disappointed with my copy of Backdraft because it did not live up to MMC's usual quality. The fit was sloppy and the two legs did not sit straight and level in alt mode. It was a very obvious fitment flaw from the rear. Looking at the image of Inferno above, I really like how everything lines up nice and tight. Even if I doubt I'll ever have Inferno driving off into the sunset, its nice to see that Takara got the fit right. As for the details, I figure reprolables will have a sticker sheet for the missing toy bits and bobs. I'm not worried about that. The Japanese prices for MP-36 are more in line with what I expected. I might give in and pre-order Megs 2.0 at that price. I'll have to think about it some more.
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