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Everything posted by technoblue

  1. I'm still hoping that volume 4 adds more depth to Jaune. Alas, this episode is more about exposition.
  2. Just a quick bump to post episode 6. I'll post the three remaining youtube episodes later on tonight.
  3. Is areaseven MIA? If so, I'll try to keep this thread alive until he takes back the reigns. BTW, I've been enjoying the new 3D artwork--a lot. It looks like the main show is using the same toolset they used for RWBY Chibi.
  4. No. As with 2199, there will be a screening of each episode in the cinema before the official TV broadcast. It's a fun way to celebrate the show, and local fans in Japan also have access to exclusive bonus materials at these events. http://ourstarblazers.com/vault/822/
  5. Don't worry about the terminology, Mike. My Grandfather was an engineer in his younger days, and even though you didn't type locomotive or engine when describing this rendition of Astrotrain's "rolling" mode I understood the point you were making. Not every review has to be text book exact. Thanks for the write up, as always.
  6. That may be closer to target than any of us want to admit. Or a v2 1/48 VF-1...
  7. technoblue

    Hi-Metal R

    That got me too, but if I were to guess at the preorder window now I would say that it's been bumped from sometime up to soon.
  8. There may be no why, like with Farewell and Yamato II. It could be that Gatlantis noticed Earth in its dealings with Gamilon, especially when the UN Navy decided not to heed Starsha's warning and continued to reproduce weaponized wave motion technology.
  9. Perhaps, but Mr. K has used kitbashed prototypes, spares, and stickers in his teaser photos before so there is a precedent for that too. Edit: I meant to add that the regular version is no slouch too. I'm this close (...) to picking up a matching "regular" Roy strike set to go with the premium Hikaru. Your pictures in the other thread sold me on it, even though I already own the Yamato version. My first DYRL Roy comes from Yamato's broken shoulder stock.
  10. I think it's a spare Hikaru 1S (from the vanilla stand-only release) that Mr. K is stickering up to model the markings on the premium version. I doubt that is a factory prototype. We have some months to go before either the normal or the premium strike set is released. Anyway, Mr. K's twitter indicates that there will be more photos up next week. I'm looking forward to them.
  11. I think that was in regard to the premium version of the YF-19 that was teased last year. No one from Arcadia has confirmed that the premium VF-1S will include weathering, but anything in addition to the Tampo will be a welcome bonus IMO. I'll cross my fingers because the Yamato weathering Valkyries command a high price today if you can find them. The cost is high enough that even my own impatience won't allow me to flinch when I see them at jungle or mandarake. HaHa! I understand what you mean so well, Noel. I just picked up a copy of Yamato's 1S Hikaru last year and here I am scratching my head because I just spent $40 more to get the premium Arcadia version. Is it good timing like I thought in my post above or is it really bad timing? Oh well, at least I have another Arcadia Valkyrie to look forward to.
  12. I had some discount power at ny and a healthy paypal balance burning a hole in my pocket, so the timing on this worked out for me. Premium version is a go!
  13. Ouch. That price. I may have to rethink jumping in on the premium one. I already have a nice squad of Yamato Valkyries...Hm...
  14. With any luck, the premium release will have more markings to offer than just the return of the ejection seat warning triangle.
  15. Not that I recall. One way to pay for the premium version will be through a proxy service, although that method has additional fees. I was thinking of using From Japan, if Arcadia's base price wasn't too crazy.
  16. The results are coming in, and it looks like Kaby Lake has ho hum overclocking performance at retail. Oh well... http://www.hardocp.com/news/2017/01/16/retail_7700k_up_to_5ghz_3600mhz#.WH0oBFMrJlY
  17. LoL! We'll see... I'll be happy if the Hikaru premium 1S gets as many markings as the old Yamato VF-1A and VF-1J Brownies. If it gets more, then that will be a bonus. And if I can order one somewhere...
  18. Thanks for the review. That Magnus repaint of fun size MP-10 looks very good, but it reminds me that what I really want is a core Magnus bot with armor--your sixth photo is so on point, even if it was meant in jest. Maketoys Cross Dimension Ultra Magnus has me thinking that a company might finally be willing to try a modern update of that design, and I'm excited to see the prototype. I'm also curious to see if MMC might do Ultra Magnus as part of their Reformatted line.
  19. I must have seen a different Bubblegum Crisis 2040 than everyone else. I would classify it as a middling story, like Bubblegum Crash, but not in any way close to tear-out-my-eyes horrible. And I think that is what saddens me the most about it (some uninspired artwork here, phoned-in performances there). I was hoping to get something just as memorable as the original OVA, but it just couldn't reach that level of greatness. Comparing it to other in-universe shows, I think Parasite Dolls was worse and A.D. Police was better.
  20. ^^Sweet. I'm always amazed with these custom Lego scratch builds.
  21. ^Mm. I think the only IOS device that supports USB 3.0 connections is the iPad Pro. Apple's pace for hardware upgrades is glacier slow, and then they make the oddest choices with what features they leave out when it is time to release something new. I would love it if Apple built a more open system, and included nifty add-ons like microSD, but these bits and bobs seem so very much against their business philosophy. The Apple today is not the Apple of the 1980s, or even 2007 when the first iPhone was released. IOS products have evolved to become less about usability and more about profit, IMO. LoL, and I give the criticism with an iPhone 6 in hand. Oh well, I'll learn eventually.
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