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Everything posted by technoblue

  1. technoblue

    Hi-Metal R

    Yeah. I remember when HLJ dropped the PayPal "Bill Me Later" option for "Billing Agreements" only. It was a slightly annoying surprise at the time, but turned out to be okay and easy to work around.
  2. technoblue

    Hi-Metal R

    https://support.hlj.com/hc/en-us/articles/115000288473-Paying-with-GoInterpay Hm. The FAQ doesn't specify certain countries...They might be rolling it out slowly.
  3. technoblue

    Hi-Metal R

    Got one early on at amiami, and tried to get another one early at hobby search too but that didn't work out. I ended up going back to amiami to pick up the second. That'll do for me.
  4. technoblue

    Hi-Metal R

    HM-R to the [Rescue]?
  5. technoblue

    Hi-Metal R

    Yep, and there was that whole 1/100-scale line of VF-25 Valkyries which wasn't part of the Hi-Metal brand, but could probably get updated and added in at some point. http://anymoon.com/blog/?p=2927
  6. technoblue

    Hi-Metal R

    I don't know about the gunpod. I could see Bandai going either way with it: making a full gunpod gimmick or making a special partsforming piece just for the armor. Either way, I'm super stoked for the pre-order, and can't wait to wash away my memory of ET's big let down version.
  7. technoblue

    Hi-Metal R

    Looking at the pictures, I don't think the heatshield is a separate piece from the chest. It appears to be fixed, and the cockpit folds/slides underneath it. The landing gear are still a mystery. I wouldn't be surprised if they swap out like the VF-1 gear.
  8. They had me at Karen Gillan, but I'll stay for the Tron shenanigans. It looks like it could be a fun popcorn flick.
  9. From what I understand, the big difference is with the licensing. The LEGO ideas guidelines page goes into a lot of detail on what makes an ideas set, and how a set is accepted and licensed. https://ideas.lego.com/guidelines#what_is_a_project Of particular note is the rule that new ideas sets cannot be based on licensed sets that the LEGO group is currently selling or other ideas that were previously accepted. MOCs are not restricted in this way, which is a relief. I really like the MOCs that I've found that improve on retail LEGO sets.
  10. technoblue

    Hi-Metal R

    Here's another perspective, no3Ljm: this year is just the beginning.
  11. technoblue

    Hi-Metal R

    Yeah. I think a certain amount of kibble will be unavoidable with this design. I don't know which color is better for blending in the hip mechanism, but I do like how the black looks with all the super parts attached. The white on that first prototype with no parts attached stuck out as obvious to me. It will be interesting to see what color is used in the final retail version. I like how the HM-R hip mechanism appears to sit back farther in fighter mode compared to ET's mechanism. That makes me very curious to see how it all works. And if the HM-R VF-2SS does a better job preserving the cockpit silhouette in fighter mode--where the cockpit, pelvic fin thingy, and battroid head all line up in a row--then I'll be very happy. I wasn't happy with how ET's mechanism broke that line.
  12. Ugh. I haven't been able to keep current with the new episodes. I'll be catching up later once the full season box set is released.
  13. technoblue

    Macross figures

    Indeed, but if I were to criticize something it would be the knee joints. I think the way they split her black stockings might make the legs look weird in certain poses. Other Figuarts have used color or sculpting to conceal the knee joints and make them less obvious, so it's too bad that wasn't done here.
  14. technoblue

    Hi-Metal R

    ^It was a duh moment, dwc. You'll have to click back a page to see my mistake. There was some confusion about whether we would have to be up early in the morning July 3 or July 4, and @sh9000 cleared that up.
  15. technoblue

    Hi-Metal R

    *cough* *cough* Yes. And 03:00 AM, Monday, for those of us on the east coast. Make sure to take a nap!
  16. technoblue

    Hi-Metal R

    You're right! I'm taking vacation that week, so I won't have to worry in any case.
  17. technoblue

    Hi-Metal R

    Same. I can sleep off any drunk-o'clock pre-order madness.
  18. technoblue

    Macross figures

    There will be no disinte...er...cancellations from me. I'm happy with the Walkure Figuarts, and will be happy to make up my own displays for them. Other Macross Figuarts would be fantastic, of course, so I'll stay optimistic that these are leading the way.
  19. Hm. What this tells me is that it isn't easy to profile personality conflicts based on a person's resume. I mean, one could hazard a guess that it was their resumes that got the agents talking and got these two in the door to begin with. The personality stuff didn't become a visible caution until later on when Lord and Miller tried to add their own spice to the Han Solo Disney mix. Now, what I find interesting is the fact that these guys fought Kennedy and Kasdan to the point where they got in trouble for it, and that there was a complete miscommunication of what was required of them as directors. That's never a good sign.
  20. technoblue

    Hi-Metal R

    I don't mind the price, especially since this Valkyrie is a unique sculpt with unique super parts. It's in line with the HM-R Xabungle release too. Man, after the disappointing Evo version, this VF-2SS looks fantastic. I hope this does well and we get more M2 mecha.
  21. Regular decals, unfortunately, but sometimes you can find water slide decals on auction sites like eBay. Here's one: http://m.ebay.com/itm/1-60-Macross-VF-1-transformation-VF-1A-S-Model-Kit-Water-Decal-/391742930246?hash=item5b35b2bd46%3Ag%3AVp8AAOSwol5Y3xxa&_trkparms=pageci%3A6c2eb579-5357-11e7-9e35-74dbd1809abe%7Cparentrq%3Ab5ffcfa415c0abc57936385cfffe36bd%7Ciid%3A9
  22. technoblue

    Macross figures

    Are you talking about the SH Figuarts Mikumo and Freyja? Navigate back a few pages to find the pre-order links. For instance, here are the ami-ami links that @no3Ljm posted: The pre-orders are still open over on HLJ too. Yep.
  23. The most apples to apples comparison that I can make is between the Yamato and Arcadia Hikaru VF-1J. I used my trusty postal scale to get the numbers. It has a tare button that can zero the scale and make sure nothing is skewing the results between each measurement. Yamato VF-1J: 6.6oz or 187g (with pilot) Arcadia VF-1J: 6.6oz or 187g (with pilot) It looks like the weight is exactly the same in this case. I will need to check the premium 1S now, but I don't expect the number to change. Edit: Corrected my grams. And there was a slight change, but it makes sense with the added lasers on the 1S head. Although these are not exactly apples to apples, I have some weight comparisons for the Arcadia Hikaru DYRL premium versus Yamato Roy TV. Yamato VF-1S TV Roy: 6.8oz or 192g (with pilot) Arcadia VF-1S DYRL Hikaru: 6.8oz or 192g (with pilot) Again, when comparing two of the same Valkyrie type, the weight is the same. I don't think the weight is going to reveal much in this case.
  24. Was it fixable or a lost cause? My concern is that there is too much stress in that area to get it back to being functional. A compromise solution would be to seal the crack and just keep it in one mode (like fighter mode) until I can replace it when Arcadia reissues the SV-51. It sucks, but it is the nature of old plastic I guess. And you may be right about the issues, @spanner. My memory gets fuzzy thinking back on this stuff.
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