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Everything posted by technoblue

  1. I think those are the glow-in-the-dark stickers that jenius mentioned. Perhaps they are included?
  2. https://hlj.com/product/YMT00211 Make sure to check your 2010 currency conversion rates.
  3. ^This. Plus, you get different packaging which is similar to the old 1/48 scale black-box packaging, but without the flip-top lid.
  4. I don't know. These are very tempting, but I've also been inspired by @no3Ljm to do the decals myself. With the SDF-1 reissue, it might be worth taking a breather on these two.
  5. Welp, time to start saving my pennies. I'm not going to miss this SDF-1.
  6. Ooooh. Now that IS tempting.
  7. I'm in the same spot with anime strike, but my hesitation to "buy in" has allowed me to take a break from Amazon's new shows and catch up on other things I've missed.
  8. I'm still waiting for my copy of Roy. It was dispatched on July 7, and it's taking its sweet time to arrive.
  9. Understandable. They have one on their main site, but it is out of stock at the moment. (sorry about the OT link) http://www.calibrewings.com/shop/index.php/products/1-72-f14-category/f-14b-tomcat-vf-103-last-flight-buno-163217.html
  10. For some reason, this seems perfectly logical to me. I ordered Roy, and now I'm thinking about picking up one of the real-world models to go with it.
  11. technoblue

    Hi-Metal R

    I'm not sure about the month thing. I think Premium Bandai items are made to order in batches. Once a batch is allocated to customers, that's it, and it has to do really well for Bandai to consider doing another batch. The pay now thing is not really a big deal. If you are worried about how NY does it, then I can easily recommend anime-export. They don't mess around with shipping, and they have a nice private warehouse feature if you want to combine shipments.
  12. I do not like it. The price is insane, and the SDF-1 has those blue bug eyes.
  13. technoblue

    Hi-Metal R

    Nope. I need more than this to get me to pick up another set. I mean, I admit the p.banadai description is vague. That was already brought up a couple pages back, but one random online shop isn't enough for me to hit the panic button. In contrast, here's the anime-export description (the important part is in bold): A new exclusive Regult set gets in the Macross Hi-Metal R line-up! 2 different Regults are included, each one of them with different markings and a different missile set. 22 cm tall, full action, made by ABS e die-cast metal TamashiWeb exclusive item.
  14. That's true. There's always something more to learn. I think this is great. What airbrush are you using? Did you pick up an air compressor too or are you using canned air?
  15. Serious pass on the armour. Too many other things on the horizon.
  16. You've banked two hours already, along with the time required to read up on on everything and watch how to videos? I commend your dedication, @no3Ljm. The results are worth it, I think, especially if you are learning a new way to appreciate this stuff. I look forward to more pics. And like @wmkjr , I'll be using this as a reference if I ever get some time to try it myself.
  17. Um. I think you're quoting the wrong person. I don't have a problem with talking Hulk. I was just offering up a possible explanation for the other guys who were surprised by the trailer.
  18. Talkng Hulk gives more credance to the notion that this movie is mixing in elements from the Planet Hulk story.
  19. You have both? Seriously, though, I would choose the one that has more value to you and sell the other one to recoup those costs. And I hope I'm not coming off as rude. I definitely understand the criticism you have for the premium version. Those details should pop, but they don't in all settings. It's especially tough if you are the type of collector that doesn't mess with your Valkyries much. Me, if I like a Valkyrie, I'll have it out of the display case or off the shelf a lot. If I don't like a Valkyrie, it will stay in its box and get sold to someone who really wants it. Anyway, I hope that you figure out a solution that works for you.
  20. technoblue

    Hi-Metal R

    Thinking about that 2-fer translation... We might get a box that is like the TV/DYRL Mass Production 1A, which includes one base figure and all the parts to make up both types. I'd be okay with that. Of course, I'd be tickled if we got two figures this time with all the parts included. I'm not so sure about getting stickers. That would be a big change for Bandai, who has been all about printed markings--even on these smaller scale HM-R releases.
  21. technoblue

    Hi-Metal R

    The ad references the p.bandai site instead of the regular hm-r site, so my guess is that these will be web exclusives.
  22. technoblue

    Hi-Metal R

    It's happening! +3 great news!!
  23. Sell it. Don't compromise if buyer's remorse is punching you in the gut. Really, neither version is worth holding onto if you aren't having fun. It's better to offer it up in the for sale thread at cost, and get your money back. That'll be worth more in the long run than a couple quick up votes.
  24. A yellow heat shield for Roy would be a fun custom. I only remember the Hasegawa models from my lurking days, though.
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