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Everything posted by technoblue

  1. People like to compare and contrast when you have different interpretations of a popular show. I don't think the comments are mean spirited at all. A lot of people weighing in on this thread have seen the original series—some have even read the books—there is bound to be discussion. To me, these look like young versions of the characters. That would explain Reinhard's shorter hair, but I'm having trouble placing this particular battle with all the new CGI. I can't confirm my suspicions. Yang looks okay, but even cadet Yang wasn't all that interested in military strategy. In a way, he looks too serious to me. Artland made his character look distant, almost unengaged with the action--like a part of him was looking forward to giving history lectures on some distant planet. Anyway, I'm still looking forward to this, even with how much I loved the original series.
  2. The character designs also make me a bit apprehensive after enjoying the original LOGH series, but the teaser did it's job. I want to see more.
  3. I'm weak. So. Very. Weak. I'm so sorry, Noel. * Hugs triplet Roy 1S Valkyries *
  4. Cool. I've been lucky with most of these issues, but my premium Roy 1S did have a loose backpack clip out of the box. With regard to Max and Milia, it looks like I'll end up with both a standard and premium pair too—the temptation was too great. I'll figure out my no doubles rule later.
  5. technoblue

    Hi-Metal R

    Jenius covered Jetfire's history on his 1/55 Takatoku/Bandai all-in-one review page over on anymoon. Also, the Transformers Wiki includes the info too. http://anymoon.com/blog/?p=6244 http://tfwiki.net/wiki/Takatoku_Toys Adding the links for others who might not know.
  6. Like @David Hingtgen said, Arcadia uses pre-painted samples for their photos. In the beginning, I think they also used Yamato Valkyries too. With regard to decals, this is what Arcadia notes on the Max and Milia Premium Finish sites: * Markings are reproduced using Tampo printing, decals are not included. http://arcadia.ac/products/detail.php?product_id=258 http://arcadia.ac/products/detail.php?product_id=256
  7. I've seen other sites use downvoting to bury posts. I don't know how the feature works on this forum, but I was a surprised to see it after @Shawn completed the last forum patch. IMO, it is easier to ignore someone if I find that they are ruffling my feathers or that I'm having a bad week and that irritation is spilling over into my forum conversations. I mean, I get that we have trolls, but sometimes people are human too and just... Anyway, I prefer working things out, even when it means that two parties agree to disagree. As far as the reviews go, I would love to have more discussions. My copies of MMC Calidus and BadCube Brawny arrived, so I should be able to comment on them soon.
  8. technoblue

    Hi-Metal R

    Better hope she's not an anime purist.
  9. I saw pictures of the queues outside Lego Shops in London, and I had a feeling pre-order madness was winding up to strike us all again. Anyway, I decided to wait this one out. I don't know when I'll pick up the Falcon--maybe sometime next year when the dust has settled and everyone has moved onto the next thing. A lot will depend on how far the latest UCS hype train keeps chugging along.
  10. This deal's getting worse all the time.
  11. Congrats on winning the rights back @Knight26. I had a friend go through something similar a number of years ago before he decided to self publish. I think he ended up letting the original contract expire with the publisher, but it was still a hassle and kept him from doing anything with his first trilogy of science fiction novels until it was cleared up. All that legal garbage can get nasty when you're just getting started.
  12. I guess it's time for me to sign up for Anime Strike, eh? Not knowing what you guys are talking about is becoming painful.
  13. technoblue

    Hi-Metal R

    For me, the real edge with HM-R isn't with the Valkyries. Most of us have already seen (or have collections made up of) multiple versions of the 1A, 1J, and 1S variants. Beyond that, we don't often get any rare types, so Valkyrie releases quickly become the same figure over and over again at different scales, with different paint schemes, and different packaging. It's hard to get away from that vicious circle unless you can customize something new yourself. Where I think Bandai has an edge with HM-R is in making a portable and affordable toy line that includes accessories and clever gimmicks. You get destroids and enemy mecha (which I hope we get more of), as well as Valkyries. Also, there's the non-Macross releases, like Dougram, which I think are really cool too. I wish that Yamato had been able to release a more complete line of 1/60-scale toys, but it's kind of obvious now (especially with Arcadia's pricing) how cost was an obstacle to that effort. Still, comparing my Yamato v2 1/60 Hikaru VF-1J to my HM-R Hikaru VF-1J, I do think the 1/60 version is better. I guess all that is to say that I have fun with both my 1/100-scale and 1/60-scale Macross toys. They each scratch a different itch. I might have said it before, but HM-R is like other smaller scale figures (Robot Damashii, Figma, and SH Figuarts for instance): easy to pick up, mess around with, and pose, easy to carry around from place to place--toys that I can use as fun desk distractions at work. My 1/60-scale toys don't fit into that box. They are display pieces that I appreciate at home. I'll have fun making a diorama or putting them into a cool pose and then I'll appreciate that pose for a few days or a few weeks before changing it to something new. With the larger, more expensive stuff it's a different mode of fun altogether.
  14. No worries. I'm not really sure myself how the anniversary paint schemes are approved (or licensed). I do know that Messer's HM-R Valkyrie is listed as the 35th Anniversary version on the Tamashii website. I guess we'll find out mid-September whether we have another rainbow style Valkyrie or something completely different from Arcadia.
  15. It's up to Arcadia, of course, but I don't think companies are required to use Hasegawa's paint scheme. Bandai's first 35th Anniversary Valkyrie, for instance, is the Hi-Metal R VF-1S Messer custom. Arcadia could have its own custom in mind too.
  16. I hope so. It would be nice to see Arcadia do something different instead of copying Hasegawa's paint scheme again, like they did for the 30th Anniversary.
  17. technoblue

    Hi-Metal R

    Fair points. Glad you found a cost effective way to get yourself a VF-1S. It's a classic design, and I understand how much aftermarket prices stink (even at this scale). I wasn't even thinking about the included shoulder covers, though. Hm. This could turn into a good parts Valkyrie if those are the right color. I'll have to look at the pictures again. Later is a-okay, but I do hope that they get around to them.
  18. NY has updated my lil draken and missile pod order to preparation in progress.
  19. technoblue

    Hi-Metal R

    Yeah. I skipped Messer's VF-1 repaint too. Not to say that I don't like creative paint schemes, but his VF-31 livery looks strange on the VF-1. If Bandai had released one of the Delta VF-1 trainers or a standard low-vis paint scheme, I would have been into that.
  20. technoblue

    Hi-Metal R

    I like both, but I'm inclined to buy doubles of the destroids and enemy mecha moreso than the Valkyries...at least the SDF TV/DYRL Valkyries. I couldn't hold back from buying two VF-2SS Valkyries. If Bandai releases the VF-4 Lightning and any other heretofore unseen Valkyries, I would probably double up on those too.
  21. The attacks made by Wedge and Luke were both one in a million, though. And Luke probably had that whole Jedi in training thing on his side. The Walkers as they appeared in Empire and Rogue were lumbering, mechanized, well-defended mobile ramparts (especially when engaging ground forces). One of the big points of having them in those movies was to produce the definitive "uh oh" moment. And although Jedi continued to show how adaptable they were to different environments, I think that movie is when they lost their fangs and became silly.
  22. The premium finish DYRL SDF-1 is looking good to me. It's a toss up between that and the TV version as to which one is my favorite. I think the opening scenes of DYRL made a lasting impression. Anyway, if Arcadia or Bandai decide to tackle the TV version at or around this scale, I would double dip for sure.
  23. Although I'm not a lawyer, I am a writer and I often work with legally sensitive IP. Although the US landscape is a rough and rocky one, I can't bring myself to see it as that gloomy. For instance, looking at what happened with General Mills and their proposed yellow trademark, I have to think the possibility is wide open. https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2017/08/general-mills-loses-bid-to-trademark-yellow-color-on-cheerios-box/ HG should be challenged at some point. A positive result would be that such a challenge could help to clarify and differentiate the US Robotech and Japanese trademarks. It's become a poster child for customer confusion in the anime industry. Edit: clarifying this morning's tired writing...
  24. Right. As long as HG retains the US trademark as it is today. It might be a long shot idea, but I like the notion that the Japanese owners are waiting for the best time to reclaim their international marks. The US mark is like the boss level and might be the toughest legal battle to win, but will allow them to complete the entire map.
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