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Everything posted by technoblue

  1. I'm in the same place. I'd be more annoyed at myself if I made an emotional decision and joined the refund crowd, only to learn later that NY was able to fill my order. I've had to wait over a month for orders to arrive for other logistical reasons: because of post office delays, customs delays, or because of something else that I wasn't privy to. This doesn't feel that different to me. I understand those who need refunds because they are fed up with NY's poor customer service or who need to funnel the funds back somewhere more important. I don't get the conspiracy stuff. I don't buy into the idea that NY is intentionally holding stock back to scalp it.
  2. Ha! It put to rest the questions I had after the teaser. I see what Production I.G. is doing now. I'm still going to need time to adjust to the updated art design. All these fancy CGI fleet battles...
  3. technoblue

    Hi-Metal R

    The second head was a fun gimmick that Bandai included with the mass production VF-1A which allows you to switch that Valkyrie between the DYRL and TV styles, reflecting the changes in art design. In SDF TV, the "eye" camera was animated with more of an all-glass/transparent look, whereas in DYRL it was animated with more of an industrial/robotic look. I haven't seen any mention of Bandai doing something similar for Hikaru's DYRL 1A. If they did, it would be pretty bold because Hikaru never flew a VF-1A in the TV series. No news yet on an HM-R of Max's TV 1A, but I expect Bandai will release it at some point.
  4. technoblue

    Hi-Metal R

    I would start by browsing US retailers. Some still have stock on HM-R Valks that have long been sold out overseas. For instance, Toy Dojo still has Max's 1J in stock. No idea on which VF-1 Bandai will release next but I'm hoping for a break on Valkyries, myself. I'd like to see more Destroids and enemy mecha in the next Macross HM-R batch.
  5. I really like the look of the HM-R cannon fodder set. And that 1/60-scale teaser is making me wish I still had a 1S copy of low-vis Roy or DYRL Max.
  6. Cool. Thanks, ritt0r. I've updated the shipped list.
  7. Thanks. Are you still in the "waiting" list, or have you moved up to the "shipped" list?
  8. Done. Only three "ship" members have made their location public: Canada, the Philippines, and Singapore are represented. Beyond that, I have no idea and wouldn't do anyone any favors by guessing.
  9. technoblue

    Hi-Metal R

    I got one VT-1 at amiami, along with the Nendoroid BotW Guardian which I was meaning to pick up to go with Link. After that, I bought a second VT-1 at HLJ, I ended up caving and pairing it with the Hikky DYRL VF-1A too since they still had an active pre-order over there. I do not regret it.
  10. All I'm going to add is that I do agree that NY isn't really known for its customer service. This was a great opportunity to improve on those perceptions and provide better communication with regard to the delay and issues related to Bandai's stock. Anyway, it is what it is. I'm not canceling my order. For those curious, I went back in the thread and compiled two lists against NY 31A orders. Click on the spoiler tags to view. This first list shows all members to date who have noted that they have received a "shipping" update from NY: The second list is much, much longer. This includes all MW members who have noted that they are still waiting on NY 31A shipments: Apologies if I missed anyone.
  11. The J-type is very tempting, but so are the real-world F-14 liveries and future projects like the Su-24. I could see myself getting lost in this line.
  12. Yeah, I would rank it as the weakest Macross series I've seen to date. That isn't to say it wasn't any good. The high points reminded me a lot of Macross Frontier and AKB0048, which both came before it. The low points, which are all contained to the second half, could have been avoided with better planning and that's what's frustrating about the whole thing. Oh well. As a counterpoint to all that, even with Delta being the weakest link, I would still watch it again.
  13. I've been easier on Delta than most, but I'd have to answer that with an emphatic yes.
  14. Congrats! My 31A is also caught in NY's phantom zone, so I'm trying to take little victories elsewhere. Hopefully, there will be some positive news on it by the weekend.
  15. Premium Milia is starting to move. NY updated my order early this morning to preparation in progress---looking forward to it.
  16. Yeah. That was a long time ago now. The Kickstarter projects appear to be focusing on Kenichi Sonada's classic library. It will be very interesting to see where Robert Woodhead takes things once all Kenichi Sonada's classic series are out on blu. I agree with @JetJockey about it being a bummer that Bubblegum Crisis didn't get more exclusives, like a bonus artbook. That said, I'm pretty happy and I've backed all Woodhead's projects to date. There are worse Kickstarter projects to fund, that's for sure. A lot of the initial top-tier rewards have been taken, but Woodhead has a habit of adding extra reward tiers. The standard tiers allow you to choose 1-3 of the following extras: Matched Pair of Patches Collector's coin 1.5" Keychain A hand-painted pink hand-grenade pin. Large Softcover Artbook - a larger version of the artbook that's included in the chipboard case. This larger artbook includes color art. It counts as 3 extras.
  17. I think Funimation's streaming service has been around a while. They have a large library of dubbed anime, if you like having the option of the English language track, and I think they get to simulcast dubbed versions of certain new releases (Crunchyroll handles the subtitled versions). Personally, I get good streaming coverage with Crunchyroll, Netflix, and now Amazon (since the end of Amazon Strike). And because I'm also a physical media nut, I still end up picking up my favorite shows on disc too.
  18. Finished Grimoire of Zero, which was a fun fantasy anime. This weekend, I've started watching these two shows which have been on my "watch" list: Record of Gancrest War (another fantasy, already on ep. 3) A Place Further than the Universe (slice of life, already on ep. 5) Have to recommend A Place Further than the Universe. It turned out to be quite different, and much better than I was expecting.
  19. Watching the clips that @sh9000 shared, it makes me wish that Johnson had more time to balance out Luke's character in The Last Jedi. As it is, I don't mind a troubled Luke but having a troubled Luke who also forgets everything he learned with Kenobi, Yoda, and his original adventures—it seemed a bit odd. For me, it would have been more believable if the troubling bits were balanced with more humanizing scenes. For instance, Yoda reaching out to Luke near the end was good. I wish we had more of that. I wish that the reaction to Han's death wasn't deleted, and that there were other scenes added to make Luke less of a caricature. If the final version of the movie had included bits showing Luke in real conflict over what happened with Ben and the other young students, over what happened to his friends and family...that would have been great (IMO). Instead, these points were glossed over or ignored, and I lost the connection to the character that I knew from the original trilogy. I think Johnson spent too much on divesting Luke of his hero's journey: where he conquered fear and doubt, and became a Jedi. And maybe that was a risk he wanted to take, but it didn't work for me as a member of the audience. Having a conflicted, creepy hermit Luke who has been consumed by fear and doubt is strange, especially when the only context we have is that one moment with Kylo/Ben. I think Hamill was right to question that and make it part of the public discussion of the movie, regardless of whether someone is for it, against it, or somewhere in the middle.
  20. technoblue

    Hi-Metal R

    ※上記商品は一般店頭での発売を予定しております。 That's taken from the page that treatment linked to above (click index). If the machine translator is to be believed, then these are general release items?
  21. The alternative plots for Steins;Gate and SAO are intriguing, and more FMP is good news. I'll have to tune in once streaming is available locally, and check out the other spring titles. I'm way behind, though. Just finished Food Wars Season 3 Just started Grimoire of Zero Keeping up with Darling in the Franxx At this rate, my "to watch" list won't be getting any shorter.
  22. Thanks! Those photos do help.
  23. Just reposting the link to the article on Arcadia's staff blog which discusses the adjustments: https://ameblo.jp/arcadiaac/entry-12312374556.html I'm very curious about the hard point change. It doesn't make sense that the factory would update the fitment of the hard points without correcting the tolerances on those missile connections, but after seeing Froy's breakage photos I'm left wondering about it. Could Arcadia be shipping incompatible missiles? I do think it would be helpful to see a close-up of any good Arcadia Max or Milia 1J Valk with its missiles attached. I wish I still had my standard Max and Milia Valks on hand, because then I would be happy to do it. Unfortunately, I sold my standard copies recently since I decided I didn't want duplicates after purchasing Arcadia's PF versions.
  24. Wow. A "blah blah" retort. Really? Your preference for Yamato is coming through loud and clear. I doubt my reading comprehension on this point is in question, but thank you anyway. By the way, blind favoritism? Those are your words not mine. If you think the Yamato mold is superior with regard to hard points after all these years, and all these Valkyrie iterations, more power to you. Me, I don't know how simply passing the mold to Arcadia makes a difference. The mold was already getting old before Arcadia got it, and Yamato was already tweaking the mold before Arcadia got it, which is why the v2 iterations exist. We already have known problems documented for well-known common issues between the v2 iterations, like cracked hinges and such, I'm guessing there are more known problems to add. And it makes sense to me. As people get more familiar with the v2 VF-1, as more newbies discover these Valkyries, more issues will get uncovered. In the meantime, as long as Arcadia tweaks the mold instead of releasing a new VF-1 mold, more problems will pop up. Personally, given Arcadia's other quality gaffs, I'm concerned with how they might or might not fix the issue. If this is a design flaw, mold degradation, or a quality issue (coming from a specific batch or two or three or ... from Arcadia's factory), then my hope is that they are aware of it and working on it. What really sucks, especially with today's prices, is that we have to wait until the next release to see if any of Arcadia's fixes are working. It would be nice if they offered after-sale parts/repair kits to retailers. Then those who get a bum copy wouldn't have to play the return lottery (those who can return, that is), they could just get a replacement parts box to fix what's broken, like a wing w/ snapped hard points.
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