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Everything posted by technoblue

  1. That's great news. Roy and Lisa/Misa will be day one pre-orders.
  2. Season 5 was fun. I was worried about where they were taking Yang and Blake after seasons 3 and 4, but last season those two really had time to shine. The battle animation also felt more fluid to me. I don't know if that is a thing or if my eyes are just getting used to the software RT is using nowadays.
  3. Are you seeing the same price as everyone else? $44.90US plus free shipping for Hikaru? Minmay is no longer on pre-order, so if you place an order from KC directly, the total cost is $49US plus $4.50 for express shipping.
  4. I'm hoping we see them later this month, if not sooner. I keep checking the usual places like BBTS, Chosen Prime, Amazon, and even Toy Dojo.
  5. Congrats to those who got their pre-orders in. I was trying to secure one copy for a small display, but got CDJ’s no stock error after fumbling with points. I think I may have messed up when stepping through check out. Anyway, 3 AM observation skills -25 points. I’m dragging already and have a long work day ahead of me. I need to stop trading a good night’s sleep for an empty hand.
  6. I decided to hold out until AMD and Intel release a smaller die process, which means I'm waiting for news on CPUs based on the rumored Zen 2 microarchitecture and for Intel to finally get Cannon Lake back on track. Yeah, I'm not in a rush to do a major system overhaul this year.
  7. Welp. I, for one, welcome our new 1:48-scale overlords. The video hits on a lot of nostalgia points for me, since I started with the Yamato 1:48s when I got into this hobby years ago. I think Bandai has done a fantastic job improving on the old gimmicks and adding their own style to the mix. I love how the new hip-bar mechanism works and allows for the waist movement. I can't wait to see it all in person, and...where's that Roy 1S TV announcement?
  8. Minmay made it to my pile-o-loot at BBTS this morning. Now I'm playing with the idea of getting duplicates (you know, just in case ).
  9. Bummer. On the bright side, I should have no problem finishing my read through the manga before the movie debut.
  10. I'm even more interested in this now. Thanks for posting it here @kajnrig. I was getting a Macross the Ride vibe from the first trailer, but this extended trailer goes even deeper into the spy/resistance angle and I can see how that will help to draw people in and make it appealing to older fans. Man, I hope this catches the same magic that Clone Wars and Rebels was able to capture, even with the different art direction I think it has potential.
  11. I agree. Not to diminish what people have been reporting in any way. It's just that, as Sildani clearly stated, I think that we are observing a number of different issues all at once. To add my own results to the thread, I picked up my DX YF-19 from the post office yesterday, which I pre-ordered from CDJapan. The packaging was the same as others have noted already: a nice layer of packing paper and bubble wrap. The head laser/antenna is in one piece (phew), and the rest of the Valkyrie looks clean too. I'll have more time to take a closer look after work today.
  12. I agree that Steins;Gate 0 was well done, but I gotta say that I thought it had its own magic. The two stories are linked but separate from each other enough to be self contained. The final episodes (21, 22, 23), and that after credit scene in episode 23 were very moving for me since I was always drawn to the relationship between Rintaro and Mayuri. I'm looking forward to what the OVA might bring, and crossing my fingers that we get another movie.
  13. I picked up the steelbook blu-ray on Tuesday. I've been looking forward to watching it again, myself. This and Rogue One are my favorites from the new era Star Wars films, although I haven't been disappointed by any of them, if I'm being honest. It's just that the "story" films have done a better job of drawing on my nostalgia.
  14. Avoiding spoilers, as I'm still working my way through the series but I really like what I've seen so far. Happy to see that Paramount is also thinking of doing a John Clark film series.
  15. I liked the trailer. I expect the second trailer will be even better, since Marvel tends to work that way—building momentum to opening day. Larson’s Captain Marvel suit looks pretty cool too IMO. I think it’s pretty fashionable, given how Marvel has been dressing up its cinematic heroes. Larson herself looks athletic, which is par for the course when creating a hero fantasy. The Legends figure though...yeah, that could use some work. I’ve seen better face sculpts. This one looks like a step back.
  16. technoblue

    Hi-Metal R

    Not boring at all to me. I thought jenius's list was pretty fair. I'm actually looking forward to how Bandai implements the gimmicks at this scale. In the teaser prototype, you can just make out the engine nozzles, and it seems like the hatch has a seam to reveal a cockpit. I would expect the top of the "barrels" also open to reveal their ordnance. Here's a link to the line art: macross2.net phalanx line art
  17. technoblue

    Hi-Metal R

    Tomahawk or N-Ger are my best guesses, but I'm crossing my fingers for a Phalanx announcement or something out of left field like another armored HM-R release. I don't know what other anime property would take center stage if Bandai were to move the Hi-Metal R line away from a Macross focus. The Robot Spirits line is already focused on Gundam so that would be a strange move. It would need to be something else.
  18. technoblue

    Hi-Metal R

    Customers have to make choices all the time, though. That’s normal with collecting. If you can save costs by focusing on just one or two lines, then that’s being good to yourself and your savings account. There’s nothing wrong with picking and choosing, IMO. I’m not going to insist that I know what Bandai decides behind the scenes when planning releases, but I will say that I think there are more variables at play than overlapping customer concerns. Anyway, if people are inferring that Bandai has been giving more focus to the DX releases this year, then I can agree with that statement. There has been a lot going on in that line given the Macross Delta DX releases, the DX YF-19, and the upcoming DX VF-1J. It could be that Bandai had to put more resources there and take them away from the smaller 1:100 line teporarily. That makes more sense than some buying embargo—it’s a shift of resources and I can see how that may happen. My point from before stands, though, all of this doesn’t preclude them from announcing other figures in the HM-R line (especially for 2019). I think we can all agree that would be welcome news.
  19. technoblue

    Hi-Metal R

    I'm not sure what Mazinger has to do with Macross. That example seems more like apples and oranges to me. But I'm not arguing that Bandai has produced less Macross HM-R releases this year to date. One only needs to visit tamashii.jp to see the evidence of that: 2 Macross HM-R releases in 2015 when the line was relaunched, 8 Macross HM-R releases in 2016, 7 in 2017, and 4 in 2018. Basically, my point is that Bandai hasn't stopped releasing Macross HM-R figures, and the conjecture that they will do so is odd. Remember we just had the VT-1 HM-R release in August and Nexx's VF-2SS is coming in November. Bringing up the DX VF-1J and this idea of a Macross HM-R embargo assumes that Bandai will go with another VF-1 HM-R release. They don't have to do another VF-1 straight away, though. They can do another Destroid or another Zentradi mech. There are more options with the HM-R line that won't overlap with the larger DX line.
  20. technoblue

    Hi-Metal R

    I'd like to think that the DX releases are mutually exclusive and that Bandai has more planned for the HM-R line. What would surprise me at the next Tamashii Nations event is if we get through it with absolutely no Macross announcements. That would be peculiar. Even then, though, I could probably shrug it off to Bandai taking a break after the 35th anniversary.
  21. This is not the meme you're looking for, Old_Nash. I like Voltron, so I'm willing to give this a shot and see where it goes. I wasn't really into He-Man or She-ra when I was a kid so I don't have much vested into that classic toon look.
  22. technoblue

    Hi-Metal R

    I'm not ready to hit the panic button on Macross HM-R releases, but i will say that the non-Macross HM-R releases have been less and less appealing to me. Dougram was nifty and that introduced me to a show I missed years ago, which was cool. The rest have been ho-hum, though, so that's money saved I guess.
  23. Amagi Brilliant Park was fun to watch, and not what I expected going in. It's unique twist on the hidden world within our world scenario really drew me in. I also enjoyed Record of the Gancrest War, although the pacing does seem to slow down a bit in the middle (albeit temporarily). I was surprised by how many important plot points were underscored by truly dark motivations. That's an uncommon thing with modern-day anime. In other news, I've been working through my own anime backlog on Netflix. This last week I finished Children of the Whales and A.I.C.O. Both were poignant in their own way.
  24. How long was that BBTS pre-order active? I didn't even see it before it was sold out. Stay strong @no3Ljm. Myself, I am not strong. Like Macross and Orguss, Evangelion has too much nostalgia for me.
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