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Everything posted by technoblue

  1. Will the real Mr. K please stand up? šŸ˜… After reading the translations multiple times, my take away is that this fan is bemoaning the fact that a new 1:60-scale YF-21 isnā€™t yet available to purchase. I have no idea how to interpret the Mr. K and company B stuff. That seems too cryptic to make any sense whatsoever. So with that said, I am glad they like their Yamato ā€˜21. Iā€™ll continue to wait for official news.
  2. Iā€™m also having a hard time seeing how the pro-corporation adjustments like the ones Iger and Zaslav are implementing are good for anyoneā€”creators and consumers alike. But instead of relishing in the notion that a random show I might not like 100% got the boot from the service, Iā€™m horrified by how this affects residuals, especially for those lower-paid worker bees who have tighter budgets that count on their contractual entitlements. So now companies are pushing the narrative that they can break or change contracts if a show doesnā€™t perform, just as long as that show isnā€™t out in the wild making money for them? Wut? I would call that underhanded, myself.
  3. The straps are a very cool add-on but it definitely looks like out in the wild new sellers and buyers have lost track of this add-onā€™s origin story. That is unfortunate. Man, that stinks I would have had my doubts too. Still, Maxā€™s 1A looks nice in your pic, scand.
  4. Yeah, that strap is DarrinGā€™s work.
  5. LoL! With regard to the multiverse stuff, I would argue that folks are tired with how it has become a convenient trapping. Writing is hard but given how NuTrek, Marvel, and DC popularized the whole thing to reset those fantasies with a wave of the hand... Itā€™s made this MacGuffin dull. Since Zathras was mentioned in the cast list, I am thinking the great machine may come back to life somehow. If anyone can make that work itā€™s JMS, but yeahā€¦Iā€™m still cautiously optimistic about it.
  6. Eh, it was just a central theme for the whole show. Who needs those episodes or those character arcsā€¦or Zathras and Zathrasā€¦or Zathras?
  7. Iā€™m taking the cautiously optimistic approach with this news, although I would love for it to succeed and usher in more B5 stories of some sort.
  8. It was a nightmare last night. For two hours, the site was dumping 503 and 504 errors. I got my order in eventually, but ā€˜next dayā€™ looks like the ā€˜best dayā€™ for LEGO releases.
  9. Indeed. Iā€™m very curious to see how Thrawn is realized in live action. Oh, and having a show touch on the splintering of the Imperial remnants is a very interesting angle too. It could almost be its own thing if done well.
  10. I thought it was quite a fun episode too. Generally, Iā€™m into how the show lets different Mandalorians get the spotlight. Iā€™m not attached to Din being the namesake in every episode but itā€™s cool that he is there as a common reference point even if he isnā€™t always the focus. Some other, spoliery thoughtsā€¦
  11. That was a banger of an episode. Not perfect, but fun all the same. I did come away with some of my own niggling questionsā€¦
  12. Rightstuf stopped doing their free shipping perk after Sony/Crunchy bought them. Itā€™s sometimes cheaper to look at the available shipping options and choose one. If you go that route at RS, you pay actual shipping but skip the surcharge and sometimes luck out with a cheaper shipping quote. Also, if you have a GotAnime? membership and they arenā€™t blocking it on a pre-order, that adds another small discount. For instance, my price after shipping, tax, and discounts is $302.90. The GotAnime? discount helps if you are shopping there often. But for figures and specialty items, Iā€™ve noticed that RS tends to receive their stock last, so thatā€™s something else to be aware of too. Edit: For comparison, hereā€™s the total with $4 shipping plus tax from BBTS to my door: $312.36.
  13. The dark saber and the events around it have become a multi-layered MacGuffin in the show, but LEGO is turning that MacGuffin into some fun sets for sure. Iā€™ll probably end up buying both. šŸ˜…
  14. The TIE Interceptor is so worth it. I still have my 2006 blue Interceptor. LoL! I do agree about the Fang, though. I wish LEGO had added in the rotatable wings as seen in Rebels. What we get is sturdy but rather plain for that part of the build. Iā€™ll have to check out the MOCs for this fighter and see if I can modify the LEGO stock design.
  15. Thatā€™s good to read about season 3. I hope youā€™re right, @Dobber. I might give Picard another chance if the show found its groove, but I have been on a long pause after the first season.
  16. Agreed. This and Lower Decks are also the only two series from the latest generation that Iā€™m picking up on physical media.
  17. I skipped this set the first time too, and I sold off all my Yamato Macross 7 Valks a while ago. The 19P Excalibur would have been a fun surprise to herald another VF-5000 update, but this sure is tempting.
  18. Yeah, the shipping stings. I decided to go with EMS since I donā€™t want to wait for the boat. Itā€™s been a long time since Iā€™ve air shipped a Valkyrie for less than $60-$70US using FromJapan.
  19. The charge 1 payment on my FromJapan order went through a couple weeks ago. I got the arrival notification tonight, so I just need to send my shipping payment and it will be on its way.
  20. Well, Iā€™m not reading that from you or asking anyone else their permission to like it. Thank goodness. I just see things differently. My own experience as a writer feeds into it too, so thereā€™s my bias. I agree that itā€™s important to use tropes sparingly but I wouldnā€™t say the presence of a writing tropeā€”even multiple ā€œand thenā€ instancesā€”automatically makes something bad. Certainly not this. There could be a whole reconciliation plot with Din, the other Mandalorians, and Mandalore itself. The imperial attack on Boā€™s home could be a red herring to throw people off or it could be introducing another important character into the mix. We donā€™t know at this point. There isnā€™t enough info, and so Iā€™ll wait it out. @Roy Focker: Yeah, the ranting about Kathleen Kennedy is gross. The sequel series could have been better. We can certainly have a discussion about how to make SW better and still include new/younger audiences. Itā€™s just a difficult convo to have while toxic fans are still driven by this rage addiction.
  21. I would argue that itā€™s a little early to qualify this first bunch of season 3 episodes as ā€œand thenā€ moments following Parker and Stoneā€™s definition. I do think there are loose connecting threads that could take the plot somewhereā€¦give the new characters resolution. But maybe youā€™re right? Weā€™ll see for sure. One thing I wish stayed finished was Mandoā€™s Grogu quest to return him to the Jedi. The show now needs these extra beats to explain why the little guy is around, especially in the latest episodes with the other young foundling. With the story focusing on Mandalore culture, the homeworld, and Bo Katanā€™s involvement, transitioning to see this through the eyes of another young foundling would have been cool.
  22. Iā€™m sure the drinker entertains somebody, but that somebody isnā€™t me. He comes off like a crazy uncle who repeats bad jokes and myopic views. That schtick got old quick. Is Star Wars always 10/10 perfect? No, but it isnā€™t shameful either. Itā€™s still fun, IMO. I enjoyed this weekā€™s episode, even if it didnā€™t move the plot needle too much. I liked the flashbacks, the build up of Bo Katan, the in-flight combat with the mama bird, even the goofy Grogu bits at the Mandalorian camp.
  23. Yeah. Iā€™m thinking along the same lines. I wish there was a picture with Bandaiā€™s 0D in natural lighting. I remember Arcadiaā€™s standard 0D looking darker than it did in pictures when I got it in hand. @MacrossJunkie did some fantastic custom work on his copy. He even has a matching weathered 0S to go with his custom weathered 0D.
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