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Everything posted by technoblue

  1. Yeah, it's really cool. So far, the series is based on the Grisha Trilogy of YA Fantasy Novels written by Leigh Bardugo. I'm curious to see if Netflix will pull in any of the other related tales. I like how she uses the backdrop of Russian culture and traditions to create her unique setting, which sets it apart from the norm which uses the backdrop of Northwestern European cultures (such as Norse traditions and mythology). Fun fact: Leigh is involved in the adaptation and actually appears on screen as a character.
  2. Yeah. I really like how ThreeZero is invested in this line. Unit 00 is a first day pre-order for me too, and I'm curious to see where ThreeZero will take the line next. I'm also curious about why things went quiet with the Metal Builds. especially given how Bandai released 01 and 02, eschewed 00 for a repaint of 01, and then nothing... The Dynaction Evas are a bit too much for me, but I'm happy that they have an audience.
  3. ...and fully funded
  4. Personally, I like it when writers and creatives push traditional genre norms and find a non-standard mix that works. It's no easy task, so this teaser gets zero humbugs from me. Honestly, the hybrid 'fairy tale' creatures remind me of those from the network show Grimm that finished its run a few years back. Now Grimm had a completely different mood but I thought it was a lot of fun so I'll give this show a chance based on that proximity. If it really grabs me, I'll have to seek out the source like I did with The Expanse, The Umbrella Academy, and Shadow and Bone.
  5. Yeah. It was fun while it lasted. But who knows, maybe Takara has another Jetfire/Skyfire design in the works? That wouldn't surprise me either.
  6. Huh. I like what Three-Zero is doing, but I'm not collecting their Transformers. Anyway, if all that setup was for this particular Jetfire release, then all I can say is, "Well played."
  7. Yep. Check my post above. I pulled the head from my DX 1J the other day because I was curious about the ball joint itself. IIRC, other members have noted this feature in the other DX VF-1 thread too. Also, @jenius writes about it in his comprehensive review over on anymoon.
  8. It's been some years since I've had any 1/48 Yamato Valks in my collection but Bandai's 1/48 DX uses a ball joint to connect its 1J head to the Valkyrie's neck. The neck piece is then attached to the DX's skeletal sub-structure using a more permanent connection. That means the head will be easy to switch out with the new one included in the DX armour upgrade. Probably not so easy for a Yamato swap, though.
  9. If you don't want to navigate the SV-51 thread, just check out the review that @jenius posted. He does a good job highlighting the differences. Also, his video review of Arcadia's Ivanov release is included within. http://anymoon.com/blog/?p=14588
  10. I'm good. The site was acting flaky when the VIP set finally went up, but I was able to get one. Anyway, I'm waiting for the Ulysses to arrive before I build the Discovery. It should be here tomorrow as long as shipping isn't delayed.
  11. Indeed. A very thorough review. It's also worth noting that MFT are releasing a new version of their Springer, Blitzwing, and Octane. So if you want to fill out the Legends Triplechanger ranks sooner rather than later, they are the only game in town at the moment. Magic Square figures look all right mixed with MFT IMO, so that could be an option if you are comfortable mixing figures from multiple manufacturers. NewAge can look okay too, but for certain characters their scale does runs short and I know there are a few on the forum here who won't abide by that nonsense. I'm not that picky, though. FansToys Thomas looks impressive for MP, for sure. I'm a bit disappointed that I opted out of the original pre-order and its sane pre-order price. The $100+ markup for the reissue at places like ShowZ and TFSafari isn't as inviting. I'm not at a place where I'm okay with paying that much for a single FansToys release.
  12. Geesh. Not bad. Not high enough for me to sell my copy, but not bad at all. The Makuros line ended before it had a chance to go anywhere. Imagine if they had released a TV-style SDF Makuros, a Makuros 7, a Makuros 25, a Makuros Quarter, or actually released that mini-Monster? Oh well, this DYRL? SDF-1 was a fun one-off.
  13. I read the text of the interview differently. Since Skids is basically a background character in the show with only a few lines, Ono and his design team appear to have some freedom to take this project in a new direction. The team seems to want to focus more on creating an MP update to the original Diaclone toys rather than creating a super articulated carbot. Usually, Diaclone repaints are an afterthought after some primary MP is released, but this time Ono and his team decided to make Diaclone the whole point. We even get to see the original blue and red toys upon which MP Skids and Reboost are based, down to their matching accessories. So, no, this won't be a release like Sunstreaker or Bee 2.0 which both have a higher price point and are built with the toon aesthetic in mind. However, I think it's great all the same. I think those who think Masterpiece Transformers have to be one thing or another are missing the point. I don't think MPs using the toon aesthetic are going away, but I'm pleased to see projects like these get traction again and I do think we'll see more sprinkled into the mix.
  14. Yeah, I'm not a fan of the white plastic. I know it's in-line with the toon/movie aesthetic but I would have liked to see those parts in silver. Actually, it seems like there are few if any paint apps on these new Dinobots. On Grimlock that includes the dark grey, yellow, and white dino parts, and the black parts and red hip skirt pieces in bot mode. I think the underside of prototype Slag looks like a mess. The G1 toy did his stylized Triceratops alt mode better, even though the engineering back then gave us a much more simple bot mode with almost no articulation. The tiny hind leg feet are just wrong IMO , and are an unfortunate design compromise to get those clean bot mode legs. From above, both Dino mode Grimlock and proto Slag look a little too blocky to these tired eyes. On Grimlock, there's something about the lower half--the leg and tail section--that doesn't sit right with me. I mean it connects and everything, but it seems gappy and unfinished. Just my opinion, though. Missing details are an annoyance. In addition to the teeth and the sword, I noticed Grimlock's missing Diaclone detail. Again, I guess it makes sense since this is the movie interpretation of the toy but instead of filling in the resulting gap on Grimlock's dino back, they repurposed that gap into a seat for Wheelie. Ugh. I'm just not into the companions this time out. I mean, maybe if they had simple leg and arm joints they would be all right? But fixed knees and elbows? And Wheelie gets a bunch of paint but Daniel gets hardly anything? I hope that's just an early prototype thing. It will be very cool if Hasbro or Takara is inclined to do a "Selects" G1 Toy-style release of the Dinobot team later on, especially if that release has more paint apps and loses the Studio Series "movie" gimmicks. For now, though, I would have to pick up a bunch of third-party add-ons to get these to be okay and I already have a good collection of Dinobots, so...no rush.
  15. I'm liking bot mode for both Grimlock and Slag, but I'm worried that these designs compromise too much in alt mode.
  16. I can recommend Iron Sky. I ended up getting both MS-20 and MS-20B, one of the two toy repaints. I think MS-18 is the other one.
  17. l’ve been happy to have this slow period. I’m currently waiting on the new GitS SAC Matoko and Batou, Twilight Princess Link, and Nadeshiko from LBC.
  18. Wow. That new statue of Matoko Kusanagi looks breathtaking. It isn’t something I can afford either, but I really appreciate the direction and look forward to the final effort when it’s released. It seems very intricate with all of the cables connecting to and protruding from her cyborg access points. Goodsmile notes that the statue is made of different materials: polystone, polyurethane, and PVC, and the base isn’t final. No doubt, I expect this will have some weight to it.
  19. Yeah, the canon does appear to be compensating. Megatron would not approve of these Unicron shenanigans. I’m not fussed by the matrix, though. Like TonTon illustrates in his review, it’s the exact same one that comes with Optimus and Galvatron’s release adds a funky chain to recreate scenes from the movie. Alas, it does accentuate Galvatron’s bulked out torso which could be a downer for anyone insisting on better mainline proportions. Myself, I’m looking forward to putting this guy together with Cyclonus and Scourge, even if the other two upstage him—Hey, just like the G1 toon!
  20. So from this round of pre-orders, I'm sticking with Rodimus Prime, Galvatron, and...Tracks. I'm actually relieved that Hasbro was able to give Tracks painted rims without any visible plastic clips for alt mode. The pins on the rear wheels are okay. That transforming Optimus Prime from Robosen Robotics looks incredible, and the programming gimmick seems like it will be quite fun to learn and use, but the timing is off for me. At this point, it's way out of my budget.
  21. Although I already own the 30th Anniversary Japanese Blu-ray of SDF:M TV, imagine if Western licensors gain access to that same remaster? Add subtitles, an improved dub track, and then include the mediocre ADV dub and the Robotech cut for completionists. Better yet, add on other well-regarded non-Japanese dub tracks to make it a true archivist's release. Yeah, I will definitely buy the series again if this ever becomes a reality.
  22. Ha! It’s all good @M'Kyuun. No offense taken. I was just surprised. I do get where you guys are coming from, especially with the Datsun bros. MS and NA look very similar at a quick glance. The side panel near the door is the give away that this is NA Harry. IIRC, the MS version is clean in that location. Sleep? Ah, I knew thee once! Too many things on my mind these days and then I got caught up in the excitement reading about the BW/HG news.
  23. Man, I need to get some sleep. @Convectuoso makes two subsequent complimentary posts about NewAge and now it’s the end of the world in here. Peaugh did review Harry, though, and stands him next to Flipper in case seeing how they look together is important.
  24. I'm cautiously optimistic, but mostly cautious. I guess we'll see what comes of this news in time. If we do get Macross Blu-ray or 4k releases in the west, then I hope we also get good encodes. Seeing Funimation's name nested alongside BW and HG doesn't give me a lot of confidence in that regard, though. Getting improved access to the cool toys and models would make up for all that, of course.
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