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Everything posted by technoblue

  1. I was able to move my HTPC to a Ryzen 5 3600 processor before everything went insane last year. But trying to upgrade my main system to a Ryzen 5000 series CPU was a struggle after those went on sale. The upside is that I've been able to slowly source parts here and there since the beginning of the new year. It's a completely different climate for DIY, that's for sure. The one thing that's alluding me now is the GPU upgrade. No matter nVidia or AMD, finding a video card today is like finding a unicorn or bigfoot in real life (not happening or mere rumor). I guess I'll move on with whomever is able to get decent stock out to normal users first. Until then, I'm okay with my 1000 series GTX GPUs. They aren't the greatest match to Ryzen for ultra quality gaming but they do get the job done at certain resolutions.
  2. Try with just the motherboard, CPU, and PSU if you haven't already. Do not connect anything else (including the RAM). The computer will not complete its POST in this configuration, but it should send an audible 'no memory' beep code. If you don't hear this and instead you see the same power on/off cycle issue, then I think it's safe to say that you've narrowed it down to a motherboard or CPU issue since the PSU is already a working replacement.
  3. Yeah. PCIe 4.0 is really only worth it if you have a system where you need to run multiple NVMe drives at top performance or you're somehow able to pick up one of those fancy new GPUs that don't exist for normal users.
  4. From a technical standpoint, I'm also interested in seeing the encoding analysis of the new discs. I'm not waiting on any miracles but it would be a nice surprise to see Funimation go above and beyond with this release and deliver a consistent bitrate of decent quality. That's one thing that could get me to reverse course and consider picking this set up. Another thing is if the original audio track is an available playback option. That would really give me a reason to upgrade my ancient ADV Robotech Legacy DVD box sets.
  5. What @azrael wrote, especially if you have a motherboard running the B450 or X470 chipset. That gives you an upgrade path from Zen to Zen3 (including the Ryzen 5000 desktop line). If you've owned your board for a while, though, you may need to update to the latest BIOS. Other AMD chipsets have limitations. For instance CPU compatibility for x370 tops out at Zen2 (the Ryzen 3000 desktop line). Not specific to your situation, but x570 is compatible with Zen+ and newer (so no Zen CPU support) and B550 is compatible with Zen2 and newer. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Socket_AM4
  6. Hm. It may be better to try and replace the logic board. For instance, search eBay for the terms 'logic board' and the make and model of your HDD. It's important to find the exact PCB for your drive, but if you can find a working one, swap the old burnt one out and then recover your data.
  7. I'm running a Ryzen 3600 CPU in my HTPC and have no complaints. If you can find the parts, then it's a good build. If you like to tinker, it also lets you get familiar with all the AMD UEFI/BIOS terminology. For the CPU cooler, a good tower cooler that fits your case will get you optimum performance. The wraith stealth cooler is so-so. It will do in a pinch but it's anemic when using the 3600's performance boost features. The B450 chipset is superseded by the B550 chipset which adds PCIe 4.0, better support for NVME drives, faster ethernet (and Wifi for motherboards that have it), and support for faster front-panel USB-C with a new connector. It's something to keep in mind when looking. If you don't need the extra motherboard bells and whistles, the B450 chipset will give you the same Ryzen CPU upgrade path.
  8. Yikes! That could be it, yeah. It could also be evidence of a PSU fault affecting the 5v rail since the SATA leads feed 5v to connected devices. In any case, I’m less inclined to think it’s a motherboard issue with this visible damage. I wouldn’t trust the PSU anymore in this case. It looks like it has stopped regulating the correct flow of power.
  9. Have you tried using a different power lead, @David Hingtgen? As a quick test, you can use the spare that comes with your other power supply and see if the different cable helps at all when connected to power. It's rare, but I have seen instances where a bad power lead has caused similar issues so it wouldn't hurt to rule it out as a simple fix. Otherwise, I agree with Stampeed Valkyrie. It seems like the Seasonic PSU is showing signs of giving up its magic smoke. The alternative is a worst-case scenario with the motherboard itself. I'm hoping that isn't the culprit in this case.
  10. It's too bad the license didn't go to a studio that prides itself on older anime titles. A studio like Animeigo or Discotek Media. I would have been keen to see that release. With Funimation backing it, I'm not so keen. I have their 'restored' version of Cowboy Bebop on Blu-ray and it's regarded as the worst visually of all physical releases worldwide. The Italian Dynit release is regarded as the best.
  11. You could be right, @M'Kyuun. I was thinking the odd movement of characters and objects was due to budget CG in the same scenes. I expect if the show does well as a whole, we may get a brief behind-the-scenes documentary similar to what was done for The Dark Crystal series or what Disney will do for its own live-action series (Marvel and Star Wars).
  12. Oof. So true.
  13. Yeah. There was some aged Jumanji-level CGI that unfortunately stood out in key scenes.
  14. The LEGO shoe is...odd, but as a runner I'll admit the first question I had was: "What's the heel to toe drop?"
  15. Man, I really like the LEGO Ideas typewriter. Early VIP access is this week. That's going to be hard for me to pass up.
  16. Cool. It will be interesting to see what you all think, @M'Kyuun, as more of the season one layers are revealed later on. I've started a watch party for season one here and we've been keeping to one episode a week (two, if everyone has the time for it). We've currently made it through episode three, so it's giving me time to take a closer look at the story again. The narration does fit, as you say, and the story is really holding up for me this go around.
  17. I do like the added waist articulation and the cleaner backpack, but if this team can also deliver a sleek alt then we could have another TE-01 vs MP-44 situation and that’s all good IMO. One thing I’m really curious about is how this 3P Screamer tucks away the horizontal and vertical stabs. It looks like they took a little from the MP and a little from Maketoys to get where they are in bot mode. Things that make you go, hm.
  18. An armoured valkyrie with a baby-faced VF-1A head sculpt could be more of a unicorn than a 1J with grey googles.
  19. @David Hingtgen’s mod appears to use custom printed pieces, which is even better than stickers. Very cool indeed.
  20. This Devastator certainly looks more like the imposing chunky combiner that went toe to toe with the Dinobots in the animated movie. NA's version reminds me of the lanky TV Devastator.
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