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Everything posted by technoblue

  1. Now that I am completely addicted, I thought I would leave this here. I hope third-party two-wheelers fall within the rules of this thread: The paint apps certainly give off a certain vibe. I do not have any of the Perfect Effect third-party 'formers, but I have been reading reviews and drooling over the photos. There are more shots at the official blog here: http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/perfecteffecttoy_jp/24767028.html
  2. As others have noted, Crunchyroll is the legitimate way to see the episodes in the U.S. and then there are fansubs. I was originally turned off by Attack on Titan because of its animation which seemed right in the middle of my personal uncanny valley. However, something in the story won me over and that allowed me to appreciate the unique art style. As Marzan said, it isn't an exceptional show or a new idea but it is entertaining. Apart from BD releases, my summer has been low key with Attack on Titan, Teekyu, Watamote (I don't understand, why am I still watching?), and Monogatari Second Season.
  3. Yeah, there's something that draws me to alternate, sometimes uncanny repaints... My Sharkticon Megs would agree ; p Valkyrie, that is a sweet deal on TRU Soundwave with all the cassettes! I had no idea he was still around. They hit the northeast in July and August but the supply was gobbled up quickly. I missed my chance (boo!), but I'm glad there are other options. david, I understand completely. I read about the differences between the Takara and TRU versions of MP-10 after I bought my TRU figure off eBay. There are details that I appreciate in both versions. I guess that is why I decided to buy 10B, Nemsis Prime. I missed the Toys-R-Us debut Of Masterpiece Optimus Prime in stores last year, so no deals for me. : ( I do agree that the current prices speak to the popularity of the Convoy/Optimus character. I also think MP-10B would be priced more in line with MP-10 Red if the trailer was included. Heh, crazy robot addiction.
  4. I came home from work to a bit of a surprise late this afternoon: My VF-19 Custom FIre Valkyrie arrived! Now I am excited. And with Nora's SV-51 and Roy's VF-1S, it's almost as if Basara has new band members to jam with...then again, maybe that isn't such a good scenario. Anyway, I have an odd collection of Valkyries at the moment and I like it.
  5. LoL! I couldn't pass up those tfsource prices. Although I am happy with my Hasbro Masterpiece Optimus, I did preorder MP-10B and Soundwave. I got a lot of play out of both G1 Soundwave and Megatron in the 1980s, although Megatron is the only one of those two who survived my youth (faded stickers, loose joints, and all). I should revise what I wrote before: It isn't the Masterpiece line that makes me grumpy, it is getting into it so late and facing the secondary eBay market that makes me grumpy. Heh.
  6. Nice. The MP-10b preorder looks good too. Besides, I dig the Black Convoy/Nemesis Prime scheme. It would be a nice upgrade to the Dark Guard Optimus Prime that I already own.
  7. I was catching up on my backlog of Attack on Titan episodes last night and I made it through episode 20. The last episode reminded me of a thought that I had earlier this season. Anyway, I apologize if this is completely obvious, but I thought I would share it anyway: (spoiler tags follow since it deals with the current story)
  8. I went to eBay and picked up my first Masterpiece: a Toys-R-Us MP-10 Optimus Prime that was shelfwarming in Singapore. It came in the original see-through box (Roller is blue) and matches my G1 Optimus nicely. Saving money was more important in my situation, but I wanted a nice iconic version of Optimus with some posability. I don't think I will pick up the Takara version of Optimus. The whole scalping situation turns me off to collecting multiple high-priced transformers, which is why I haven't done a lot with the Masterpiece line. I've been having fun finding Transformers from the Prime line at discount prices and customizing them while restoring my old G1 figures. I think as long as you're having fun, even the little deluxe figures are worth it. As an aside, it seems Takara and Arcadia both value those display stands!
  9. I went out to see this movie Saturday night. Overall, I enjoyed it for what it was and I loved the international dystopia that was created---an overpopulation with mixed common languages similar to Blade Runner. However, I also feel it could have been so much more and I completely understand the criticisms that are being leveled at the antagonists, Kruger and Delacourt. They were over the top caricatures. For me, especially, after watching how well Max and Frey were characterized as good but imperfect people with a shared goal, I think the writers failed at giving the audience a similar balance and connection to the Elysians (?). Other Sci Fi and SF epics have done well at bridging that gap and letting the audience make its own decision on who to root for. It isn't bad that the movie comes off preachy and less intelligent, although I was expecting something different. Also, even with all that said, I was moved by the final scenes. So I would recommend this movie based on Max and Frey's relationship alone. I think that core story of their friendship makes it all worthwhile.
  10. As do I. Even for those films that Miyzaki did not direct, it seems that he always helped with the script. I guess the news that Spirited Away will be released in Japan early next year is true. And that means Miyazaki has finished everything that he needed to do. I hope his retirement finds him well, surrounded by his family and friends.
  11. LoL! Whatever the case, after seeing all the options I decided to put my preorder in with amiami. Thank you for the links!
  12. Although the article is poorly edited and a bit rushed from the author, I think it succeeds in showing how much pull the Macross saga has over the rest of the series: http://io9.com/everything-you-need-to-know-about-robotech-1222929763 And as much as HG is trying to distance themselves from it with Mospeada, including the new Love, Live, Alive release, I'm just not sure if that will work. It's press like this that makes me sad, not because of the history but because there are fans that have limited to no access for whatever reason. *sigh*
  13. I'm going to wait for a few more preorder options, myself; however I do plan to pick this one up. I also want to see if the same promo shots are used by other stores. Mostly, I want to see if Hikaru is getting the same option parts as Roy. Are these optional parts identified as "pose supporting parts" in the amiami description?
  14. The holiday season looks busy this year for Ghibli/Miyazaki fans. This news is pretty exciting: Pom Poko http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/detailview.html?KEY=VWBS-1445 The Cat Returns http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/detailview.html?KEY=VWBS-1491 Princess Mononoke http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/detailview.html?KEY=VWBS-1490 I plan to preorder Mononoke Hime straight away. The others I may add to my wish list so that I can pick up Macross F on blu too.
  15. It would be great if they do the Max VF-1S to complete this initial DYRL trio and then move onto something different. The TV M&M's would certainly be nice. Mixing up the TV and DYRL Valks might be a good idea. However, I'm all for a completely new approach to these limited releases as well.
  16. Indeed. At least, I think that would attract more legitimate first-time purchases and double dips.
  17. I remember reading something to that effect during my lurking years. Yamato was pretty consistent with leaving the little circle/dome unpainted. Even the 1/48 VF-1S was produced that way. It seems a small thing that should be easy to customize as long as decent yellow paint exists to match the stripes. I thought it was nice not having the painted dot to further differentiate Roy's Valkyrie from the rest, even though it shows up sometimes in the animation.
  18. Definitely. That Osma/Low Vis look wants my money. The photoshopping aside, I would be surprised if Arcadia stops with just the YF-19 color scheme. Even with a more fiscally responsible project line, I could see them doing at least one more repaint.
  19. Wow! I appreciate the tip. Now I have to decide whether I should pick this up soon or save a bit more for the Macross 7 Blu-rays. Hm... Ah, it's only money! I went ahead and picked up the Kai (no sound boosters yet, though). It'll be nice to have a version of this Yamato skulpt when Arcadia's YF-19 arrives.
  20. Indeed. I think both colors could work. I can see how the white is a little more complimentary in these photos. The gray had a nice industrial, military look to it though.
  21. Thanks! I didn't realize Yamato did that to all of the VF-19s, although a glossy finish may fit in more with the theme of Macross 7---all glitz and glamor. On a side note, I have been thinking about picking up the Kai on ebay. Getting the Plus YF-19 in matte finish would just be another nice way to differentiate the prototype from the other models, I guess.
  22. That would be easy! But, I don't have a stake in this, so why not? ; )
  23. I think someone pointed out that there was one scene in the anime where the paint was glossy, but no one has expressed interest in doing that to the toy. In my mind, no gloss makes sense. It would be an odd gimic based on a few seconds of Isamu admiring the prototype.
  24. M.A.S.K. is another MIA series of the 1980s. He-Man is a good comparison, but I think G.I. Joe has more of a history with the 12-inch posable figures dating back to the 1960s.
  25. The backstory about her military service record. However, it wasn't exactly how I remembered it because Batou and Kusanagi seemed to exchange blank stares with one another when first meeting in Arise. I thought Masamune Shirow had characterized them as being more familiar, even fighting together prior to Section 9, but I may need to reread the manga to refresh my memory.
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