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Everything posted by technoblue

  1. Agreed. Thora's fansubs were good given what was available at the time. I think only certain Macross World members could do better if they wanted to put in the time and effort. Anyway, the more I work with softsubs and ripping discs, the more I realize I have nothing to worry about with Macross Blus. I went ahead and added this to my list of pre-orders.
  2. I think its great that the project made its support goal. The other projects are sweet too, although I'm hoping this VF-1J kit can make the daunting home run and become an actual product.
  3. Hanbdbrake does create MKV files, although I haven't been happy with the quality of the output. Artifacts were most apparent in older television shows and movies which were already suffering from a low resolution source. I may take another look at the software later to better understand the settings; however, for now I am comfortable just using MKV as a container without reencoding the audio or video. DVD episodes do not take up a lot of space, as I noted, and I am keeping the files on a media server at the moment. I do not plan on carrying these around with me on a phone or a tablet just yet. If I could get my head around the settings, I do really like the queue feature that Handbrake offers. It helps to save on time.
  4. The P scheme is nice. I wish it also came with a Zolan gummy pilot as an alternate to the not-quite-Basara gummy.
  5. Yeah, since we don't get subtitles out of the box with these releases, it requires some wrangling and hacking. Unfortunately, since Macross 7 doesn't get as much love from the community as the other Macross series, resources are hard to come by. It makes no sense to me, but I will avoid ranting about it. The music is class! I've been listening to a couple CD imports on the way into work. BTW, I sent you a pm.
  6. Oh well. If there is one thing I can (unfortunately) count on from Gawker Media, it's a predictable bullet list of edgy criticism. I will still see this one for myself. Harlock is a personal favorite and I want to see where this movie takes the story. Harlock Saga got weird and there were Harlock moments in Cosmo Warrior Zero that were far out but fun. I'm not sure I buy into this negative review.
  7. LoL! I don't mind too much. I like learning this stuff. Also, I use a combination of XBMC and MPClassic Home Cinema to playback my files. Given that, I find that the .mkv format works all right, even though it takes an extra step. I noticed that MakeMKV has been good about saving its files in order so that my episodes are not playing back in some strange way. Then again, authoring may have more to do with this than the transcoding program. Having a way to automate renaming the files would be neat feature, though. I remember older DVDs didn't always have nice chapter breaks, so it ought to be fun when I run into television series with mad, bizarre authoring. The mkvtoolnix program is pretty snappy, but I won't deny that it is another step to something that could be a single push of a mouse or keyboard button. I tried Handbrake, but I couldn't warm up to it. At t he moment, I am not encoding any of my discs. Handbrake doesn't allow me to just use the .mkv format as a container, but MakeMKV will. I guess I don't mind having the potential for portability. That is, if 1.5GB+ files are ever considered portable.
  8. Ah! The two-episode .srt files are sub rips of some sort. I don't remember Central Anime doing combined episodes, so I think they may be custom rips. Since two episose are combined into one file, the timing information will be off. You will need to separate the subs into individual files from mac7-2930.srt on, and then retime everything for your blu-ray rips. For example, "Formula for a Love Triangle" is the title of episode 30. You can search for that and, after you find it, scroll down to find the lyrics to Planet Dance. When you find the OP to the second episode, you should be able to highlight, cut and paste the subtitles from the second episode into its own file. I think you can use the .ass files without too much tweaking, but you may need to retime these too. When you have your files, try them out and see. And let us know how it goes!
  9. Awesome, Dio! I'm glad you were able to find a process and some software that worked for you. It's a shame that adware is getting bundled into IMGburn now. I'll keep my eyes open for it the next time I update. They may be okay? Try them out! I do know that Central Anime originally released the show hardsubbed. The remastered DVD episodes were softsubbed. If these subs are older than a few years, they may be transcripts of the originals. The patches discussed in this thread include other fixes that were not in the Central Anime release. For instance, alternate lyrics for some of Fire Bomber's songs.
  10. Yeah, definitely not worth cutting into Soundwave's head to fix! At least, I'm not that steady with plastic and a hobby knife anymore. I get nervous when I accidentally pop things off of loose ball joints.
  11. It is, and I'll echo the fast shipping comment above, although I'm probably not going to pick up this variation of the '19. I have to save up for Arcadia's release of the prototype. LoL!
  12. And here I was all ready to defend Yamamoto. I mean, she looks great with long or short hair. But we're on to ponies? Hey, collect what you like! No harm done.
  13. You're welcome! This will be my first Hikaru too. Technically, Arcadia's will be my third Roy since my very first was Yamato's 1/48 Roy VF-1S. I only have the one 1/60 now, though. I sold the 1/48 a while back. With Arcadia's release, I'll have a nice rainbow canopy Roy and a clear canopy Roy with the upgrades and optional parts. Anyway, I thought it was worth it.
  14. Nice photos Valkyrie addict! That translucent gold-ish canopy is mighty fine. And although it was already said, I really, really like the kite effect in fighter mode. Hm, do I really need this or should I wait for a TV accurate scheme? Decisions, decisions...
  15. Yes, I pre-ordered both Roy and Hikaru. I also plan to get Isamu's YF-19. It's going to be an expensive season with all these Macross and Tranformer releases. If Arcadia releases Max's VF-1S, then I may stop at those three DYRL Valkyries and wait for something else, like a new Zero line.
  16. I'm not sure I will see Robotech: LLA. I thought david's assessment of the circular nature of Robotech discussions above was accurate, which is why I do my best to move on from this stuff. As I noted earlier, I appreciate where I learned about anime; however, I do not hold any obligation to the companies that originally introduced me to it. If those companies continue to produce good quality content (which includes such things as toys, manga, posters, and knick-knacks, as well as anime) then I'll continue to be a customer. If those companies pull out of the market or reduce their quality in the industry, then I have no reason to spend my money on their products. All in all, that's how I moved on from Robotech. It was fun while it lasted, and it will remain a fond childhood memory. I do not need anything from Harmony Gold today and I do not want anything from them either. I do not intend to force anyone else's opinion in this.
  17. I agree. That's another thing that I liked about the first movie: the memories that kept Murphy grounded in his humanity. This is what made Robocop different from the A.D. Police short that came out around the same time with a much more broken and angry main character. I also agree that the new Robocop seems too much like Iron Man---a guy-in-a-suit character rather than a mesh of technology and living tissue. I wonder why they felt the need to change the look? Anyway, there is enough about the new movie to make me curious. I'm still unsure about how I will see it (in the theater or as a rental).
  18. Yeah, downloads are convenient. I've done the same thing with a few of my favorite fansubs (buying the discs, storing them, and keeping the subs to watch on the computer). Streaming has also helped me save money and space on discs, but I'll still buy sets and shows that I like to watch multiple times in HD. Ripping television shows can be a pain. I just spent the evening scratching my head while trying to figure out the chapters in Ergo Proxy. It turns out when one is creating .mkv files like I am, the mkvtoolnix package is a lifesaver. It will split .mkv files multiple ways, including by chapter. Anyway, this is another free utility and my use for it is straight forward. Even with these small obstacles, the process is so smooth, and I kind of wish I got into it sooner.
  19. Okay, you guys talked me into it! I am using both AnyDVDHD and MakeMKV to rip one-to-one copies to my HDD. I also bought some plastic bins to store the DVDs after I'm done. Both pieces of softwawre compliment each other; however, MakeMKV is the only one of the two that is free for anyone wondering. I'm also learning that I have more 4:3 non-anamorphic DVDs than I originally thought. I use XBMC for playback and it works very well with the .mkv files. At the moment I am working with a 1TB drive, but I think a larger drive or drive pair is in my future.
  20. This has been on my to-do list for ages. I only have a single 1TB drive, though. How much free space do you have left over after processing 100 DVDs? I have a box of anime DVDs that are in a closet that I have been meaning to move onto my HTPC and this was a nice reminder to get started on that project.
  21. Very, very sweet. I wonder if Takara will have an individual release for Soundblaster's cassettes as they did for Soundwave? In any case, I'm glad I have some time to save up. I might get Sideswipe if the new cassettes materialize on their own.
  22. Ah, Distirct 9 was great, albeit a risk. But you are right, it just seems as though they are the exception these days.
  23. That's the one problem with blu-rays, although I still try to buy my favorite series on blu. JoJo's was off my radar, though. As for streaming, I'm still getting used to it. I spent more time dabbling in the gray area of fansubs, but I'm getting used to the change and it was a good change for me. It also cut down on the massive collection of discs because I only buy the shows that I am sure to rewatch more than once.
  24. Exactly. There was a time when movies were allowed to make social commentary while being over the top. The original Robocop was one of those movies from the 1980s and still holds up with its dated effects. This movie feels like an oddball all-action sequal, except with a different cop who happens to share the same last name.
  25. Huh. Well there you are, and It seems the positive reviews on Amazon have increased five fold. Areaseven, that preview is hilarious. Robotech is just another continuity! It's all Lancer's fault! Too bad about protoculture, though.
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