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Everything posted by technoblue

  1. LoL! I'm disappointed because there is no Youtube video showcasing a hypersensitive 20- or 30-something grown man shouting "Leave my Transformers alone!" This debate makes no sense to me. All these purchases are whimsical at the end of the day, knock off or not, Takara or Hasbro, Arcadia/Yamato or Toynami. The only foolish person is the one who buys something without doing any research, kind of like the guy who buys a "Rollex" watch in Central Park thinking that it is the real deal. Even then, though, that can be fun sometimes,
  2. Just adding another opinion to the mix: Now and Then, Here and There I would say it was the story that got depressing. For most of the series, Shu's character is the only bright light. However, that changes in the resolution. Overall, I enjoyed the series. It reminded me of Lord of the Flies, but most of the adults the characters encounter in NtHt are corrupt.
  3. ^^Definitely. If Takara continues to release new cassettes (and I hope they do), I would expect the next set would come out a little later after Soundblaster. Since I didn't buy the TRU version of Soundwave, I want to pick up the MP-15 Ravage combo and at least one more set to go with Lazerbeak.
  4. I noticed the "sneakers" too. This scheme is growing on me, just like MP-10B. As for the smaller Masterpiece figures, I tend to wait for extra runs since I'm coming into this late. I lucked out with Sideswipe, Soundwave, and Optimus, even given the higher prices, the runs were spaced out enough where I was able to manage the toy budget okay. I prefer third party Transformers that do not knock off Masterpiece figures that are already available, like FT-03 Quakewave/Shockwave. I think those figures do fill a niche when done well. And I agree with Gakken, the Masterpiece line are collector's pieces. A Generations toy can be high quality, but I think it is meant for a wider audience and is priced for that audience. As for scalpers, well, I don't care for them but what can a person do?
  5. ^^Good question. The photographs of the ship look clean and anime accurate to me. I found some larger images of the Yamato version here: http://robotjapan.proboards.com/thread/21518 I would be surprised if Bandai adds ship markings just for the U.S. release. They may print the "Argo/Starblazers" names on the box or they may put the names on the stand, but the ship? In other news, all the usual import stores have finished taking pre-orders on the Yamato version. I guess that limits the options now?
  6. This is my first post to this thread. How about some BOC? My Dad had an extensive vinyl collection when I was small and loved playing the Cult on the weekends. He passed some years ago and I saved most of the records. Going through them has dug up more than a few good memories.
  7. Agreed? I was hoping DC would do something different with this mash-up, actually. The Dark Knight is good nostalgia that should be put to bed. Batman Beyond took old Batman a step further. I think if there is to be a setting that introduces another female Robin, then it should be a totally new story. Than again, what do I know?
  8. Well, I'm done collecting Transformers Prime/Beast Hunters toys at retail. I've run into too many quality control issues with the figures I've chased down. I have been very pleased with the Masterpiece line, however. Going forward, I'm sticking to Masterpiece and decent third-party collectibles.
  9. That looks like a nice opportunity for those who missed the GX-57 Yamato and who want to buy one locally and save on shipping. THe LED affects are dreamy. BBTS notes that it will be 14 pounds/6.34 kilograms. Damn! The first one was out of my reach and I don't know if I can fit this into the budget with all the other stuff I have planned at the end of the year. It's certainly tempting, though, and nice to see a limited release headed this way.
  10. For a more modern take, I thought Robotics;Notes was a very enjoyable "real robots" series but I'm not sure if it was revolutionary.
  11. Indeed. There seems to be a nod to Asimov, although it also strays into Philip K. Dick territory with the android.
  12. LoL, really? But Gasaraki was a unique series, in its own way. Later on, RahXephon was released by Bones. It had a more fanstatic premise, but a similar music/sound theme. I thought it was pretty good too for a somber series. The article is a good read. I thought the author succeeded in pointing to the common robot archetypes in anime.
  13. Now that IS nice. What's your painting technique? Brush or spray? The end result looks very clean.
  14. Cool! Thanks for the thread merge! Something almost like A.D. Police would be great, but I'm not sure what to expect with this other news: (late again, I'm sure) http://www.imdb.com/news/ni56159632/ Hm, maybe it won't be that much of a sci-fi crime of the week ? I guess I have to do the patient waiting thing. heh.
  15. I apologize if there is a topic for this series already. I searched for it, but I didn't dig too deep. Anyway, I've been reading as much as I can about it and it has me curious. Almost Human is the next genre Sci-Fi series to come from Bad Robot and J.H. Wyman, who also worked on Fringe. I don't know how much of a high-tech police procedural series we'll get out of it or even if we should get that from this series, but the premise will get me to the pilot episode: It is "an action-packed police drama set 35 years in the future, when police officers are partnered with highly evolved human-like androids. The year is 2048." Karl Urban is playing the human cop and Michael Ealy is playing the android. Aside from the show itself, I was also wondering if FOX could back another Sci-Fi series and see it to the end? Was Fringe the exception or was it a glimmer of hope? IIRC, the series begins in November.
  16. Hey, "Love will save this world!" ...maybe...but it isn't easy.
  17. Ha! I don't know what to think of that Valkyrie addict. For me, I guess it just shows how well Basara fit the part.
  18. I think Legioss's point fluttered right over your head. He wasn't talking about healthy nostalgia as you describe---the kind the helps you reconnect and socialize with those who have similar interests. I read his post as describing a destructive nostalgia that keeps people trapped and waiting for some reward that will never come to fruition. That is so much of what Robotech has been for so many years to me and other like-minded people who moved on. Could it have been more? Certainly! But are we really here to argue history?
  19. Well said. One could also ask, what's in a name? I do not know enough about the breadth of Harmony Gold's other business, but Robotech must be enough of a cash cow for the company that it can afford to keep coming back and putting a face to the ideas that pop into Yune's head during convention time. Unfortunately, for me, this has become too much of a troll face. And I really like this question: Why is Robotech missing from the crop of me-too flashback movies? Because it may very well go its own way and break from the Macross universe with the right talent. However, I do not think that HG wants to put that kind of effort into the Robotech IP. I do not see the blood, sweat, and tears that need to be shed for that change to occur, not with the current people running the show.
  20. Thank you! This is great information that I'll use to recheck my settings. I believe I missed something because Handbrake was outputting smaller files: about 20 or 25% of the original. I thought I was using the high profile preset to start, but that may not have been the case. It looks like this was more about user error from the newbie. Cheers!
  21. That's another reason why I like MKVs. I can use them as simple containers to bundle the subtitless I like together with the audio and video of the episodes I rip without re-encoding everything. As long as the timing is right, it isn't a big deal. I'm still getting the hang of timing fixes, myself. The only other method I am aware of is hardcoding, which is how subtitles are built into VOB files on DVDs, Edit: Fixing my word jumble form a serious lack of sleep.
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