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Everything posted by technoblue

  1. I haven't heard of a fan release of SDF Macross using the BDs as a source. I do have a copy of the subtitles that Mechinyun linked to on the last page. When I get over the initial "wow" factor, I plan to set up my HTPC so that I can use them. Some customers think the video has too much grain, I guess? i don't understand that. There are scenes where the video shows its age, but there is only so much you can do before taking away fine details. I agree with everyone here. What we have on blu is the best it will be given the source and the technology.
  2. It could be the lighting, but the whiter base coat may be a new thing too---it may be an Arcadia thing (thinking about the YF-19 comments and ithe lighter tan). I don't mind at all, but it will be another difference to set Arcadia releases apart from the Yamato releases. Also, if that is Tampo it looks very nice. I hope all of the printing comes out looking that good.
  3. Evangelion 3.33 felt more transitional to me. It was good, but not incredible. I'm not very familiar with the other EVA work, so I may be missing out on some of the lore that doesn't show up in the television series and the movies. The first two redo OVAs were very good and I enjoyed the changes. I can't wait to see how things progress with the fourth, whenever that lands. Things are too early for me to make a final judgement on Kill la Kill. It could ramp up fast and become excellent or it could fall on its face. I'm hoping it becomes something of a spiritual successor to Gurren Lagann, but I'm trying to keep those hopes in check. Speaking of Gurren Lagann, the BD collector's set has a good discount at Amazon Japan. It is very tempting... .
  4. No kidding, right? And it's redicrecting valuable energy away from the tinted canopy debate. By the way, I like the dark blue canopy. I wouldn't want to see Arcadia get rid of that color completely. On my monitor, it doesn't show up as being opaque, and given all the criticism I wonder what it looked like in person. Still, I can compromise too. Imagining a lighter blue tint is not difficule for me, and I can see myself being happy with that as well. I'm not really worried about missing cockpit details when the canopy is closed, either. If Arcadia keeps a version of this blue canopy and it is as translucent as Yamato's rainbow canopy, then I'll have no complaints.
  5. Sweet, Valkyrie Hunter. I like how you posed the wings in your last photo. Regarding the orange and silver bits: the video reviews that I've watch have shown both. Most reviewers are sticking the silver stickers to the orange bits to catch the light in the dark wings. It's a nice effect, but I haven't decided what to do either.
  6. I hope there is more to this anime than a flashy fight of the week. I mean, I'll watch it anyway but Gurren Lagann was fun and had twists and turns. This could be straight forward stuff, but I'm hoping there is something more.
  7. This was so worth it. I've seen SDF Macross multiple times in a variety of formats, translated and dubbed, but never with this much detail at home. The faces, the ships, the city, everything is improved in this release. I'm going to wait on subtitles and just watch the episodes as they are and savor them for a while longer.
  8. This week's episode of Kill la Kill ramped up the pervy action. It's so ridiculous that I can't help but to enjoy it immensely.
  9. Well, both of you are right. DHL got the box set to me this morning, a day ahead of schedule.I decided to open everything because the amazon shipping box looked like it had a bumpy ride. Everything inside the amazon box was pristine, though. And this set is sweet. It's taking a lot of energy for me to focus on work again, but there it is---priorities. I need to pay for my stuff. LoL!
  10. Okay then... Is it safe? How about "John Doe" from Fincher's Se7en? Kevin Spacey plays "a sadistic serial killer whose meticulously planned murders correspond to the seven deadly sins: gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, pride, lust, and envy." And by the end of it all, you get set up for a gut-wrenching no-win scenario. Not too many movies have actually frightened me in the theater, but this is one that made the list.
  11. FYI, amazon.co.jp has a nice price on the limited edition set at the moment. When I put this in my cart, the total was around 32000 yen before shipping. I couldn't resist at that price. I have been patiently waiting to upgrade my Animeigo DVDs and will be looking forward to this.
  12. Comparing a Masterpiece to a Valkyrie is dangerous business. The shine, oh the shine! In all seriousness, the higher quality does spoil me. And although I try not to nitpick things, I have noticed that general retail voyager- and deluxe-sized transformers do not catch my eye as they once did. I consider it a blessing, because I know I am buying stuff that I will mess around with or appreciate in some way. As soon as it isn't fun anymore, I'll probably sell it all or give it away.
  13. No worries, Valkyrie Hunter. I needed my own excuse to start unpacking this stuff and posting pictures. I picked up HyperNovae from TFSource. I had already placed the preorder when you told me that I could buy direct (oops) and cancelling it would have been a hassle. Lesson learned. Shipping was free, though, and I guess after the $10 markup it all evens out, haha. The figure arrived in a nice priority mail shipping box. Inside that box was the exact same doubleboxed Makeytoys packaging shown in early reviews. TFSource also sent a card with a note on transformation tips, which is a nice touch if you happen to miss most of the reviews on the Internet or want a reference card to keep with the instructions. I received the bonus wing inserts and stickers and I'll make sure to fit them for the robot pics.
  14. I've been messing around with Hyper Novae/Nova Prime tonight and decided to take some quick and drity cell phone pics to show some size comparisons with this figure and MP-10. If it wasn't obvious in the reviews, now you can see that these two trucks are not in the same class. I was surprised. For some reason I thought Nova wwould at least be as large as Optimus. Maybe it was the Gundam-esque wings or maybe it was my poor eyesight. That said, both of them are pretty sweet. I'll try and get some robot mode pics up later... A familiar red box truck and a sleek Cybertronian cab A lengthwise comparison with trailers attached
  15. Thanks for the new thread, Marzan! I've been having a blast following the anime since I was first introduced to Bakemono four years ago.
  16. Hey, TFSource sent a happy e-mail my way! Yesterday, I received notice that my MP-13 pre-order shipped. Since Soundwave has been available everywhere else, I almost felt bad about this purchase but I think waiting did me some good in the end. Also, early last week I received a shipping notice for Hyper Novae. Very exciting! Grimlock is in the queue, but I'm also interested to see if he shows up at the usual Japanese retailers.
  17. skullmilitia: LoL! I don't remember reading an Armageddon reference anywhere, although I had been reading NDT's comments and other commentaries from NASA employees discussing the physics in the film. My comparison of 2001 and Armageddon was to lay out two extremes and get a general idea without spoilers. It was in no way a commentary on the film or Cuaron's ability. Again, I still have to see it, so I'm not in a position to critique anything.
  18. Thanks, Mr. March. That's good advice. I rank both Children of Men and Pan's Labyrinth (Del Tor and Cuaron) very high on my list of favorite films, and was trying to balance my expectations for Gravity. I am planning to see it sometime this week.
  19. So...for someone who watched Planetes and thought it was fantastic, is this a live-action film that's worth seeing? Is it even comparable? For example, is there a good balance of believable physics to Hollywood physics? I'm trying to guage the tension in the above reviews: 2001 tension or Armageddon tension?
  20. More Monogatari Second...
  21. A most excellent episode.
  22. Heh. I'm not going to look at that spoiler until I watch the episode... Nope, not gonna do it...
  23. It could very well be that during the unification wars that the Anti-UN scientists and engineers had a better understanding of the alien technology than their UN counterparts. This also shows up in real history during wartime when there is a technology gap between two opposing sides.
  24. I originally thought it was just an inflated price, since the Toys-R-Us releases of Masterpiece figures in Asia are basically the same as those in the US. Also, the The MP-10 reissue that I have is a very nice figure, although it isn't indicative of the larger production run. I do not have any complaints. Anyway, it will be interesting to see what the facts are as more information comes out.
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