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Everything posted by technoblue

  1. I agree, with one amendment: That we welcome them all back to the Macross fold...Firebomber style!
  2. Looking good, derex3592. I was thinking that the Klingsbo would be a nice single display in one of my other rooms. May I ask, what display case is that next to the Klingsbo? It looks good too. Also, for those of you who use lighting, what are some good alternatives to the Ikea LED kits? I noticed that Gakken was using an LED light bar in his display. How well do those bars light up a display case? And would anyone recommend LED strips on a roll, like these: http://www.amazon.com/HitLights-Weatherproof-Changing-Plug-Play-Including/dp/B006L8UAZU/ref=sr_1_19?s=hi&ie=UTF8&qid=1404696282&sr=1-19 I started putting together my two Detolfs this weekend and then stopped before putting the glass up since I want to get the lighting squared away first.
  3. LoL! This thread tracks market trends for auctions that sell (which I guess can be both reasonable or absurd with Valkyries). For me, it helps by giving an idea of what to expect when looking for a particular item. For instance, I already knew that the VF-1J CF was rare, but I didn't know its value. If I had been able to put more money into my auction bid, I might have won the item. Anyway, at these prices it might be better looking for a MIB piece like sreichma instead of waiting for another loose one.
  4. Well put. There is a legal demarcation separating Robotech and Macross properties. If Robotech fans really want something new out of the Macekverse, then they need to focus on what made Robotech different. There's a slim possibility that a Kickstarter could be one method to turn Robotech into its own thing, but (and this is a big BUT) those involved would have to be willing to follow in Kawamori's lead and leave the original SDF Macross story alone. Why not try and come up with something new and completely Robotech that doesn't rely on nostalgia or another property? Ugh. I had the same thought for a second, and it sent a shiver up my spine.
  5. Japanese audio is available with various subtitles (including English). Speaking of which, I need to reconfigure Netflix so that it stops choosing closed captioning automatically. This series was a lot of fun. I have no regrets having a marathon KoS weekend.
  6. Thanks for sharing the price, sreichma. I see that these do trend toward high bids. And I noticed that there are a couple buy-it-now auctions asking for ~$400! I could almost get my own ship... er a VF-4G for that! On the YF-19: Yeah, I missed it by THAT much.
  7. I finished watching Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn tonight. The political story was well done. And I thought it was funny how the whole high school subplot became an afterthought in the end. Newtypes are still a bit of a mystery to me, but that has more to do with the fact that I haven't seen many of the core Gundam series and I don't know much about the show. My only experience is with the outliers like the 08th MS Team and Gundam Wing, but I have seen a couple of the movies too. Although some of the dramatic scenes were overdone at times, I thought the show was still solid overall.
  8. Drunk? Did you click on the $5,000 pledge when you meant to click on $1, Keith?
  9. Hm. I'll just sit this one out. Where's that popcorn smiley?
  10. I saw this loose YF-21 on ebay today and threw my hat into the ring. I got real close to winning (at 10 seconds, I was outbid), and I hope someone here picked it up. The Valkyrie looks a little dusty in the pictures, but otherwise in great condition. All parts and documentation are included with a full sticker sheet. As noted, only the box is missing. http://www.ebay.com/itm/111395291141?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649 Sniped again. LoL! This time it was a VF-1J CF. Congrats to whomever picked it up! http://www.ebay.com/itm/111395598227?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649
  11. I also admire your work, Saburo. I know it may be getting repetitive, but your photographs keep improving and each new shoot is that much more impressive. Very admirable, and thank you for sharing! Now, the question is do I save some money and pick up a real camera and a lightbox to start learning this myself or do I just pick up that cunning VF-27γ to pose with my Alto VF-25F since the tornado parts are coming soon?
  12. I don't know. I think that blue corn chip KO could use a few drips of nacho cheese. Or any Arcadia VF-1! With no odd color choices or missing details...
  13. Here is a quick photo comparing my three Primes (still in their boxes). The size of the TRU box is a bit ridiculous compared to Takara's MP-10, and MP-10B just looks puny. The VF-19S is there for reference. It was definitely the better buy of the two items, though. My first Acid Storm came with battle damage. The left vertical stabilizer had a broken RWR antenna right out of the box. I'm not sure if the tip snapped or shattered, and I didn't notice it until I had zoomed it around the room a couple times at first TRU's return policy seemed odd: After calling TRU customer service this morning, they said that the above policy was for on-line returns only, and I should be okay with getting a refund/replacement toy at the store. I did that and lucked out (they had another Acid Storm in stock). And this one has all its parts intact. Edit: Adding YOTH photo and updated return information.
  14. A sweet deal indeed. There were still two Acid Storms and two YOTH Primes on the shelf, so I picked up one of each. Acid Storm will probably be the only seeker in my collection, but now I have three different MP-10 Primes. HAHA.
  15. Thanks, eriku! I'm not opposed to a mod or two, although I may keep the gold for a short while to appreciate the ridiculous nature of the original release. The only issue is timing. The last time I left a couple Masterpieces on the shelf at TRU for "another day" like I did yesterday, there was a run on stock and everything was sold out by the time I returned to the store.
  16. In person, I was thinking that the gold isn't too bad. My main critique was against the 'ghost' trailer, which seemed an odd choice. But now I am thinking of ditching the box and pairing the trailer with MP-10B. I just need to figure out some way to disguise the YOTH insignia on the ramp.
  17. TRU is having one of its clearance sales, and a few Transformers are included for those interested: YOTH Optimus Prime is marked down to $89.99 Acid Storm (if you can still find him) is down to $69.99 And there were others, but those were the Masterpiece figures that I saw when I was passing through on my way to Ikea. Even with the odd color scheme, and the huge box, $90 for Prime before tax is very tempting. I may swing by again later today to see if any are still there.
  18. The cdjapan packaging was sort of a let down for me too. I was expecting more padding in the brown box. Oh well. They do a much better job with smaller items. Sorry to read about that, Sandman. My shipping box took a hit, but everything inside was okay.
  19. I know it's off topic, but I wonder if Arcadia would consider that route with a VF-1J Hikaru release? This may be more of a newbie question, but was the Yamato release with the armor parts popular?
  20. I keep saying this, but I need to pick up a couple display cases to declutter my house. There are Valkyries everywhere! And here is another of the Excalibur (I've been messing with it a lot, learning the transformation on holiday this week):
  21. Indeed, and well put. There are probably many variables at work, but that is another good one, I think.
  22. With genre stories, I would hazard to say that patterns do pop up that the audience can point to and recognize. Do these tropes belie a lack of original thinking, though? I'm not convinced. Hollywood is rightly criticized because it relies so much on branding. This is why we have multiple blockbuster sequels and prequels of madness year after year. One might say that Japan is better at marketing its animated entertainment; however, the patterns are still there (I'm going to use generic terminology, but my point is the same): harem comedies romantic comedies magical girls robots (and all the various subgenres thereof) adventure SciFi Both Hollywood and Japan still have success stories: the odd film or OVA that comes out of nowhere and surprises all audiences. I think that says a lot about the health of both industries. But, yeah, in order to find those gems, one has to suffer a lot of coal.
  23. Nice. I'm thinking of trying out your mod on a couple of my stands too. I hope you don't mind. It would help out a lot in my small space.
  24. Love the VF-1J CF, sreichma. Looks great.
  25. Seconded. Having a modded stand to use as part of a desktop display (like in the picture) would be really nice. Thank you for sharing, Duymon! One question: does that material bond permanently to the stand (is it a total conversion) or can you remove the 'adapter' and still use the original stick?
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