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Everything posted by technoblue

  1. Hot Spot is looking good. Defensor was the first and only combiner I went to the trouble of collecting as a kid. I had a couple Constructicons, a couple Combaticons, and one Predacon. Kind of wished I had a complete Devastator, but then I got into other things.
  2. Wah, Wah! Although Macross 7 Valkyries are ripe with innuendo, it is functional and fun innuendo. And where standard designs do not always embrace a certain character or flamboyance like the Fire Bomber Valkyries, I think it's great that there a few that do. It reminds me of how ace pilots on all sides dressed up their fighters in WWI.
  3. Is that you, Tron? Tron: Uprising is a show that could use another season. I'll reserve judgement on the new RID, especially since I'm not caught up with Prime and (if I'm reading the news correctly) this is supposed to continue with that story. The teaser looks good. It got my attention.
  4. Someone else noted that the 30th Anniversary VF-1J would look good in a Macross 7 diorama. Specifically, episode 15 comes to mind with all the flashy Valkyries and the Destroid Monster. I'm not a fan of the multicolored stripes, but I do like how the stripes create the UN Spacy Kite design in fighter mode. I also like the amber canopy, but I'll take a tinted canopy over a clear canopy any day.
  5. You and me, both chyll2. I hope to sneak in one purchase on preorder day and quietly back away.
  6. Right. I would love to hear the original 1985 broadcast soundtrack in an updated lossless format. That's the kind of audio upgrade that would persuade me to buy Robotech again. Without it, I'll kept the old blue, red, and gold DVD box sets that I've had forever. I don't know if the original broadcast soundtrack is still available to remaster again. I hope so. But what would really push me over the edge is getting both a lossless mono soundtrack and the HD visuals. Today, only two 'Macross in HD' titles include subtitles as an extra: The Macross Plus Blu-ray release The re-release of the Macross Frontier movies on Blu
  7. Ugh. No more DVDs, please. The HD releases of Macross and Mospeada are already available in Japan. HG should know better than this. Low resolution video and audio in 2014 is inexcusable.
  8. ^^Mm. If wishes were Valkyries. But I still have one waiting in my private warehouse (from the last sale).
  9. HaHa! Good morning, Ozma! Great news!
  10. Heh. Nobody gets any robots until after this reaches the first bonus tier, after Rick Hunter is on board. Besides, they want to draw out a different audience for this pilot, an audience that is just sitting and waiting to throw money at the screen, per Tommy himself: "No boys afraid of girls drama." I mean, they have how many women on staff?
  11. I kept up with G1, until seeing the Movie, and then quickly lost interest. Beast Wars was a bust because I didn't like that early CGI style. OT: I had the same problem with Babylon 5, but eventually gave this show a second chance because of the story and now rank it as one of my favorite Sci-Fi series. I may give BW another chance when I want to do a Transformers marathon on a lazy weekend. Animated was fantastic. I've enjoyed what I've seen of Prime, but I still have to finish the last season. I haven't seen any of the others.
  12. The detail is impressive for the scale, and I love the heals.I would have thought the white base would have more pink to contrast with the hot pink accents on the shins and upper thighs in Battroid mode. But that's a minor nitpick. Bring on the 1/60 Arcadia release, please!
  13. That's a very good point. Hasbro always has that ONE thing. Or two Or three
  14. Didn't another Kickstarter recently get shut down for similar last-minute antics? Here it is: Areal. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1577656602/areal?ref=discovery
  15. Heh. I wonder if the giant gauntlets are optional or if they are part of the hands?
  16. It could be a rush job on those convention displays or the crazy angle of the photographs. The official shots look much better. Here's Superion again: And Menasor without the mess:
  17. The next Robotech project, of course! I'm sure it's already there, a dark idea, waiting...
  18. Yeah, I find you have to be up late (east coast US time) or wake up early to browse the listings and and catch a glimpse of the deals. My last jungle order was the result of a sleepless night.
  19. I find it inspiring, Saburo. And I'm definitely looking to join the picture frenzy. I was reading up on macro techniques at lunch because of this thread. I have a few other tasks to finish first, though. Time is my limiting factor at the moment.
  20. Heh. I thought Takara's EVA MP-10 was the cosplay version? Actually, EVA MP-10 kind of looks like Shattered Glass Prime if one takes away the NERV trailer...
  21. I think Tom Bateman was right with what he insinuated a couple pages back: We all underestimated the fans. Although humorous, it's also sad in a way to see HG running into the same wall---banking on nostalgia and a niche brand---and then failing. Could Robotech become revitalized like other 1980s properties? Maybe. However, I agree that the current tactics need to change dramatically.
  22. Heh. What? OT: It's clearly a typo. Effect and affect are often confused or reversed, especially if English isn't one's first language (which applies to a number of members on this very forum). I'm unsure whether the evolution of language applies here, but I agree that it is funny if you pay attention to those details.
  23. For those who picked up a copy, the wait shouldn't be long now. I received a payment request from amiami this morning.
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