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Everything posted by technoblue

  1. The episode was brutal. I wasn't sure in the beginning, but now I'm confident that things are about to step up to Claymore levels of destruction.
  2. I'm not sure if these details have been posted already, but amiami is showing a mini GE-999 accessory along with the Chogokin GX-67 Arcadia preorder: They look great together. And if the Queen Emeraldas were available, this portrait would be complete.
  3. I'm lagging behind you on my first run through Kenshin TV, but I agree that it has been a fun addition to my backlog. I found this guide to the different arcs. I guess the anime does go its own way eventually... http://myanimelist.net/forum/?topicid=487037#msg16898775
  4. I thought it was a fair Harlock story held back by bad subtitles. For example, both Tochiro and Yattaran had their names changed in the subtitle track for no reason. It's really peculiar. The Japanese track retains all the original names, so the subtitles end up being annoying instead of helpful cues. It's almost like Toei Animation had intended to create a separate English dub, but then changed its strategy without correcting the script.
  5. No, not 3M. The feet that fail on me consistently are off-brand types, like the ones from Radio Shack. I'm not sure who RS uses as a source, but the profile of the foot is the same. I'll have to dig around to see if I have any on hand for a photo. That's a relief. The only reason I like the thin ones is because they are low profile and I have had better luck applying them to things. There really isn't a functional difference once you set aside thickness. At that point, it's just a preference.
  6. That looks cool. My only worry is with the glue. On that point, my experience with clear dots has been mixed. The glue loses its tackiness overtime and that can cause the feet to slip out of place when mounted on smooth surfaces. Also, I have seen clear dots brown or change color with age but that takes time. Perhaps another option for feet might be thin opaque rubber dots like these?
  7. Streaming would be a very nice solution. For me personally, it would also be nice to see more Blu-rays with subtitles, even if they come direct from companies like BW, Bandai, and their subsidiaries. I really liked how Gundam Unicorn and Space Battleship Yamato 2199 were distributed, for example. I would be ecstatic to see the Macross properties using a similar model, but I'm not aware of the obstacles that would need to be cleared internationally for those releases to go as smoothly. To be honest, in my ideal world it would be great if the "creative team" at HG just bowed out of the way and stopped fighting everyone. Let those licenses expire. Stop pointing fingers. Let the legal crap unwind and please find another hobby. If Robotech is supposed to continue, I agree that a reboot is necessary. It may have easter egg moments or cheeky nods to what was when Carl Maceck was around, but a new Robotech shouldn't be anything like what we knew or grew up with. I think the best way forward is to sever those connections and give the idea of "Robotech" a whole new life.
  8. This is close to my situation. At the very least, I like to open the boxes to check for shipping damage. Ever since receiving an Arcadia Roy with a not so happy scratch down one vertical stabilizer, I'm more careful about taking MISB for granted. That Roy didn't go back into the box. I left him out and I'm considering using him for my first custom. I rarely buy doubles and try to stick to singles as a general rule. I broke that rule twice: Once with the Yamato/Arcadia 1S releases and more recently with the 25s release. My ultimate goal is to get all this stuff out of the cardboard and on display. I'm slowly setting up our spare room/writing room with a nice dedicated area. But time restraints and general procrastination has added to the backlog and clutter. I'm also one who appreciate style and engineering. For me, on some level there is a real joy in seeing the artwork (from line art, cells, and other sources) take physical 3D form. The child inside gets to gush at the level of cool.
  9. Nice. I really like that look.
  10. You should contact Wells Fargo, then. CDJapan is part of Neowing Corporation, which is a legitimate company. Before I started using paypal, I sometimes had to clear international orders with the bank that held my Visa account. Banks can be over protective and strict when it comes to fraud, but a quick call usually clears things up if you are buying stuff overseas with any regularity. The other option is to go paypal and make it easy on yourself.
  11. Hm... Not sure if serious... CDJ http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/product/NEOGDS-111209 AE http://www.anime-export.com/product/19461 Like clockwork...
  12. Yeah, this is what I saw too. All before shipping. At CDJ, my order came to 20,000 shipped after applying funbux (gotta remember that one ), which is why I kept it.
  13. Damn. I hope things work out for you. I experienced a similar preorder delay at TFSource for a couple items (including MP-10B), which is why I hesitate to place my orders with them now.
  14. Captured Prey is a good site, as is Action Robo for all things Transformers. For just Takara releases, HLJ sometimes carries limited preorders too.
  15. Yeah, I think I'm going to stick with my order too. I used my cdj funny points to help defray shipping costs. Cancelling now would wipe that out.
  16. Thanks for the link, kb! I needed the refresher. I was blanking on cdj's paypal policy. Hm... what to do...
  17. Nah. Too soon to speculate, and this is the YF-30 thread.
  18. Yeah, I think the flood gates are opening. And a small part of me agrees with anime52k8---hlj has a sweet price. I paid with Paypal at cdj so my order is locked.
  19. In this case, buy from whomever you like. I'm encouraged by the multiple YF-30 orders that are opening up. It gives everyone options.
  20. Okay. Skepticism engaged, I guess we should know better. The red VT-1 is cool all the same. And if this turn into more than just a tease down the line, that would be awesome.
  21. Perhaps we need a new motto? You know, when 'don't painc' or 'read the fine forum' isn't enough. Miss the pre-order? It's okay. Stay calm and carry on, 'cause CDJapan will take care of you near release day. Are the gates opening?
  22. I think you're right. BBTS used to have Macross/Robotech in the full product list as one category, and that link used to point to everything. Now it just points to HG licensed products. The rest is locked away in the hidden Macross stash.
  23. Wow. I never would have found that link just by browsing the menus. BBTS did a good job hiding that stuff.
  24. Wait. The gunpods are GREEN!?
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