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Everything posted by technoblue

  1. Good eye. It is flashing from the mold. There's no nub on the male end. Here are some quick and dirty photos of both pieces together. FYI, that is clear plastic and not mauve/pink plastic. My cell phone is catching a funky tint from something (maybe the halogen bulb in the room). The upside is that it highlights the piece on the white background. Edit: To compliment David's measurements, there does seem to be a slight variation in the size of the peg adapters. At least with my sample, the Arcadia peg adapter is closer to 6.0mm exactly when measuring from flat to flat. My Yamato peg adapter has the same measurements as David's (just under 6.0mm from flat to flat). When trying to fit the Arcadia adapter with the three SV-51 slot-in pieces, only one fit without difficulty. The other two pieces were too tight. Edit2: Correcting the color cast from the warm light in the original pictures. A shot from above Another shot at an angle
  2. I apologize for butting in, but I was able to snap a quick camera photo of the SV-51's adapter. It does look the same as the clear 1S adapter above. If you need photos of the other parts, let me know. I'll dig out my Arcadia 1S stand and add some comparison shots in a moment.
  3. Yeti: You are using the USPS flat rate boxes, right? If so, the international rate sounds right to me. You can possibly save a little bit of money by printing your own labels at usps.com if you have your boxes on hand. My experience with international shipments has shown that custom weights sometimes offer a discount to certain regions (depending on the size and weight), but this does require more handling. With that in mind, it's up to you on how much effort you want to put into this to start.
  4. Yeah! Thanks for the red highlight. That's what I love about this place. I keep learning new things.
  5. Bravo!
  6. I'm really impressed. I can see myself using both adapters (pack-in and custom), just like you have set up in your test images. Excellent! Can't wait!
  7. Thanks, everyone, for getting me up-to-date. I would have continued to miss the CFT placement issue without David's input. It doesn't bother me too much, but now I know that it's there. The tailhook was always a bit baffling for a fighter that was picked up by the USAF. IIRC, the US Navy turned down proposals to integrate a "Sea Eagle" twice. Gakken: I agree with you on introducing a new MP seeker mold. I think doing that with the coneheads would be choice. Yeah, this one needed prompting.
  8. Just to be clear, I'm not trying to start anything or be a jerk. I simply don't see what anime52k8 sees and want to better understand his point. I ran a quick Google search, but didn't come up with anything. And I stand by what I wrote. Both MP-11 and MP-03 are good transformers, I just like MP-03 more.
  9. How so? To me, both have the profile of an F-15. MP-03 looks like an imaginary single-seat F-15E. And, as you say, MP-11 looks closer to the F-15C or maybe the F-15A. Both Transformers have kibble around the thrusters and afterburner section that make the back end chubbier (in profile) than it is in real life.
  10. The Hasbro exclusive TRU Thundercracker could use a Takara release. I think the colors are off. Form what I understand, MP-11 makes compromises in jet mode to create a better robot and MP-03 makes compromises in robot mode to make a better looking jet. With Acid Storm and old Starscream, I see that both are very good at what they do, but I like a better jet.
  11. Right. No Skywarp or Thundercracker using the MP-11 mold. However, I recently picked up a lightly used MP-03 and I think I prefer that design to MP-11.
  12. This is why I take umbrage: On his own blog, he is making claims that he is a professional. However, the article reveals a lack of fact checking, is littered with obvious errors, and reads with a heavy bias. Personally, I couldn't care less if this guy wasn't able to tell Robotech from Transformers, but he shouldn't make claims that he cannot back up with evidence. This is why I see a lack of credibility here. Furthermore, I find it peculiar that he is actively debating those who go out of their way to correct his misinformation. That is not the way of a professional reporter, or a professional writer of any ilk. It's a hack piece, and I agree with Mr. March. The main intent is most likely click bait.
  13. Yes! New MP Decepticons, please. That seeker mold is getting tired, and Hasbro is making it lame. flap, flap, flap
  14. The 30th Anniversario scheme is the best! and it keeps the price low
  15. Huh. I wasn't familiar with the Wildstorm comics. Now I know...
  16. This reads like a press release. I wouldn't be surprised if Mr. Kozlowski picked it up for a quick bit of filler on the site. I saw this happen a lot with press releases at my first writing job after college. It doesn't excuse the lazy fact finding, though. It would be interesting to see the actual source material. I wonder if HG is now trying to connect Robotech to the post SDF Macross properties. But that image...it looks like fan art to me...
  17. I cannot answer that, but I do have another question: Does it blend?
  18. This is good news. I was starting to worry about a stiff vs floppy YF-30 lottery.
  19. Insomnia --- I loved the US adaptation of the original. Man, this news hits hard. Mr. Williams was a landmark of talent. "To sleep, perchance to Dream; Aye, there's the rub, For in that sleep of death, what dreams may come..." --- William Shakespeare, Hamlet
  20. Would it be better if it wasn't orange? I'm curious to see what happens with the story now that the cool weapon of doom has been removed as a plot device. I don't see it as a negative, but as an incentive to find different solutions to complex problems in the story. The better episodes of 2199, and even the original SBY, always dialed down the effectiveness of the wave motion gun, or introduced some obstacle to keep it from saving the day.
  21. In the last week or so two VF-1Js have arrived: one colorful 30th Anniversary Arcadia and one Yamato 30th Anniversary TV (my third SDF TV Valkyrie). I also picked up one VF-25A with super parts and the VF-25G supers. The one non-toy item that I'm really excited about is the Macross Chronicle. As if I needed another thing to collect, but it's fantastic and worth it. I made a private warehouse shipment for 1/3 of the collection that I had stowed away. And I already have another set of binders waiting for a future PW shipment. Phew! Time for a short break.
  22. It's a hairy ape; possibly a bonobo? Thanks, Scyla. Ordered.
  23. The 1J grey visor has become a thing of myth and legend, indeed.
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