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Everything posted by technoblue

  1. Perhaps HLJ is planning to ship in early January, since this release falls close to the New Year holiday? Whatever the case, if I can ship Ultra Magnus together with the Arcadia I have waiting, then I shouldn't be too fussed about an extra week compared to other sites. Robotkingdom's transformation pictures really seal the deal for me. I know I was one of the original detractors of MP-22, vocally criticizing the size of it and the decision to steer away from MP-10 in armor, but I love the final result---and there's no denying that he is a true heavyweight at 975g. Even with this, though, MP-22 looks more like Magnus to me than Citizen Stack or even the G1 toy. The other complaints I've read may be valid to some and I hope reviews add some perspective here, but they were not a high priority for me. I'm excited to see this one in person.
  2. I'm holding onto my Ultra Magnus order at HLJ a little longer before I decide if I want to flip-flop again. The release date is now showing as January.
  3. Old news that I forgot to post to the thread. This pic is from NYCC via Monty Oum's twitter. It shows the prototypes of Weiss, Blake, and Yang, which look okay standing there next to Ruby. I can't wait to see the retail versions in some decent poses.
  4. Even the 1/48 M&Ms can get up to $200+ each on ebay. Tangentially, I am very curious to see what Arcadia has planned after their 1J GBP...
  5. Yeah. I see what you mean. And if I may bandwagon Knight26's idea, I also like those stories that do a good job of expanding their worlds/universes. If Genysis can take Terminator in a new direction, do something more than simply changing the roles of the major characters from the previous films, then it should be fun. I guess part of me is hooked already. If the movie is good, then I wouldn't want to miss it for being too critical either. I agree. And that goes for budget or ability. At least, I find that having a goal that goes above what I think I can achieve drives me to complete it or to do my best to fail at it spectacularly.
  6. The face gimmick changes Bee's appearance. Out of the box, you get a happy face and a serious face. If you ordered from amazon.co.jp, then you also received the battle mask. I think there are also rumors about third party faces.
  7. If you deconstruct it that far, Gubaba, then I don't have a leg to stand on. Both movie types have an actor playing a pop-up monster and a group of characters trying to survive.
  8. Sci-fi Horror and Straight-up Horror do share certain themes (the chase, the adrenaline), but I find it difficult to put them in the same category. IMO, I would also say that the original movies in your selection were all better than the sequels that came later. Even though I enjoyed Aliens and Predator 2, for example, I prefer to rewatch Alien and Predator today. Calling out Alien specifically, it cost $11 million in 1979. It think that's the same budget George Lucas had for Star Wars two years earlier. For the 1970s that's a little more than a shoestring financial account. Both movies were financial risks but Alien was more Sci-fi Horror and Star Wars was more Sci-fi Fantasy. It does sometimes feel like Hollywood isn't risking as much today as it once did, but that could be my own mistaken impression. I do think it is interesting how Ridley Scott was unable to pump life back into the Alien universe with Prometheus. It just shows that Cameron may have been wiser by walking away from that kind of nostalgia.
  9. I agree with Mommar. Terminator needs fresh ideas. Personally, I would love to see Terminator move away from the old formula of introduction, chase, escalation, and final fight. This is especially important now since the sequels have ruined the tidy ending of T1. There have also been more advancements in computers and artificial intelligence since the 1980s and 1990s. It would be nice if Terminator added better ideas to its fiction. At the moment, for instance, Person of Interest has created a better, more believable near future AI in its current television run than Terminator was ever able to do when imagining a pre-Judgement Day Skynet. It's a pie-in-the-sky idea, but I think it would be very brave if Terminator would move away from retelling John and/or Sarah Connor's story and took the audience somewhere else for a change.
  10. IMO, the best thing to happen to Terminator since T1 and T2 was the Sarah Connor Chronicles. If Genysis is the dud that everyone is expecting it to be, then I may go see it simply to learn from its faults. As a writer, I like to stay on top of what works and what flops in the mainstream. I admit, this could be a personal quirk all my own.
  11. Yes. The difference between a causal loop and a time paradox. The genius of T1 and T2 was also the downfall of the Terminator story: "No fate but what we make." In T1 Kyle Reese is an unreliable narrator. He prompted Sarah Connor so that she would play her part before Judgement Day. However, somehow the lie that Reese believed in T1 and that Sarah believed in T2 became something that the writers believed when penning subsequent films. The story is a mess now, but I'll still check out the new film.
  12. Indeed. HLJ also has a pre-order page up with the standard 10% discount. List Price: ¥35000 HLJ Price: ¥31500 It will be interesting to see what amiami charges for shipping. I chose regular air mail, since I don't mind waiting.
  13. LoL. True. Yeah. I understand that position all too well. In order to justify this figure, I'll be selling off a few impulse buys that have been lingering MISB. For whatever reason, I couldn't get into them and will try to get some of that money back. February and March will be expensive if all the big items I have on order make their release date and I'm caught with a low PayPal balance. To date, I haven't cancelled an order with AmiAmi either, so I have no experience with their policy on that or on missed payments. Wise. For me, a lot will depend on timing, especially with my own end of the year expenses. If the exchange rate starts to turn around in favor of the yen again, then I'll see what I can do. But if it only bounces around fractions of a cent, then I may just leave everything alone.
  14. Thanks for posting the amiami link. As the saying goes, a fool and his money... I'm in with no regrets.
  15. Nice. I need to stop buying supplies from the UPS store. $20 got me three 15x15 rectangular boxes. It's highway robbery over there.
  16. I thought handling costs were packaging costs. Compared to an individual, a business is unlikely to reuse boxes from shipments that they receive. They need to budget for bubble wrap, packing paper, boxes, and so on. It adds up quickly, and that cost is passed on to us: the customer. If a company is charging a handling fee of 1200yen and sends crummy packaging, then you can say that they're skimming off the top. If you get a cardboard tank, then you probably got what you paid for.
  17. I salute your patience! I gave up on my HLJ Oz last week.
  18. I wouldn't mind that at all. After Yamato experimented with additional tampo printing on a couple of the VF-1 releases, I'm a little confused as to why Arcadia seems set against continuing in that direction.
  19. Huh? Then I must be seeing things... That's my Arcadia Roy VF-1S. Arcadia's Hikaru VF-1S was also released with sticker and water-slide decal sheets. Having three releases including water slides made the YF-19's single sticker sheet something of a disappointing surprise to me (and some other forum members). It would be a nice bonus if the VF-0D includes them again.
  20. Yes. Not including them with the YF-19 was a step back, IMO. edit: I forgot to quote 3D-Brainx.
  21. That puts it on the same level as Arcadia's VF-0D for price... Expensive, but I'm hooked. I'll have to sell a few things to prepare for this one.
  22. I see what you guys are saying about Figuarts Yuki. She does look different from the anime.
  23. Yeah. The retail price is a downer. I'll be on the lookout for a nice pre-order discount.
  24. I noticed that TAG Hobby has news of a 1/6 RWBY action figure: http://www.taghobby.com/1-0/1-3/threezero-12%E6%9C%884%E6%97%A5%E6%97%A9%E4%B8%8A9%E6%99%82%E6%AD%A3%E5%BC%8F%E6%8E%A5%E5%8F%97%E9%A0%90%E8%B3%BC-16-action-figure%E3%80%8Arwby%E3%80%8Bruby-rose-hk1300us168%E5%8C%85%E6%8B%AC/ I looks pretty solid to me, and seems much improved to the MacFarlane sculpt.
  25. Yeah, a redshirt. I still think this Convoy is a good foundation for a shattered glass design. On its own, though, the 1:1 translation of EVA-01's color scheme without any of EVA-01's organic characteristics does look odd in photos. That said, I can't wait to see it in person.
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