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Everything posted by technoblue

  1. I was thinking of skipping the 0A and picking up a 0S to go with my 0D. Now that I've seen the VF-0D in person, though, it looks like I'll be in for the complete trio too. I'm pretty excited, actually.
  2. I was expecting a ticket from my postal worker, but I was suprised by an HLJ package instead. This VF-0D is wicked. I only wish I had the time to take it out for a spin and a few transformations. That will have to wait until Saturday or Sunday. Until then, I'll be gleefully admiring it.
  3. Edit: On second thought, I don't know who this was directed to. No matter who, though, it seems nasty to me. Even though dwc and I do not see eye to eye on this issue, I will stick up for his character. He's a good guy. He sees fact where I see opinion, I don't know what else there is to say. I certainly don't see that as an invitation to dress down someone's lifestyle, especially someone you don't know. And you didn't ask, but I pay my own mortgage, have my own family, and work at a job that requires > 80 hours of my attention each week. If the peanut gallery here would take a moment to get to know me instead of coloring me in a specific way to suit their own definitions and win lame internet debates, then they would find that they might have to adjust these preconceived notions. I think that could be said for a lot of folks. That is, if your intent is to come here and talk about the hobby and not insult someone for the lulz. If it's the other way around, then give me a break. I guess this place has a dark side and we all better duck.
  4. LoL. It was the best that I could do. Yeah, the cannon could be better too. I thought I was going to sit out every single Combiner Wars release, but Megatron looks okay and the price is right...idk... tf-direct.com is where I picked up my KO MP-10. I really like the new ones (green, white, purple), and in reviews and pictures they appear to be better KO transformers.
  5. Yeah. I'm looking forward to this version.
  6. *sigh* I think it's cool that MP-22 has fans and people who like the design. I've been saying that all along. Trying to persuade anyone to "change" their opinion was never my goal in spite of what others here may believe. I am only providing evidence for what I see. That's all that I can do. For example, to speak to treatment's photo of Citizen Stack and MP-22, I think that they are both inaccurate, with compromises built into their look due to their design. I understand that both have their fans, and that's great. However, I cannot choose one or the other as the best interpretation of my Ultra Magnus. To me both are a homage to the cartoon in some way, although Takara's is the official release. In the cartoon, at least to my eyes. Ultra Magnus was not MP-10 in armor. Going the toy route completely and updating the Dialcone would have been a treat. Giving us a nice posable cartoon-style Ultra Magnus also would have been neat. I think MP-22 fails because it tries to please both sides of the aisle and misses both marks. But that is IMHO. My other point is that I have real issues with MP-22's engineering. Yes, it goes beyond wishing for a feature that wasn't included (waist articulation). For example, here are pictures of my copy. These are few weak points that I'm unhappy with. Others at tfw2005 have noticed similar issues, although i admit the toy has had more of a positive reception over there too: 1. The floppy Ultra Magnus head: The diecast insert with the gimmick weighs the head down. It also doesn't grab onto the head post very well. As a result, the head will drop/droop after a certain angle. This isn't too bad in this mode, but in truck mode it can impede rolling Magnus around without damaging his face. 2. A single point of plastic failure above the waist: I haven't done much with this piece for fear of breaking it as some others have done accidentally over at tfw2005. And I can see how it is very easy to do that if you are not extremely careful. I'm use to Masterpiece toys being geared to adults and careful hands, but I still question, why is this part plastic? It seems too fragile, even for an adult toy. 3. Another worrisome area: those thighs: I know I'm going against the wave again with this, and that it will encourage extra scrutiny from members of the peanut gallery, but I think it is important to provide a balance. MP-22 may seem solid to some, but you can see the gaps between the two thigh pieces on mine above, and these QC issues/design flaws make the toy less of a joy to have out of the box and on display. The flaws make an already limited figure even more feable. At some point, I'll have to take this apart and add some adhesive or something to try and close that gap. If this was a low-cost toy that I bought at Target or another department store, then that wouldn't phase me. However, the larger Masterpiece figures are regularly priced over $100 USD at release, especially with the Takara branding and I think we should get something better out of the box. BTW, I think treatment's pics are great, but they are limited to certain angles and if you only want Ultra Mangus standing or pointing or screaming at things like the matrix form a forward face-first position, then that's great. And yes, other toy lines can do good posable figures without a dedicated waist, but I don't think that Magnus makes the grade. For me, this is not posability:
  7. In the interest of moving on, how about the Armada Megatron repaint? (Apologies for those who are not into emgo's reviews)
  8. Edit: Yeah. Sorry about the drama, David. I get what you're saying. I just see it differently.
  9. LoL. Okay. You are changing your tune, but only because I caught you. Actually, David H. brought up the topic. FYI, in case you missed it above: I'm not the only one criticizing the cartoon accuracy. You may want to think that I am, but others have been commenting on it all along and a mod responded to treatment's cartoon accuracy comment first. My response was a follow up to his. Sorry, bud. I'm not buying it. Not one iota. Back off. The pictures speak for themselves. There are enough of them that I don't really need to say anything more.
  10. As am I. It looks like we will have to agree to disagree on this point. Oh well. I won't laugh at you for being unable to see what I see. And the fact remains that a Masterpiece Ultra Magnus with poor articulation, for me, was a poor investment. I guess I've said enough, so I'll stop my bitching. There's no use going on about it and turning this into another debate thread. I'd rather talk about something else.
  11. All G1 Transformers are blocky, that's an aesthetic. This doesn't mean that they have zero articulation. I'm not sure what you see in this, david, but I see waist articulation throughout. Here are a few scenes: The stance Ultra Magnus is taking at 0:23 when firing his weapon The step and turn toward spike at 0:25 Magnus at the door with Rodimus, which shows him bending at the waist 0:32 And let's skip ahead some: The wrestling match with Rodimus at 1:17 Ultra Magnus turning to shoot at Cyclonus and Galvatron: 3:00 Ultra Magnus tackling/grappling/fighting with Galvatron: 3:47 Ultra Magnus and Springer (obvious waist angle): 5:44
  12. It's not cartoon accurate. In the cartoon, Ultra Magnus could hang and fight with both Primes. He was not arthritic in his joints or forced to wear a kilt/apron that he had to flap out of the way when it got annoying. The thing is MP-22 was not made to be toon accurate. Compromises were made, and most of those were made for the trailer gimmick: to fit four masterpiece cars. I would gladly have had Takara dump that gimmick or reduce the number of cars that fit the trailer to give us a more posable and accurate robot mode. This is Masterpiece, after all. I'm more forgiving of the new Generations Leader Ultra Magnus, for example, because it does not try to set a high standard.
  13. That's cool. It is what it is, and it's great that MP-22 has fans too. Maybe Takara will revisit Ultra Magnus in a few years and make a better Masterpiece? Because that's my sticking point. Magnus could have been a better right out of the gate. Especially, if Takara gave the engineers the time and money to work through certain constraints. MP-22 feels rushed with its flat folding parts. Mm, I guess all I'm saying is that I would have waited and paid the price to see the version Takara left on the cutting room floor. You know, the one that has a waist like Stack.
  14. Renato makes a good point by noting the irony of this piece: The "grown-up" power rangers are rather juvenile. I think that's the danger when swinging the pendulum of an established good hero or good heroic team to something very dark and gritty. But it seems to be popular these days. I'm not as familiar with the old series as other members, so I will avoid commenting in detail. I will say that the fan film/parody/however-people-are-apologizing-for-it-today does little to suspend disbelief on one point: Why would so many of the Power Rangers go off the reservation, stop teaming up, and just let themselves be massacred? That was the weakest link for me. But I have other technical issues too. The dialogue was empty without the swearing and insults, and when you subtract the over-the-top violence and hyper-sexualized bits, there wasn't much action or trademark team smackdown moments. That is what I would expect, even in this dark rebooted world.
  15. Love all the pics! Looking forward to see this one in person. Thank you, Cryo. Stiff joints...That makes two positive reports on the engineering so far. It seems more complex then the VF-1, though? I'll have to be extra careful when I step through my first transformation.
  16. I wanted to believe, but Magnus was my first disappointment. On to better things, though, I just paid for my N-Y Star Saber order.
  17. OOohh yeah... Shin Sekai Yori had a number of "pull-you-in" twists and turns. I don't want to say too much for fear of giving too much away. Your synopsis that compares it to other productions is spot on, Marzan, but I thought it began cutting its own path pretty quickly, too. Very unique.
  18. Fringe stands as a memorable performance for me. Walter Bishop without William Bell. The multiverse will never be the same.
  19. Yeah. I'm still getting used to everyone's personality. I was getting worried. Don't mind me.
  20. David. We understand that you're upset about this because it isn't perfect and it is one of your favorite Valkyries. Yours has been one of the louder contrary voices, but maybe now is the time to take a step back and relax or take a break? Arcadia's 0D is done for now. There are other battles to fight, no?
  21. Mostly, I think people are still grieving for what we lost when Yamato took its bow and quick exit. And that's okay. Besides, everyone was arguing just as furiously when T1 and T2 made their appearance. Face it, no matter what color Arcadia gave to us, certain people were bound to be unhappy with it. I'm happy with the design. The aesthetics are secondary on this one. But I'm biased, after all. I chose Nora over Ivanov. ... I have a thing for odd colors, I guess...
  22. I'm siding with Mommar and Charger on this color debate. No solid blue color can be accurate because the OVA never showed the VF-0D in pristine condition. We only saw it used and weathered during carrier operations. That gashapon figure is simulating the weathering effects created in nature using a a particular tone, hue, and shade. I wouldn't be quick to claim that it is an accurate color blue. I'm not saying that to persuade any of the naysayers, mind you. Most people who have cancelled have probably made up their minds already. I'm just very interested in seeing Arcadia's blue 0D with weathering, because I think it will look damn cool.
  23. Love the pics, shukenzero! I'm even more interested in seeing how a salt water wash will affect that blue. I'm now thinking whether or not I ought to get a second copy to try it out myself and recreate the following: One off the assembly line 0D One off the carrier 0D
  24. Wow. It's like they tried to mimic the brooding style of Casshern Sins and then fell off the edge of the world. I need some visual bleach for my eyes. Stat.
  25. I wonder if anyone will brave their own salt-water weathering wash? I'm actually curious to see what the VF-0D looks like with that added detail.
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