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Everything posted by technoblue

  1. You know, that would be completely meta on Sony's part: Paying Kawamori, who has worked on Macross throughout his career, to work on Robotech and separate the two properties by giving Robotech its own unique designs that the writers could use in a unique live-action story. I wonder how likely this would be? And how much would Sony have to pay? I think unlikely, but who knows?
  2. I think Fringe and the X-Files are apples and oranges. Yes, the first season was very much a parallel to the X-Files. And the fact that it was another FOX TV show with FBI agents investigating strange events was rather uncanny. After season two, though, it quickly developed its own unique voice and I think that helped make it successful. I also like that the story had a definitive ending. The news about the X-Files miniseries is exciting to me. I'm taking the glass half-full approach. My worry is that there are already a number of shows that do modern government conspiracy with a Sci-Fi twist well, like Person of Interest. I do wonder how the X-Files will adapt to stay relevant; and will the miniseries add something new, becoming a copycat of some other program or become a parody? The other bonus I see is that this will be a miniseries. There's a potential for better quality here. It also means that David Duchovney and Gillian Anderson will still have time for their other projects. In particular (but off topic), I've been enjoying watching Gillian Anderson's performance in The Fall.
  3. I limit my Windows page file to 1024MB and have no issues on a desktop that uses 8GB of memory. My setup is similar to yours. The OS drive is a smaller SSD (128GB) with a single partition and my storage drive is 1TB. The only optimization that I did after installing Windows 7 was to move my user directories from drive C: to drive D:. My user profile directories (My Documents, My Pictures, Downloads, and so on) contain 60GB worth of data. I keep a backup of this data on external media. If I had a larger SSD, I might have organized this a little differently.
  4. It looks like mike and azrael covered most of it already. But instead of a conservative recommendation, based on your numbers, I would recommend getting 16GB if it is within your price range. If the price jump from 8GB to 16GB for your memory type is too steep, then I think that may be a good reason to move to 8GB now and wait and see if you really need 16GB later. The thing is that no one can predict how your use will change when your new system is together and on-line. And at 70 percent (max) at 6GB, you do seem to have above average requirements now. Anyway, it's something to think about.
  5. YES! Ebay deals are more of the rare needle in a haystack today. It's definitely a seller's market. But, I should leverage that by also saying that I think it is fair for anyone to risk an auction and get the best return (whether on eBay or yahoo Japan). What I don't understand is the buy-it-now auctions that are listed >$400USD. It's those sellers that I feel are taking advantage of things. I avoid them. On the retail side, it would be great if Arcadia balanced things out by releasing more SDF-TV Valkyries. I have my personal favorites, but I'm not picky. Arcadia should re-release a few rarities or try another new paint scheme. Anyway, I do wonder what will come after the 1J/GBP set...
  6. LoL! The bidding war was fierce in the last minutes. I wouldn't call it hopeless, though. Rather I'm looking forward to seeing Kaki-no deal in person and completing my DYRL squad. Lvl 1 Complete!
  7. Thanks, Chronocidal. I appreciate the info. On topic: I've had my share of bad luck with Yamato. As noted, I broke my RVF-171. I also have two Yamato VF-1 Valkyries that developed broken shoulders over time. Even so, I wouldn't rank these as my least favorite. Especially my VF-1S Roy and VF-1A Hikaru which now have replacement shoulder hinges. My least favorite piece is the Robotech Masterpiece Sue Graham Shadow Fighter that funkymonkeyjavajunky already mentioned. It turned me off to Toynami. I sold mine last year.
  8. I thought it would be good to emphasize Chronocidal's point above. Each one of Bandai's 171 DX releases use this unique locking mechanism as part of the leg transformation. It can be tricky if you are coming from a different design like the VF-1 or the VF-25. You should be okay if you are watching a review that steps through the transformation process. My recommendation is to take your time and avoid forcing any parts. This is how I was caught by the unfamiliar leg transformation, myself. I accidentally strongarmed the leg transformation from battroid back to fighter and got a parts-only RVF-171 for my efforts. I never picked up the CF release, so I'll let someone else speak to its issues.
  9. Nice. It's odd, but I think Yuki Renewal is going to arrive at my door before Pilot Suit Yuki. Oh well, post office lag is one of the risks of going cheap with SAL.
  10. All joking aside, that would have been a cool addition. Here's my short wish list of items that would have made this excellent release superb: That shin pilot w/out a helmet A complete sticker sheet with white numbers A water slide decal sheet (I'm a fan of these too) One or two additional armaments (I don't have either of Yamato's VF-0 releases) It's a short list and I'm happy with what I have. I hope Arcadia starts adding goodies back in at some point.
  11. That seems fair enough to me. As azrael noted, isolation/vibration dampening is important for lower acoustics. I like to use the silicon fan mounts that come in various sizes and colors for case mounting fans. Drive cages have been hit or miss for me, though. It seems like you have access to a good set up with HDD suspension---and that's a valuable thing when using mechanical drives, IMO. Sweet. Just a note: Software tends to use multithreading to reduce latency and improve multitasking in multi-core environments. The benefits of multi-core processors are applied at the system level. In other words, you can take advantage of a multi-core system even if the software you run doesn't see all the available cores. On windows, you can disable things like core parking, for instance, to gain an added optimization and use more resources at hand. Something to keep in mind while you are thinking about your CPU. I find the added cores are helpful, myself. And as an aside, here's a good primer on multithread vs multi-core from the EE Times (warning: it is heavy on electrical engineering jargon): http://www.eetimes.com/document.asp?doc_id=1271568
  12. ^Ditto. Irresponsible Captain Tylor was fun, and is a welcome part of my DVD library. I look forward to reading your thoughts on it, Marzan. And I haven't mentioned it in a while, but I reached episode 100 of Galaxy Express 999 today. My thoughts are still scattered at the moment, but here's a quick preview summary: I'm glad I set aside the time for it.
  13. Close loop liquid cooling set ups are a viable option if you are looking for a change in that regard. I put a system together for a friend that used the Corsair Hydro series H80 last year, and it has worked well for him. The radiator is only half size which makes that cooler a little more flexible. I wouldn't recommend this model for cpus that have a high thermal discharge or for overclocking. The noise is negligable as far as I can tell. My personal systems are built around air cooling. My HTPC uses the lower profile Scythe Big Shuriken, but I haven't seen that in stock for a couple of years now. My desktop uses the Noctua NH-U12S. It's taller at 158mm, so Nekko Basara's clearance guidelines apply to it as well.
  14. You may be right about the critics when it comes to Chappie. Personally, I think they are being very hard on Blomkamp because of Elysium. Not that this is empirical evidence, but in reviewing the percentages on Rotten Tomatoes the two films tell an interesting story. It's as if the critic and audience scores have flip flopped. I did read Blomkamp's comments on Elysium. I appreciate his candid opinion of his work and I understand his point in wanting to make it a better film and wanting to reach more people with its satire. Even so, as a viewer I didn't think it was all that bad (one of the few, I guess). The final act could have benefited some additional TLC. I thought it felt rushed after all the build up in the beginning. But that discussion is for another topic. Aw, they're just a special vocal brew, like Tom Waits.
  15. LoL. Hyperbole. History has shown that reviewers can, and do, miss the point. Wait for Netflix if you think that is the better risk for your pocket book, or if your home system gives you a better experience than the cinema, but have your own opinion of the film regardless.
  16. Which OS are you using? For a large library of files, I would rank operating systems as follows in order of efficiency, reliability, and stability: LINUX > MacOS > Windows. That said, no matter what you use, it's odd that an HDD would slow down because it is storing files, even if it is a large number of files with thumbnails. Is your HDD using a SATA interface or an IDE interface? If you are using SATA, is the SATA interface configured in the BIOS as AHCI or IDE? If the latter, that can also slightly affect performance. My other concern is the potential for file corruption. Have you checked the drive for errors? You could have some bad blocks or a corrupt thumbnail cache getting in the way. If everything is okay with your current drive, then I would recommend moving to an SSD for the boost in speed and use your current HDD as a backup. You may even want to get an extra HDD to serve as a redundant backup if these files are critical for your needs. In this scenario, you will benefit from the speed and efficiency of an SSD, while having traditional HDDs serving as redundant backups. You would only need to access the backups directly yourself if something ever happened to the SSD. Thankfully, that is becoming more and more unlikely as SSDs continue to prove themselves in the field.
  17. LoL! It's like he walked out of the cartoon.
  18. Vader arrives in August (with a mini death star!). http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?scode=FIGURE-010644&rank= And for those so inclined, you can give him a guard of Nendoroid Stormtroopers. They all look fun to me. http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?scode=FIGURE-010645&rank=
  19. Gonna reserve judgement until I see it for myself.
  20. HLJ has its pre-order up too: http://www.hlj.com/product/meg81866
  21. Congrats, Mommar. Your note about the kites jives with what I remember from the early days of this thread.
  22. I could be wrong (fuzzy memory), but the original painted prototype of the VF-0D didn't have a lot of tampo printing on it. And I think there was a note that the tampo was getting reduced again at some point. The first painted prototype did have a complete set of stickers applied to it, though. Not a deal breaker for me, but it will be nice to see some of this detailing return if Arcadia has an opportunity to reconsider it in the future.
  23. This version looks like it takes more cues from the character sketch. http://yamato2199.net/character_akira02.html Akira was pretty intense in the anime, so the almost-smile seems odd. I like it, though.
  24. Ugh. My bad. I tend to fail at Internet humor.
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