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Everything posted by MrDisco

  1. i'm glad they folded. their desperate attempt to milk the fans through the use of variation covers and ridiculous incentive covers drove me nuts. and personally the story lines made no sense to me. having said that i hope Devils Due doesn't get it either. something about their comics just reek of 2nd-rate bargain basement level of comic book publishing.
  2. eBay i believe there was also a HK variation of this set
  3. natlie portman is hot
  4. i'm pretty sure that last pic is the she-hulk from Airmaster
  5. i thought someone said they (the magazine) will be re-offering it again?
  6. does the asuka figure come with that skull throne (wierd as it is). i need a spare throne for rei!
  7. ack! UV Damage alert!
  8. i agree to a certain extent, but even the more cryptic methods aren't foolproof. witness the demise of some irc channels, ftp sites shut down, etc. at least newsgroups seem reasonably 'safe' atm. it just kills me that a fair portion of the money spent in the computing industry is as a result of piracy (blank media, dvd writers, big hard drives, fast bandwidth, ipods(!)).
  9. i want my nerv ipod to have pics of misato on it. in lingerie. with asuka. nm i've said too much.
  10. any update on this project?
  11. i was talking about the looks as well. it has a simple, intuitive dial. what more do you need? And heck even if white isn't your thing you can slip one of the upteen various skins and cases and change how it looks. yes i saw that neuros player before as well. it looks like a Fluke meter (for those in the network world). see i think this is the single biggest reason why the ipod is stomping over the competition: it doesn't look like it was designed by a geek techno-nerd. hate to say it but the ipod has a strong appeal among the female population probably due to its elegant interface. i doubt you could say the same for that player. even Dell acknowledges they are the market leader and they themselves are not interested in seriously competing against Apple in this segment. and for those who still don't like the idea of a HD player (or don't like the large capacity) not a problem - apple is coming out with a flash based iPod
  12. you're sadly behind the times. every current ipod works with windows out of the box and can be used to store files if desired. antiseptic? i guess if you're one for unneccessary bells and whistles i guess it may be too straight-forward and easy to use.
  13. uh no. show me one mp3 player out there that is better than the ipod fact check: yes the ipod can act as a removable storage device ugly? eye of the beholder. i think its a very clean design unlike the ugliness that comes out of Rio, RCA, Creative, Dell, and Sony. not fond of HD players? yeah i guess having something bigger than 1.5gb can be a little intimatiding i will grant they are expensive. but people don't complain over the cost of a porsche either. and i will admit that not being able to replace the battery is a sore point. in this case style won out over function.
  14. yak face, small head/big head han solo, short/tall snaggle tooth, cloth jawa, cloth obi, anakin mail-away figure, prototype rocket firing boba (!), and a bunch others. have fun!
  15. gotta disagree. i would say that's cool
  16. yeah but would you want to hack such an expensive item for that logo? i think it should have been all black with the red fig logo (or tree of life diagram) imo edit - ok i knew that pic looked funny. i thought it was a new ipod but in fact its just some mods: iPod 1 unit - A ear fitting head phone 1 unit: white with silver printing - B enamel make case: plug suit white with red stitching, comes with a lanyard to wear around your neck - C liquid crystal protective seat & wheel film each 2. Nerv logo printed in translucent red 47,250 Yen (including tax) I believe its limited to 2,000 units wonder when they'll show up on eScalp
  17. just saw the box at my local shop. its quite hefty. a tad smaller then i expected but still its a pretty impressive box.
  18. i'm coming up with a blank here but is Anno the original writer/creator of Eva or was it done by a committee at Gainax?
  19. hey that chick looks cute..i wanna see her unpixelated
  20. oh well too bad for that japanese company. w/o fansubs i would have no clue as to what was good and worth buying. since i rarely buy sight unseen it just means i'll buy less :|
  21. its too bad they didn't at least mention it before instead of waiting until after the sets started shipping :|
  22. Ditto. Haven't wtched it yet tho. sad thing is i only want the new matrix transfer. everything else i don't care for and/or already have (i.e. animatrix, etc).
  23. yes i'm sucker. i bought the regular box set.
  24. in addition to all of the titles listed how about stellvia? it's not as strong or as deep as some of the other titles but it's still sci-fi-ish.
  25. MrDisco


    thats awesome
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