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Everything posted by MrDisco

  1. (keeping in mind its a tv show i'm sure none of this will appease the aviation buffs) 1. i believe it's b/c the f117 was destined to be transported to another base. perhaps carrying ammo is part of the deal. 2. given how fast events are unfolding i don't think so. also if you've ever been a part of any sufficiently large organization you know that things do not work like clockwork. 3. motivation has not been revelead 4. its a tv show - suspend your disbelief. if we start picking apart the show and making it 'accurate' we would be left with pretty much nothing. 5. see #4 6. see #4 7. see #4
  2. that episode was soo good i think my head is going to explode.
  3. it came out here in Toronto on the 30th
  4. the artwork is o-k but the dialog has been chopped down quite a bit. also some scenes you kind of wish we see more of (i might feel the same way with the movie as well).
  5. just read the ROTS tradepaperback. awesome story, kind of crappy graphic novel.
  6. for the toy collectors get ready for unprecedented wave of SW mania. we have the 'empty' box exclusive for TrU - 4 of the original OT figures which you redeem with the coupon inside. There is the holographic yoda only available at Times Square TrU - free if you spend $35 worth of SW stuff there (so get ready for eBay!), and there's the 'reflections of lava' darth vader figure exclusive to Target (this figure looks pretty cool). Arggg. glad i quit collecting SW before ep1 hit.
  7. i'm a big new order fan. can't wait for the new album to ship
  8. wow its like i woke up and its the early days of mw all over again. hey if rt members want to come here and join in on the on-topic discussions well the more the merrier.
  9. reminds me of an N64
  10. logically i would say it's just a server upgrade.
  11. i would love to have those matchbox toys.
  12. let the milking continue! mooooooo.
  13. that was just awesome. paul is my hero
  14. Just saw a bit of the making of EP3. Some of the fight scenes between Obi and Anakin were completely CG. spoilerish: Obi vs Anakin fight is VERY intense. Their sabers become a whirlwind of light and that distincitve saber sound. At one point they engage in a Force duel (you see this in the trailer when Obi has his hands up straining) Lucas has also declared there are no more SW movies after this. And he will never allow anyone else to make one either. There is of course the planned TV series for the franchise (we of course already knew this bit)
  15. i speak for many when i say: WTF?
  16. if anyone finds it (the trailer) posted shortly after it airs with OC please let us know!
  17. this isn't even a question. prime hands down.
  18. i totally saw michelle coming back in this manner (though i dont think she`s *that* hot). random thoughts while watching the last ep: -why is an executive carrying a gun at work? -i think paul gets killed off and audrey will blame jack for it -keptin the engines canna take any more! she's gonna blow! -with the emp bomb jack and co will have to run (or steal a bicycle!) to get out of the blast zone -someone needs to give CTU more funding so they can have more agents/red shirts in the field to help jack take down the evil CEOs of the world
  19. you know what be an awesome addition? if you could somehow add sparks to those frayed wires. but regardless it looks amazing!
  20. dvd volume 1: march 22 http://www.futureshop.ca/catalog/proddetai...ngid=EN&dept=13
  21. that spoiler link is dead any mirrors?
  22. Attack of the Fanboys
  23. i think we will have seen the entire movie frame by frame before it even opens
  24. yeah but what about aone? eeek i hope i have all the eps archived
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