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Everything posted by MrDisco

  1. no more like there aren't any well known fansubbers who are working on it
  2. i'ld be more impressed if the rear doors could open scissor like as well
  3. what are the currrent "hot" figures anyway?
  4. chloe with the rifle..highlight of the episode.
  5. also the original set came with the lenticular card
  6. what's a VOLTES V ?
  7. i just picked up a yoda and vader figure from the new 3" figure lineup. might go back and grievous...darth sidious...r2...arggg i cant stop.
  8. out of a brilliant season thus far i have to say tonight's ep was mega-lame. the only redeeming part was the last 4minutes :|
  9. this is going to be a stupid question but is he implying that he himself got married or was it just a joke in his blog?
  10. i'm quite sure that the whole 'create life' bit was a lie to tempt anakin. near the end of the book sidious tells vader "that power only Master truly achieved, but toegether we will find it"
  11. short and thin. makes you wonder if its not as powerful as a regular saber.
  12. didn't he go mad because of the deep space exploration that they were on? been a long time since i read my copies.
  13. http://www.vidgame.net/room/room.htm
  14. yes it was good old Mike. which may be our segue into how a certain character makes his appearance.
  15. i disagree. after reading the novelization i think samuel is fine for the role.
  16. that was a great ep. cant believe there are only 5 eps left.
  17. just saw it last night. great flick. should be a good DVD release
  18. that screencap looks pretty good.
  19. just finished reading the novel (the hardcover print, not the graphic novel). this should be one heck of a movie. things i didn't get though/general comments: - if yoda and kenobi train with qui-gon on how to merge with the force, how does anakin pick up the trait? - the skeletal death star frame reminds me of a what they used in the non-cannon sw novels - definately watching the clone wars (or perhaps reading labrynith of evil) helps sets the stage for the movie. though in clone wars there were 3 jedi knights rescuing palpatine and in the novel they only mention 2 - the wookies dont even make it in the novel :|
  20. check out the teasers: http://www.starwars.com/episode-iii/releas...tv_tragedy.html http://www.starwars.com/episode-iii/releas..._unleashed.html http://www.starwars.com/episode-iii/releas.../tv_teaser.html
  21. awesome display piece. how many hours did it take to complete?
  22. actually i don't. never have. only in this one instance b/c i was directly mentioned did i politely ask to not involve me. you can be assured from this point on i will be continuing to ignore her posts.
  23. what ever problems/debates/issues you have with other members i simply ask you do not draw me into your conversations. you seem to have a beef with me. at no point did i personally insult or attack you. i have reported your behaviour to the mods. do not contact me, do not post messages about me. in short i want nothing to do with you. based on past experience i find you to to be very unstable so i want absolutely nothing to do with you. thank you for your attention on this matter
  24. please do not involve me in your rants.
  25. help the anime-nazis are on the warpath.
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