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Everything posted by MrDisco

  1. sounds pretty good. like the new duds...too bad he doesn't have a 6 foot long scarf. i hope they come up with an ongoing plot line (i.e. bad wolf).
  2. think about it from the perspective of young kids growing up. they're at school and harry is away for the summer. at first Ginny is nothing but his friend's younger sister..cute, maybe slightly annoying. Then he comes back to school this past year and notices *bang* little Ginny isn't so little anymore. she's filling up and out and she's starting to look attractive. on top of that she's on his team, and she's intelligent. makes perfect sense to me. we have to assume that not every nuance of their life will be detailed.
  3. no i found that to be pretty logical and not that unexpected. it was slightly less dramatic then i expected, however it fit with the overall theme of the book. it was about snape and his betrayal (supposed?) at the end. it was another puzzle piece to toss in with all the rest of the books. this did suprise me. i was expecting dumbledore to be a fake. i also think there is more to snape then him simply being a double-agent. What did shock me was the use of the word 'slurm' in this book. i have no problems with the word, but it was totally out of place for a kids book.
  4. err..i have that box already. both of them in fact. i just like AE's box as well to store other loose DVDs in.
  5. awesome book...glad its part of my collection. i did see a new (?) lineart book for Macross and Orgus...anyone have that one?
  6. i will not be buying the new boxset (once is quite enough). i will however buy the empty box should they decide to sell it separately (i think it looks nicer then AE's box)
  7. the battle damage version doesn't look that damaged compared to the regular one.
  8. i saw it last night. i thought it was a good adaptation, almost better then burton's version. the first half is rather slow, but neccessary to develop the character and to explain the background. *****SPOILERS***** loved: -the batmobile (bat tank?) i thought it was incredibly stupid in the promo pics but it in the film it really shows its stuff (certaintly better and more realistic then the previous batmobiles) -the 2 chicks who are sitting one top of the other in the bruce's euro sports car -katie holmes: the erect nipples at the end in the silver blouse. yeah that was only there to keep the guys interested liked: -the remaining cast: thought they all played their parts very well. the scarcrow was nicely done. -the story: some elements reminded me of the No Man's Land story arc in the comics. the grittiness was almost up to Frank Miller's standards -morgan freeman: just gold meh: -katie holmes. yeah she's attractive but she looks way too young for the part. if she were gordon's daughter i would believe it; playing the assistant DA..no way. -the fight scenes: they just weren't that dynamic. a wider shot so we can see more of batman's ninja training would have been nice (i.e. using flash bombs, throwing bat symbols, etc) -the story: after a great build up and quite a few scenes that portray the dark and *realistic* nature of gotham the use of a microwave emitter and the drug was a little campy for my taste. i would have liked something a bit less comical for a movie of this tone. -the guy behind me: kept kicking my seat -the guy down in front: kept turning his cellphone on. WHY????? the dumb ass was probably sending text messages. annoying as hell. question: i haven't read the comics with Ra's Al Ghul but wasn't he supposed to be asian? also isn't he an immortal?
  9. i really enjoyed eccelson's performance...they should sign these actors to a multiyear deal (say if certain targets are met) to prevent this from happening. as it is he's screwed up their marketing/toy plans. i want to see more timelords in upcoming shows (maybe a retrospective on the great war)
  10. i love the new series but i've only seen upto ep12. is ep13 the end of the first season?
  11. wow. the only thing missing from this thread are the torches and gallows. isn't the OP the guy who did those macross cover art mock ups?
  12. they're not b/c lucas changed the scene to suit han's character (in his mind) from one of ruthless (etc) to one a bit more noble (i.e firing in self defense)
  13. i got the TrU hologram yoda. wish i could get the target lava vader but there are none up here
  14. i thought it was a great popcorn flick. so long as you shut your mind down and just enjoy the stunning visuals its loads of fun. but if you really start thinking about the plot and the characters its not very good (aside from obi-wan, the emperor, and R2. They rocked).
  15. cool specs..one ugly case though :|
  16. that looks pretty cool. too bad i just got a GBA SP :| oh well i hope that means more GBA games will come out.
  17. i too am looking for an anime. sadly i did get the answer but i didn't write it down It's from the early 80s I remember two pilots who are training (on earth?) under an older teacher. they are training to complete a dangerous maneouver where they have to link up their 2 ships. In the one ep the one pilot gets injured. The show (the series?) concludes with the other pilot leaving the planet to join the war out in space
  18. wow...that misato statue is fabulous. wish it were 1/2 the price though i'm still on the lookout for an Asuka poseable figure.
  19. best part from last night's ep: chloe giving jack support and jack looking at her like she's completely lost her mind
  20. i'm suprised people didn't enjoy the books. i too picked up the one volume edition after vaguely remembering the Lion,the Witch,the Wardrobe. it's a pretty fantastic tale. the christian elements don't really bother me as i just treat it as a story and not as propoganda material to try and convet me
  21. wow i just found out about this book. my copy has been ordered
  22. i have to see an episode now that you've piqued my curiousity
  23. who's doing Aquarion?
  24. it was a tongue-in-cheek reference to the uproar that some muslim groups in the states exhibited near the start of the show. what else could he do? he had to be as diplomatic as possible. he did order jack to go in so i don't see how that could be considered being weak.
  25. intense ep. love the splinter cell action. course this will mean the chinese community will start boycotting fox wonder if this action will have an impact on season 5. that would be neat.
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