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Everything posted by MrDisco

  1. if its fake then DAMN the quality of video software and amateur movie producers is incredible. i love the shocked look on both of their faces
  2. elise wouldn't be bad, though the Mini might be better. or how about a peugot? or what about models from an older era?
  3. i'm going to skip pepsi prime..looks kind of silly to me. just need to know if this is a good store and i'll place an order for macross prime (image and BBTS were a bit more expensive, particularly with shipping)
  4. Has anyone dealt with this store before? The pricing (and shipping) seem pretty good: http://www.tfsource.com/Reissues/THS02-Con...HX02-Convoy.htm
  5. do you mean this? http://www.hlj.com/product/TAK66911 354778[/snapback] holy i don't believe this. i just went to hlj and the pre-orders are now closed! anyone know another store taking preorders?!
  6. that's one nice trailer...who sells it?
  7. same here. if this thread didn't pop up i'ld have never have know about the new prime. i wonder what else i've missed lol.
  8. thats one nice looking gbp!
  9. do you mean this? http://www.hlj.com/product/TAK66911
  10. which stores are taking pre-orders?
  11. well if we were going to use star wars as a model wasn't ep4 only done first because of budget reasons and he felt it would be the most interesting one to make? or in other words its not necessarily what his intended viewing order was supposed to be. like i said either way it doesnt really matter b/c both ways are still highly enjoyable.
  12. i have to completely disagree on this. reading them in the 'new' order makes more sense b/c it does happen in chronological order. though ultimately it really doesn't matter - the books are highly enjoyable no matter how you read it.
  13. i definately agree with this. there just wasn't much action in this film compared to the other two. this isn't a fault with the movie though - it's simply how the story was originally written. i just dont know how today's youth will react to a story like this. i did think the battle scene may too gruesome for young kids. The FX was average imo. now days it would take some truly mind-blowing to get people's attention and in this movie i didn't get that sense. i will say that aslan was perfect and the facial expressions were equally well done. liam was also a good VA, unfortunately everytime he spoke i kept thinking qui gon. The Witch was perfect hands down. I also like the casting of the 4 kids. i give it a 7/10 as well. it wasn't the super big blockbuster but it didn't suck either. nowdays i think thats the best we can hope for.
  14. i've ordered from animebooks when i first started collecting. they're alright though i find their prices to be high. if you have no other resort then you should be ok ordering from there.
  15. I feel left out..for some reason the pics posted are not showing up here
  16. woo...#64 on the preorder list. guess i'll be getting the manga with my order too
  17. i love 24. while i can understand comments about the numerous side stories i'm a little suprised its being called cheesy. if they ditched the love stories i'ld say there would be little to none cheese factor left.
  18. i don't think Eva should be made into live action. the concepts are too esoteric, the main characters are underage, and the time frame is too short (what 24-26eps compressed down into a 1.5hr time frame). instead i say ADV should use the funds to get the Eva movie license from manga and give us a progressive scan, dead-sea scrolls boxset version of Evangelion
  19. an oldie but still funny
  20. is somebody smoking crack up at hasbro? i can truly say those toys rape my childhood.
  21. awesome! can't wait for this eva toy to arrive. (that reminds me..i'm still missing some variant evas the first go around..)
  22. it appears yesasia is sold out of the dvd :| is amazon.jp the only one with a copy?
  23. i like the paint job on that
  24. so does anyone know where i can find dvd1 + box? my copy was destroyed in a flood and i cant find a replacement
  25. only way is if you buy a bootleg which you really shouldn't support for a great show like this. i mean if you're going to buy a bootleg you may as well go and download the fansubs.
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